Terminally unfunny shitposter continues /r/StandUpShot's fine tradition of never being funny by making a political grandstanding smugpost. Some question whether vacuuming out women's mistakes is really all that important.

18  2017-01-08 by Drumpfucker


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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/u/NatBaimel did your Mom dress you?

That is a seriously terribly shirt. I really want to know the life choices that lead up to seeing that and thinking "Yes, this is how I want to present myself to the world today."

I'm genuinely curious how well /r/StandupShots advances careers in the comedy world. he always uses that same pic and superimposes different jokes to it. And the jokes are not terrible. They're about on par for an opening act. I wonder how many paid gigs this guy gets.

I can't find a single funny joke that he's submitted.

Ehh..I didn't say funny, I said "not terrible" and "on par for an opening act". This one would get a mild chuckle out of an audience waiting to see Louie CK.

That's literally the stupidest thing I've ever read.

Well, I used Louie as an example because I really did go to see him live and arrived early enough to catch two opening acts. The heartiest chuckle of which was a response to:

"Have you ever stayed in a shitty relationship just to finish out the season of a show you were watching together?"

or something to that effect. So that's the highlight of the opening acts for Louie CK arena show. I'd say that Nat's on par with that.

You're really up this guy's ass. Does he give good head?

You've really got a vendetta against this guy. All I said was he was on par for an opening act and wondered if /r/Standupshots helps him get paid gigs.

Did he touch you inappropriately backstage?

Comedians who aren't funny are my pet peeve. And yes he did sexually assault me and it's rude af you're making light of that

I'm sorry that happened to you. Unfunny comedians are no laughing matter.

make another joke!

My children think that my mother's the most wonderful person on the face of this earth.

...and I keep telling my children: that's not the same woman I grew up with. You're looking at an old person who's trying to get into heaven now.


Is that a solicitation for dick pics?

I am stealing this

Dude you're being such a twat.

are you new here?

You do realize the purpose of this sub is to call out silly Internet drama, not to be dramatic yourself... don't you?

I thought this was an alternative right wing political action group.

This isn't funny because abortion is wrong, guys.

Maybe he's a Dane Cooke type and he's just super animated all the time and that's where the 'comedy' comes from. We'll never know because I refuse to watch him.

ive got to agree with OP this isnt funny at all

The worst part of that sub is how they can't take criticism, the o&a subreddit decided to give them a bit of that comedy cellar charm and boom they all get banned because apprenty comedians can't handle the bants

/u/natbairnel do people pay to hear you read from your blog?

This title was actually funny unlike that boring political statement he tried to pass off as a joke.

im fairly certain this dude bots upvotss because hes always on the second page of r/all before theres more than 3 comments