Martin Shkreli's Twitter account has been suspended for harassing some journalist.

212  2017-01-08 by A6MZer0


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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The reporter told martin or what

Shkreli told the reporter to fuck himself. Repeatedly.

dam son

It's gone. Nice job fagatron.

He said something about this being his last periscope since he apparently uses twitter to log in.

cue all the maladjusted NEETs failing to discern "le ebin troles" from creepy permavirg behavior and crying #freeshkreli

Milo did nothing wrong


For Lauren Duca this was the most harrowing form of online harrasment she has ever experienced. For Jewdank it was a Tuesday Sunday.

Oh no, muh cyberbullying.

I only see overly emotional white people going:

EW, this is the more disgusting creepy and gross thing I have seen in my life UNACCEPTABLE

And some lighthearted people finding it hilarious.

The funny thing is that is literally a comment, I didnt had to exaggerate.

its disgusting but fascinating/amusing in its absurdity but shkreli as a whole can eat my entire ass and die in a hole or something

i didn't even think it was cyberbullying, just super freaking weird and uncomfortable. like if one of my buddies did this, wexd just never hang out again probs

You just reminded me to thank god today, in this case for not having friends like you.


chuckles spanishly

Murican ignorance


same difference


yea but you're poor

Haha buddy I think Shkreli is far from a permavirg

  • 5'5"

  • Scrawny

  • Maladjusted social skills

  • clown like facial features

  • one of the most hated men in the country

  • spends most of his time online (primarily with 4chan) spouting tired memes

  • had nothing better to do than stalk some girl who wouldn't fuck him

  • still has that creepy little okc page

I don't doubt he's had a few hookers but u/riemann1413 is right. He's pretty much a permavirgin. Though a lot of people here drink from the neckbeards bottle of piss so he probably seems alpha to you.

All of this is trumped by:

Is a famous multi-millionaire

Like, do you not realise how many insanely hot women just hunt for millionaires to get with?

Last thing I've ever seen this guy do in total seriousness was raise the price of Daraprim. Ever since he got public attention, everything he's done has been basically to just shit on people and jokes that people like him would laugh at. If this were anyone else it would be weird.

What is this even about and also I don't care

He's some guy that made some parasite drug more expensive.

parasite drug

sounds like Resident Evil to me

You joke but:

T. gondii has been shown to alter the behavior of infected rodents in ways thought to increase the rodents' chances of being preyed upon by cats.[10][14][15] Support for this "manipulation hypothesis" stems from studies showing T. gondii-infected rats have a decreased aversion to cat urine.[10] Because cats are the only hosts within which T. gondii can sexually reproduce to complete and begin its lifecycle, such behavioral manipulations are thought to be evolutionary adaptations that increase the parasite's reproductive success.[10] The rats would not shy away from areas where cats live and would also be less able to escape should a cat try to prey on them. The primary mechanisms of T. gondii–induced behavioral changes in rodents is now known to occur through epigenetic remodeling in neurons which govern the associated behaviors;[16][17] for example, it modifies epigenetic methylation to cause hypomethylation of arginine vasopressin-related genes in the medial amygdala to greatly decrease predator aversion.[16][17] Widespread histone-lysine acetylation in cortical astrocytes appears to be another epigenetic mechanism employed by T. gondii.[18][19] Differences in aversion to cat urine are observed between non-infected and infected humans and sex differences within these groups were apparent, as well.[20]

A number of studies have suggested that subtle behavioral or personality changes may occur in infected humans [. . . .]

Could this be the brain damage parasite that turns normal people into anarchists?

It doesn't do nearly enough damage

Haven't you gotten the memo? Journalism is now about people confessing their love to eachother on twitter.

can't believe shkreli would photo-rape an innocent womyn like that. how can she go on living her life

Fuck off manchild

I'd rather eat my own organs

Who wouldn't?

shh bby is ok

It's ONLY game, you stupid fucking cunt. Get it right or just fuck of and die already.

Is just comment. Why, why you heff to be mad?

LMAO who is that?

A Russian goalie, Ilya Bryzgalov.

Donut make me rape u

Right? I can't believe all these fucking mansplaining pissbabies, this woman was litetally raped over the Internet and they're making jokes??!!? Like wtf

Has mommy gotten your tendies for you yet? Or do you only have enough gbp for a blowey joey?

Stop appropriating our memes.

You shouldn't have made a meme making fun of your kind.



/>implying autismos are aware enough to make such great maymays

Are you victim shaming us?

Are you fucking serious right now? SPEZ HOW IS THIS ALLOWED?! THIS PERSON IS BEING MEAN TO ME!

The only president to ever demand a safe space is the 45th.

This sounds like a racist dog whistle for you to mention Trump, I bet you fucking voted for him you disgusting conservative.

I think you are forgetting "protest zones".

Lol. You sound like a Russian who purchased an account on Reddit about a month back.

who said i'm not


Damn how can she ever recover? Cyberrape is real you guys

r/the_donald is already having a meltdown.

When are they not?

I dont see the skrelly drama on there, but that place is getting even weirder as time goes on. It shouldnt surprise me that one of the most popular subs on reddit has basically the same content as chain emails i get from my racist aunt, but it does.

Hope you don't work at a nuclear plant, you'd call spilled coffee a reactor meldown

The end of existence as we know it.

Oh /u/martinshkreli, just when I thought I couldn't love you more.

Really? It's just creepy, his trolling is pretty meh tier.


I dont think I will ever fully understand what does this word mean

It means photoshopping yourself into pictures with women you've never met and then posting it online tier shit

So "creepy" is a synonym for "hilarious"?

delete your account

You're so triggered

I love it when triggered kids try to make themselves sound calm by squeeking out memes. It's ok, honey, you can throw your little bitch fit here. No one will mind.


They met, the Worldwide Reporter at teen vogue took a picture of him after she went to the same pub as him, then posted it on Twitter commenting eww gross, feel sick, etc..., THEN publicly revealed on her Twitter feed a private message Shrkeli sent her...

She's a cunt. That's good drama son, you should enjoy it.

?? I'm just not getting where I should care about the fact that he was banned.

His trolling was always low tier bait and this shit is just legit creepy.

Do you feel sick too ?

I wonder if he's literally shaking

Can he even right now?

yuck and poo

I'm just not getting where I should care about the fact that he was banned.

It's more just hilarious how shit tier twitter is, though honestly I assume he was banned based on a ban brigade and will probably be reinstated.

Do they often ban people then unban them?

They do if the ban occurs by mass reporting. Same thing happens on a ton of outlets that allow mass reporting.

THEN publicly revealed on her Twitter feed a private message Shrkeli sent her...

oh my god he must have felt so violated!

That's what makes it good.

Oh, so hilarious

It means u/malevolent_usb_drive is a sensitive bitch

No it's not creepy

Yeah it is.


Replacing her husband with you in her picture using Photoshop and creating a montage of pictures of her with a declaration of love is absolutely creepy. wtf are you people smoking?

I think its the mix of self-awareness with no real harm intention that makes me think is more of him joking around than anything seriously.

Reality weed laced with irony.

Honestly, I wasn't that amused at first but the more you describe it the funnier it gets.

you sound like you have an axe to grind

You're really invested in letting us all know how much you envy Martin

lol definitely, I'm absolutely jealous of this dude who's such a fucking NEET that he claims to be dealing with "unrequited love" by publicly creeping on some rando low-tier 'journalist' on Twitter

Dat reply time

pls deal with your feelings of intense envy in a healthy manner

and yeah, you're jealous of a multi miionaire who can fuck around all day on the webs, don't be ashamed

And you don't know what NEET stands for, it's not applicable when someone is retired u fucking idiot

BTW I doubt a millionaire needs to sink down to fuck a barely 6/10 B grade journo, he's trollind and you've fallen hook line and sinker

Not Employed (check, he's not employed), in Education (check), or Training (check).

Then why was he sending her weird ass PMs?

Outside of some weird 4chan and reddit autist havens he's one of the most hated NEETs in the country, it's quite likely he has serious trouble fucking anyone without paying for it.

And being able to fuck around all day on the internet isn't something to be jealous of. That'd get boring quickly.

If that's what counts as "trolling" these days it's pretty pathetic.

Oh wow, my 74 year old grandpa is a NEET!

bc he's trolling. Try and keep up

holy shit, it's like explaining shit to a monkey. There are serial killers and rapists in jails who have wives from after their killings who married them. Infamy doesn't mean shit, not when you have more money than 99.9% of the men women date. How are you still living in a naive bubble where you think people care about morals and shit when this much money is involved.

And yeah, if the dude gets bored of the Internet, he can... uh... do one of the thousands of other things people with millions of dollars do.

and the trolling did work did it not. Twitter got triggered hard

So people should just stop doing something they enjoy because of other people's pettiness?

I believe everyone should have their feelings protected. That's why I reported everyone who disagrees with me or says a mean thing to me to the admins for removal.

Hardly the case here.

Will I send a hitsquad after anyone who dares to photoshop themselves into one of my pictures.

But I take a more tempered response to people who just act mean.

I think bringing attention to her in such an obviously mocking way is inviting his army of NEETs to attack her. And I'm certain they did.

So because people that follow him may behave badly his account should be banned?

I guess we better ban drama SRS T_D and every other sub with large subscriber base. And we should also ban every large twitter account that mocks another user.

And... who cares? He's not responsible for what they do. Otherwise I'd be responsible if I said "reddit sucks" to an admin and a depressed admin kill himself

Melania Trump's anti-cyber bullying task force is going to have a field day with you. I'm going to get up extra early so I can watch your laptop get smashed under her stilettos.

gl I'm behind 7 proxies.

Your underestimating Barron's ability for the cyber, you be behind 700 proxies and it won't matter.

Literally the exact case here.

only if they've decided they have to care about it

The lady who got Shkreli banned sure seems to think so.

wait before I go hit up cb2 with the wrong opinion... is Tyler an inspiring POC empowering other POC or problematic shitlord these days

Why do people care about him?

He's literally a 4chan tier troll (read: pathetic 90% of the time) who has money.


Bitter hatred of the wealthy

Never seen that before πŸ€”

I mean, you really don't have to be a leftist to think this dude is an autistic 4chan trash tier troll who just happens to have money.

He's just not creative or interesting, all he does is weird/creepy shit like this or b8 low hanging fruit really

Show us on the doll where the bad troll man touched you.

So all edginess aside, do you guys legitimately not see this as being creepy?

I get that you like to make fun of 'le SJWs getting offended', but if you don't think this shit is creepy you might want to re-evaluate your life.

Or get tested for autism.

Who gives a shit though

Is internet drama and is not like he humiliated her or something

I'm just saying that I don't get why some people think the dude is funny or dramatic.

His "humour" or trolling is low effort and undramatic.

The only reason people even know who he is is because of the whole pharma thing


half of those don't even work on my phone

Get on our level, cunt.

I thought it was funny when he did the TV interview and spent most of the time talking about harambe. Like it was such an obvious waste if time talking to him but there was nothing they could except entertain it for the segment

Go rewatch that clip and watch his hand under the table. I'm pretty sure he's jerking off.

who gives a shit though

is internet drama

Where do you think you are rn?

Nope. Nothing that happens on Twitter matters.

Most sensible answer I've gotten so far.

The rest seem to be a bunch of Shkreli fanbois for some reason.

kill yourself faggot

and miss out on the white genocide? lolnah


nothing personnel kid

It should be if he's white. #whitegenocide2017

Shkreli pounds my boypussi good I've got to defend him!

I don't even know how to respond to this level of autism.

Wow are you some sort of homophobe? Reported

You could try pounding his bussy too in order to establish dominance

No clearly you urinate on /u/fraustnaut then challenge Shkreli to a penis fencing contest.


What can I say I learned to like the guy

too much r/wallstreetbets


literal cancer


Literal pump and dump for chumps.

That place has made me more money and lost me more money than any subreddit other than /r/fountainpens.

Sure, it's a bit creepy. You know what's also creepy? Taking literal creepshots of a guy in a bar...

Huh. Yeah that is also creepy. To be fair though she's a "journalist" so it's more expected of her, still pretty creepy tho.

Also, you initially asked why people care about him. He has some cool finance and chemistry lessons on youtube. People over at /r/videos also seemed to love his excel skills.

that's actually interesting, still doesn't make him less of an insufferable 4chan tier NEET tho

NEET? LOL! He founded two companies! He has patents to his name! He started working at a hedge fund when he was 16.

Where is the part where I'm supposed to be impressed?

This is the part where you concede he isn't a basement dweller in the slightest.

Rich kids can be NEETs too tho.

This isn't a kid born into wealth. His parents are working class immigrants.

Sorry, even if your parents are immigrants, if you go to work at a hedge fund at a young age you're a rich kid.

This is the part where you're supposed to be impressed tho. Not everyone gets to work at a hedge fund. Even less people get to work at a hedge fund when they're 16. And the reason why a hedge fund employed him is because people like him are very rare and sought after.

I'm still failing to see where I'm supposed to care that a hedge fund employed him? Are they suddenly something we're supposed to be impressed by? They literally produce nothing.

You better than him tho? What do you have to your name? You're posting on reddit, hating on this guy who has done extremely well for himself in life. Just cause he been a little rude to a girl on the internet? Just don't understand.

I'm just not getting where I'm supposed to care what he says online? It's meh level trolling and just creepy, and lolnah I don't have to prove myself to anyone on the internet, I'm perfectly satisfied with my life and have no desire to be anything like him.

You don't need to care. Why are you reading this? The answer is the media. The media cares because apparently people click on this stuff and apparently they have no better news to cover. That's their only incentive to care. Shkreli himself often trolls the media or tells them to go fuck themselves.


Your moral outlook of his previous job doesn't mean he didn't have one.

And since he had a high paying job he therefore isn't a NEET. He may be the autismo incarnate but he made a shitton of money.

Dude I was memeing before but now you actually just being retarded. You can dislike/think he is a piece of shit or whatever, but to deny his sucess and his cleverness to get away with what he did is to act like the average negareddit moron.

No he isnt a Neet, nor he is a basement dweller. Dont be a moron.

I'm not saying I hate the guy, I'm just not getting why he's worthy of any attention? He's just some hedge fund kid who spends too much time on 4chan?

Ok? probably

I was just talking about you commparing him to a 4chan neet

socialism circlejerker calling successful businessman a NEET


lol but I'm in education to be a better pinko commie so...

no u

A pinko commie who... hates the unemployed?

Shh bb is ok. All the commies are here to gaslight you, nothing sinister.


Right, but why do you actually continue pretending to believe things?

do you guys legitimately not see this as being creepy?

Only if you take it out of context and pretend it was a private thing when it wasn't.

Context games are pretty much a leftie/SJW trope so yea.

Because he publicly posted those pictures that makes it less creepy somehow?

No it actually turns me on

Oh my god how terrible he photoshopped himself into some photos. The fucking horror.

It would be creepy if he genuinely thought he had some sort of relationship with her. It may be a bad joke, I don't know, but it's not really creepy if he was doing it ironically.

I'm a woman and I don't think it's creepy. I actually think the effort is admirable.

She's married and he replaced her husband's face in pictures of the two of them with his own face and then posted it online, and you don't find that creepy? Damn fam.

Yes, I know what he did. And no I don't find it creepy because he was clearly doing it to annoy her and was clearly trolling her. Now if he had sent her a private email which was unsolicited, coupled with a love letter, THEN I would think it was creepy.

It's not creepy because it's "trolling"? Weird.

Surely the "intent" behind an action makes a difference?

Ah, no, haven't you heard? The modern way dictates that only the outcome matters. Doesn't matter whether I said something with the intention of offending or not, only that someone took offence.

This is progress. /s

You just convinced me that a guy I thought was a loser retard is in fact a brilliant troll and you're a piece of shit. Congratulations?


edgy kids sure are impressionable these days

you sure use "edgy" a lot. i don't think it means what you think it means.

Seems less creepy when the purpose is to be creepy. Creepy is a kind of unpredictable lack of social IQ. This is very predictable.

delete this

no u


white genocide now

Because people keep giving him attention, and because people keep getting butthurt about it.

Kind of like what you are doing now.

And what is a good troll? GNA? Stiggs?

Not at all. If you watch him in his debates online he is actually very smart level headed and calculated. Granted some of his debstes are against high schoolers. Some of the stuff he says is kind of out there but I wouldn't put him on the 4chan side of the spectrum


He's as capitalist as they come, though?

Why do people care about him?

who has money.

Answered your own question right there

those people should stick to tabloids then

Not many 4chan trolls have money

Some of their mummies have money.

But that just goes into their tendie fund

Tendies and GBP are the currency of the enlightened.

notch has plenty of money and used to be in /v/ all day whatchu mean nigga

Not many

damn bruh I didnt know you could drop out of preschool

i didnt even go to preschool fucking faget check ur priv

You are right, we should mod him.

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That np landing page makes me laugh every time (I am retarded and easily amused).

eww his name's nathan?

Fuck off.


he's hilarious

This is her alt guys

Lol, as funny as that'd be, it'd also be frightfully tedious to set up an alt with months of posting activity just for something like this.

At least I've always thought so.

Because frontpage loves exotic libertarian dick.

i dislike that ass as much as the next guy but THAT was what got his account suspended?? there have been far worse things he's said/done on there.

Nope, that was all he did.

All he did was Photoshop his face in a photo with her? Pretty weak trolling, but I guess it worked so yeah.

/u/martinshkreli you're super rich so how come you do this busted ass trolling?

Why don't you pay for a skywriter or like, fedex her 100,000 roses, or name a new species of genetically-engineered virus after her?

seriously, he has more expendable money than most people can dream of, and all he can manage to do is piss people off with canned /b/-grade shit. Sad!

Hey, they're classics for a reason.

Trolling that shitty deserves a ban tbh

Should've fulled released the Wu Tang album dude, might've saved your bacon

He tried to but wu tang won't let him

Part of the terms for the sale said that the owner can release it for free.

Not according to Martin Shkrelli

β€œI’ve got to decide how to put out β€” there’s about 30, 35 tracks,” he said during the livestream. β€œI actually have a contract with the Wu-Tang Clan where I’m not allowed to do this. Obviously, I own the music and I bought it and I paid a lot of money for it. In many ways, the contract shouldn’t matter that much.”

Anyone know if this is a perma-ban?

What little I know of the man suggests that he is a cunt of the highest order. But so are the people who run Twitter, so it's hard to know what to care about here.

that shit is creepy... did she do anything more than post it on her twitter page? unless im missing something.. that dude is doing some real life creepy stalker shit and this chick is bugged out by it... most of the comment on here are suggesting shes being an idiot for reacting to this creep's affection. the fucking comments on here are almost as creepy as that dickbag's page. reddit you the real creeps here..

The internet is a platform for guys who'd normally be stuffed in lockers due to weird creepy behavior to exert real "power". I have no doubt that most people here are the guys who complain that everybody assumes they are a sexual predator in public and that men can't talk to women/children anymore. Not realizing it's specific to them.

From what I've read she kind of started it with her posting a pic of him at a restauraunt, and being sickens by having to share a space with him. This was basically his response.

ahhhh that makes sense on his part at least cus that shit was a bit over the top photoshoping himself into a pic of her and her husband... so shes just another dumb-ass sjw princess... thanks for the context. reddit i redact my you the real creeps here comment. you still mostly are creeps but in this specific situation you are not the creeps.

Yeah I thought it was a bit much, but after reading her twitter she can pass off. Posting a creep shot of him at some restaurant and going off on him was pretty pathetic.

live by the memes

die by the memes

Are u another socialist meme hater? πŸ˜”

Remember: free speech doesn't mean anything when it's a non-government entity enforcing rules!

Anyone who thinks this is creepy is fucking retarded. Anyone who thinks Shekelie is a "bad person" is a hyper-liberal faggot.

lol what a dipshit


[](Is this Lauren Duca in the top right?)

She started by harassing him :)

The man might possibly have the greatest quote I've ever read. Right after he was arrested for securities fraud he said, "He was using complex accounting procedures that the IRS just doesn't understand".



This guy is the biggest asshole in the world but "pronouns: GOAT/HNIC" had me dead πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ’€πŸ’€