SJW excuse making for pedophiles continues.

5  2017-01-08 by Sentient_Atom


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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What is it with reddit's obsession with the whole "DEATH TO PEDOS!" crap? Like sure, nobody likes pedos, but there are plenty of other sexual predators out there that reddit has no problem apologizing for.

But that's because Bill Cosby made a funny show

My favorite episode was a crossover titled "Jerry Sandusky and the Suspicious Slapping Sound

I guess it's a scale of immorality, and fucking a child or trying to fuck a child is the most deplorable thing most of us hear about.

Because when you have dipshits who think it's okay to meet up with kids just to hang out on reddit there's something wrong. If you a pedo go get help. If you're on reddit posting about it and that it's fine to meet up with kids then go fuck yourself.

Where's the drama? All I see is an agenda post.

wow the slippery slope is all too real

no drama


What's the issue? The article makes sense. Imagine your child turning out to be one and being suicidal.

I'd be more concerned about my kid turning into a kiddy-diddler and going around fucking up kids' lives, but yeah I guess you're right and it would be terrible if he ended up being a kiddy-diddler with a case of the sads

Yeah it seems like people forget that and person born could end up be one, including their friends, family and loved ones.

Just think of someone really dear to you. Now imagine them coming out as a pedo to you,with suicidal tendencies. How would you feel about that?

But people treat this subject really vicariously. It's always some other people. And the only ones they learn about are criminals.

This article tries to humanize the issue which is totally taboo in reality.

its taboo because it should be. if youre not going to hang yourself about it you should go get therapy+some chemical castration up in there

Maybe if this had comments it would be drama.

Jan 5 2016, 2:25am

Just kys tbqh fam.
