Shmorky out as a pedo.

18  2017-01-08 by Neon_needles

In the biggest "Duh" in the world - "famous" tumblr artist and professional victim of everything, Shmorky was recently had some call out as a child grooming diaper shitting wierdo who's love of piss and scat only rivaled his zealotry for social justice. (Chatlogs)

On various internet forums and the like, Shmorky's ex-child brides have been calling him out, talking about how they often would roleplay eating a bathtub full of shit while getting poked by an ugly tranny wearing a terrible wig.

Needless to say, Shmorky didn't take it that well and tried to off himself via taking two Midol and complaining endless on facebook/twitter. Being put in the hospital, various internet people discovered not only was some creepy balding man who enjoyed piss and scat, but also might be in a circle of various famous tumblr artists who perhaps all enjoy the fine art of wearing a nappy and drinking the piss of your man buddy.

After the weakest suicide attempt ever, the baby furry and piss/scat fetish people felt they needed a hill to die on and are now currently fighting with lowtax.

Lowtax is raging right now because his best friend prob' wanted to diddle his kids while sucking on a huge turd. What in the future will happen to Shmorky? Will tumblr be expected to survive this blow?

So far, people are not taking it well. R.I.P, you shit loving cartoon person.



Ain't no drama like goon drama!

What the fuck is a shmorky

someone mentioned lowtax didnt like shmorky to me like. some time last year and i was like "oh well okay whatever" because it was like "shmorkys an sjw tranny!!!!! and all his sjwing drove his girlfriend CRAZY"

now this puts everything in a new light jesus christ no wonder shmorky's fiance had a mental breakdown. i would too if i was dating someone who was trying to eat children's' shit constantly

So many pedos are social justice warriors.

I miss something awful. Never saw this schmork

Feels just like a real pussy!