Top mind at /r/The_Donald uncovers the secret ISIS terrorist cells operating in every state of America

88  2017-01-09 by IAmAN00bie


I know now I'll never have any flair again and I've come to terms with that.


  1. This Post -,,,*

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Didn't bother reading that wall of craziness but I find it amusing that the OP is also a furry.

Big if tru

But we already knew blm was a little fucky

But how is it linked to pizza?

the op's face prolly

what wine pairs with sausage pizza and fucking a little kid to death

What wine doesn't?

Communion wine

While most degenerates are with get Trump defiantly had the fury vote.

And the weeb vote as well given how many animu avatars there were

Yo fuck you I'm a lowkey weeb and #NotMyPresident

There's no such thing as a low-key weeb.

Lol only a couple peeps I know irl know I'm a weeb fam.

No, what I mean is that if you're low-key, you aren't a weeb.

But I use anime avatars and shit for online stuff...


TIL I'm not a weeb. :D


nope. just a fag

This is harassment.

naw but you're still autistic af

No u

tru but so iz u

A weaboo commie? You weren't bullied enough in school.

Ikr? Modern bullies are fucking cowards. You mouth back and pull a knife and they freak out.

The only people pushing for more bullying on the internet are the ones who needed the most.

It used to be communists with the anime avatars only a few years ago.

weeb criticising millonaire

o am i laffin

lol you must really hate that Shkreli invited that girl to the inauguration and not you huh?

My asshole was so ready 😔

fury vote

fury vote

They too

it seems his big theory is that BLM are secretly ISIS in disguise.

Ha Ha. Joke's on him. We have neither Muslims nor Black People here in the Granite State.

Granite State.

Rough place to be in.

I should have known Trump was a massive degenerate.

Conservative furry lawyer sounds like a sitcom I would watch tho.

Gary the Rat. Voiced by Frasier Kelsey Grammer

Ahaha. I am not a furry. It is a rip on Paul Combetta, who was one. I actually made the account name as a joke alt but it ended up being the one that blew up. Pretty funny making the media cite it though.





Not implying

Meme arrow stories are so 2012 man it's all about poorly drafted quips in current year.

Edit: From skimming it, it seems his big theory is that BLM are secretly ISIS in disguise.

Pfff, everyone knows that BLM is actually part of the Russian's plan to destabilise the US.

i still can't over the fact that people are taking Dugin seriously

That would require at least a substantial faction of hardcore Republicans to religiously follow him and for him to have been an advisor to at least one of them.

That would require at least a substantial faction of hardcore Republicans to religiously follow him

The infowars / conspiracy nut audience seems to do exactly that.

I'm not sure he is actually. He's been 100% an agenda poster for his entire comment history. Where's that bot who does a rundown of a user's sub post history? I think he might have just picked it as a clever user name.

Wow... And none of the commenters are calling them out on this craziness.

They're all like "oh good reporting!" or "Oh wow this is scary!", not a single ounce of skepticism lol.

Who needs the FBI and CIA when you have top minds from /r/the_donald?

Somewhere in there they literally said "Every mosque needs to be vetted by Evangelical Churches!"

and someone else replied "Why not the FBI and CIA?" and someone's like "Nah they're cucked!"

brilliant plan bois

Theocracy when

They're all like "oh good reporting!" or "Oh wow this is scary!", not a single ounce of skepticism lol.

Most of what he wrote is legit since it just consisted of news articles about ISIS operations. I guess that opens people up to accepting the shitty conclusions drawn from tenuous links as per reddit conspiracy theory SOP. It should be surprising that people eat this bullshit up, but it's somehow a lot less crazy than some of the other stuff that T_D has accepted as fact.

In other news, it looks like the OP is trying to become a conservative e-celebrity, which is p funny given that he's a shameless fucking furry.

In other news, it looks like the OP is trying to become a conservative e-celebrity, which is p funny given that he's a shameless fucking furry.

He whined about Breitbart not publishing his conspiracy theory of Angela Merkel intentionally inviting ISIS to operate in Europe.

Breitbart, I reached out to you guys this week and expressed my desire to bring my networks and the work I do to your publication but you seemed a little nonplussed about it. Andrew didn’t found your company so that you could spend your existence trolling the internet to repost stories broken by other news corporations. I’m on the market, think you have a lot of potential and want to help you guys be the ones who create breaking news.

/u/PleadingtheYiff why are you shameless enough to link your real name to your furry identity? I don't think the (((alt right))) approves of such degeneracy.

They're Donald supporters. Did you expect any skepticism?

Well, ever sceptic is banned and had their posts deleted, of course


Over people read that and thought to themselves "Yeah, that sounds about right."

In fairness, t_ders tend to upvote things impulsively without reading it in order to win the great /r/all war.

This is what I do

i feel like this is gonna be the general republican strategy for the next 4 years

You'd think it's worth at least checking the content, to make sure you don't upvote a crazy conspericy theory to the top and make your sub look like a bunch of retards.

now you may think /r/the_donald is dumb

or that it's stupid

or that it's fucking retarded ass

but you'd be wrong. it's all of those things

Think it's a bit too late for them.









I fucking lost it immediately when the page opened and I saw:


So fucking academic

It doesn't matter. If I die it will be with a positive KDR.


I'm a pretty cool guy and I'm ready for the ISIS invasion. On my gravestone it will read: "Here lies LibWrecker69. He got gold in eliminations."

Here lies LibWrecker69. He got gold in eliminations refused to switch from Hanzo.

If you kill yourself, does that count as 1/1 or 0/1?

On the bright side, one step closer to them getting themselves banned

I don't think they're gonna do it, now that Trump is President. They probably would've banned it alongside other right-o-sphere subs (/r/NewRight, /r/altright, etc.) if Hillary won. If they did it now, it would make the shitstorms about FPH, Coontown, Jailbait and the Orlando shooting thread on /r/news combined look like nothing in comparison.

AltRight will still be banned. But T_D would definitely get a Donald tweet in response.

I think you're underestimating the shitstorm t_d could cause. I mean, FPH had 150 000 subs on the day it was banned and they took over the front page for a day and got TONS of negative press for both themselves and Reddit. t_d has at least twice that and most of their userbase is so pathetically dedicated to this sub that the hour after the banhammer drops there's gonna be at least 30 new the_donalds and 40 "fuck admins" subreddits, all of them on /r/all. I mean, I don't buy into the whole "weaponized autism" crap, but we need to understand what we're dealing with here.

How about banning T_D and then implementing IP-locked posting bans for 48 hours for all subscribers.

Yeah, that could work in theory. But then, every right-wing news outlet is gonna be on that shit for days on end. And the t_d subscribers are most likely gonna move to Twitter.

I love the warfare fantasies, I just hope none of them go shoot up a mosque or something. I mean seriously. The guy who posted the top comment in that thread also posted this comment about refugees being housed in a hotel in Ireland:

Allow them to be consolidated into one housing unit. It's easier to target and destroy. Blockade the doors and burn it to the ground while they sleep.

He seems like the guy who's both crazy and devoted enough to actually do it. I don't know if Ireland has a secret service but they should keep an eye on him.

Ireland has plenty of experience with terrorist nutters. I'm sure they're keeping an eye on violent anti refugee rhetoric.

He doxxed himself in the post... is linking the post linking to personal information which amounts to doxxing?

It does, unless you're a "public figure". It's possible he sincerely believes he's a journalist, and considers it valuable self-promotion.

I'm actually not sure how the admins would choose to interpret that one.

They probably don't like that, otherwise people could pretend to be anyone they hate to fuck with them.

He's linking to a blog with the identical article written under the same name. In this case, he's probably actually trying to get his name out there deliberately.

At the same time, you are right that it would take very little effort to do this just to fuck with someone, which is why I'm unsure what the admin's response would be. If I were to guess, he'll probably get suspended for it, but predicting the behavior of the admins is a losing game.

Oh for fuck's sake.

These people are dangerously stupid.

They should probably get banned for this right

So where's the drama

Drama: any incident, scene, gaffe, rumor, opinion, or disagreement that is blown entirely out of proportion.

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

Ah, so just your standard agendapost

This isn't an agenda post, this is a link to pure, weapons grade retardation.

weapons grade retardation.

Hmm, I'm going to use that one occasionally from now on.

Agenda posts are like 90% of the front page.

"[ISIS] paramilitary groups operating out of compounds throughout the US"

Where? He just sorta drops that in the first paragraph or so and never backs it up

estimated in a report from Sean Hannity

Lmao, stopped reading here.

/u/PleadingtheYiff surprised you can remember how to breathe tbh

Wait, why are they relying on info from America's intelligence organisations? I thought they were all liberal shills.

It really looks like this week’s BLM kidnapping video was meant to be a full-scale ISIS style execution film in case anyone didn’t notice the similarities. That poor man is lucky that he was able to escape and that the kidnappers were so skittish about following through on the job.

/u/pleadingtheyiff is an absolute fucking lunatic.

Where's the drama?

Hang to your wallets Americans because every time you are being sold bullshit somehow you end up poorer.