/r/RaceWarTwitter thinks white people are worse than ISIS and some people disagree

78  2017-01-08 by CirqueDuFuder




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I don't think Isis has ever committed genocide


White People:0

But have they fucked Mila Kunis?

Looks like it's a tie.

I never fucked Mila Kunis :(



I don't know; ISIS has been hard at work mass murdering Kurds. Sure, the white race may be beyond redemption after all of the atrocities it's been responsible for, but I think ISIS still wins out if you consider genocides per capita.

Call it a tie?


Not necessarily. They have Kurdish members and issues of their Rumiyah magazine had a Kurmanji translation. In fact, the IS assault commander during the siege of Kobane is a a Kurd named Abu Khattab al-Kurdi.

It's more like IS attack non-Sunnis indiscriminately. Yazidis (which were often seen as a Kurdish subgroup practicing an eclectic non-Sunni Islamic religion) were particularly targeted for extermination after IS attacked Sinjar.

kurds have been genocided so much in history it barely counts, anyway

Kurds are turds. The only Middle Eastern people to be more hated than the Jews and for good reason. Fuck them.

Username checks out

Turks have caught the European disease and aren't breeding anymore, Kurds are already a quarter of Turkey's population and are expected to be the majority in a generation or two, at which point Turkey will be renamed Kurdistan.

Revenge for Manzikert.

Kurds are outbreeding Turks. In a few gen rations they'll just rename Turkey to Kurdistan.

I dunno, Turks have got the European disease and aren't breeding anymore, Kurds are already a quarter of Turkey's population and are expected to be the majority in a generation or two, at which point Turkey is renamed Kurdistan.

Revenge for Manzikert.

genecides per capita

Now there's a statistic I can get behind.


Satan worshippers?

Well tbf, mayoshits ain't the only perpetrators of mass genocide. We were just unique in that one of our democratic nations had citizens willingly participating in it in the 30s and 40s.


Well he's correct. White "people" bring degeneracy everywhere they go.

It's the mayo and constant wet dog smell

I mean, let's be honest, the only "terrorist" attacks in the US have been people who were "inspired" by ISIS.

The group proper has actually gotten bumfuck nowhere in terms of actually making an attack themselves on US soil, all they have left is to claim credit for every nut going on a rampage that they can plausibly claim responsibility for.

So realistically, the number of attacks in the US where there has been actual ISIS involvement, what is it, like maybe one?

Obviously ISIS is doing terrible things in Iraq and Syria, but most of their strength is a emotional one, since their actual manpower and territory is getting fucking demolished right now.

So basically the actual threat to people living in North America is pretty close to zero.

That was not the argument though. The argument is they aren't really that bad and white people are worse.

Oh sorry, I hadn't noticed, my script that adds "White genocide now!" to the end of all my posts must've stopped working.


Thank you.

i don't have a script, actually. just an uncontrollable tic

like the tourettes guy!

but more woke

I mean the viet cong were raping kids and shit and Ali made the exact same argument

I mean, let's be honest, the only "terrorist" attacks in the US have been people who were "inspired" by ISIS.

9/11. Are you retarded?

Oh come on. My statement was obviously discussing modern terrorist attacks in the context of their relation to ISIS.

Not events from 15 years ago in a completely different geopolitical environment.

Hey you said US so I corrected the record. Don't get mad at facts jack.

Did you just call 9-11 ancient history?

I mean, ancient might be pushing it, but it's absolutely falling into the rhealm of 'historical events' rather than 'modern day events'.

i feel like the rule of thumb is 20 years, and we've just hit 15. i sorta feel you

Christ, we're getting older, lads

Next year there's gonna be kids in high school who weren't alive during 9/11.

I know, Facebook won't shut the fuck about it


I just aged fifty years.

most of /r/blackpeopletwitter wasn't born yet.

While we're at it, how dare you forget the Haymarket Bombing of 1886, when one of Prince_Kropotkin's ancestors attacked the good people of Chicago?

Haymarket did nothing wrong

Wow... How uneducated can you get huh?

also, you know... ISIS and Al Qaeda are totally different groups and only became affiliated with eachother in 2004 but whatever


According to their own idealogy, all a fighter on foreign soil needs to do is pledge allegiance to isil before he commits his attack and he's a member. Yes, outside of their rapidly shrinking territory that's all they can do, but if they themselves define these "lone wolves" (or nut jobs as you put it) as isil then that's what they are.


Did you make an alt just to agree with yourself?

/>ten minute old account

Get on my level hoe


I could claim to be a soldier of Satan and shoot up a school (pls admins, hypothetical here, not planning on it ok?) but that wouldn't mean that Satan attacked the school.

If there was an organized "army of Satan" or whatever terrorist group, then it would be the same thing. "A member of AoS attacked an American public school today, radicalized by an online message board. Witnesses report the shooter yelled 'mayocide now, hail Satan, I'm an utter aspie' before opening fire while simultaneously defecating on himself"


But when people talk about "fighting ISIS', the methods they propose are all about fighting ISIS proper out in Syria and Iraq. Only simpletons propose things like "shutting down their internet", or other such unworkable plans to systematically target their online radicalizing presence.

Yeah, I never said I had any bright ideas on countering online propaganda and recruitment/radicalization

Yeah that's fair, but in the context of the linked discussion, does some nut whose sole connection to ISIS is Twitter or something going and shooting up a school coint as ISIS committing an attack?

In my opinion it doesn't, it's a single disturbed individual who's been influenced by ISIS.

Obviously it's a semantic argument, but even with the more inclusive definition where anyone who claims to be one, is a member of ISIS, they're still not actually a significant threat to Americans.

Lol I also never said they're a huge threat to Americans.

Whether a lone wolf is a "member" or just some nut job influenced by them isnt always clear; some are so committed that I'm ready to call them "members", some are just loony shooters dropping a name.

the methods they propose are all about fighting ISIS proper out in Syria and Iraq

A billion percent false. The CoS of the AF's cultural advisor is running around the country giving lectures about exactly that and he's not the only one (just the most prolific).

Hey, I never said there aren't token efforts, but there's nothing with an actual meaningful impact.

Sure the cultural advisor might be going around talking about those, but Goldfein himself isn't. Not because the military/AF is dumb, but because they realize that combatting radical ideology online is a losing battle, you have to eliminate their credibility by hitting them on the ground.

It was Satan working through you, my son.

There was only one set of cloven hoofprints in the sand!


Oh hey, it's you. So I'm feeling better now, can I redeem that beating?

Naw the threat offer has expired sadly.

Oh no you don't, it's redeemable up to May 15th. Nice try, whitey

You'll have to beat it out of me!


Y'know, we were off to such a good start with our relationship...

Fite me irl

Fine but I'm going to complain the entire time

The group proper has actually gotten bumfuck nowhere in terms of actually making an attack themselves on US soil, all they have left is to claim credit for every nut going on a rampage that they can plausibly claim responsibility for.

That is actually a core part of their tactics, making "terrorism" (not in its Syrian/Iraqi/Libyan battlefields) a grassroots effort that doesn't need actual directed guidance from actual IS members.


Audio/Translation of Former IS spokesperson, Abu Muhammad al-Adnani's speech in "Indeed Your Lord Is Ever Watchful":


Abu Talha al-Almani nasheed urging ordinary Muslims to commit attacks (NSFW)


Edit: changed 'most' to 'some' as I admit 'most' was a little too inclusive and sounded racist which was not what I intended

There I said it

/u/bigj76 unless you think it's some bold statement to say that some people are racist you did mean to say most. No shit didn't mean for it to sound racist because you don't think you can be racist.




Looking at the hair of the guy who posted that tweet I doubt anyone's ever called him nigger

As ever, it's important to ask Dylann Roof, the Drexel professor, and the Facebook Live kids.

I'm sad I dont see you outside this sub

nowhere else supports such high-level shitposting

This is sarcasm right? Lol

It's probably for the best the manlet doesn't enlist. He'd just put people in danger being an idiot.

There are disappointingly few edgelords in there champing at the bit for a race war.

dw, we'll make up the difference here



race war!

race war nao!


i got my eye on u

I was waiting on this.

You misspelled "chimping"



Its a joke on "no viet Kong called me a nigger"

If you're on /r/Drama and you need to be told this …

I know plenty of white people or people of any race wouldn't even think about putting their life in danger to rescue mine.

This dude's mad delusional

How is your life going cirque

Can't complain. Every day above ground is a good one for me.

Any ( normal ) chicks?

Staying away from the crazy.

/u/cooldito is the kind of person that would look at a holocaust picture and say "Uggh, why did we have to intervene!"

Lol If you are reading this, you are a fucking idiot btw.

Well TBF the holocaust never actually happened

Of course. Pure moon landing bs straight from the Cabal of The Knights Templar.

Unlike pizzagate which is very real

Also the government putting fluoride in our water to make us more docile and receptive to The Broadcast. Which, is connected to the scandal of our age, Pizzagate, as you mentioned.

not being woke on chemtrails

implying they are chemicals and not diagrams for attack coordinates being broadcast to our lizard people alien overlords

Lolk buddy

Nope, not our fucking job to run the world and tell people how to handle their shit

Yo /u/cooldito I think we'd get along! You gonna help us build this wall fam?

what what in the butt

Some Middle Eastern countries still have black slaves to this day. Calling black people racial slurs in the Middle East is a hell of a lot more socially acceptable than it is in the West.

Maybe no terrorist/Muslim has ever called you a nigger because...you've never been to the Middle East? Just a thought.

17 unarmed black people were killed by police, as well as 22 unarmed white people. Hardly an epidemic.


Sure, they won't call him a nigga. But arabs don't have any qualms about calling black people abeed.

Thats the arabic word for slave. ;>

I'm not sure that leftists get that 'ironic' racism just gives KKK types something to point to when trying to recruit new members.

Today I learned that saying "nigger" is literally worse than terrorism.

Nigger, nigger, nigger.