Anti-sphereist Advocates Angrily Against Astrophysicist About An Absurd Argument

28  2017-01-09 by Malevolent_USB_Drive


Yeah I know "anti-spherist" is a stretch, I couldn't find a synonym for "flat earth" that used an 'a'.

Asphereical Asshole?

Jews did this


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I got two spheres in my pants

I'm going to flatten them, c'mere

I wonder what they think about telescopes. Every planet you see if spherical.


The fact that Flat-Earthers exist is a little bit terrifying to me.

u/God_Wil You're probably one of the mentally ill FE people, but on the off-chance you're just one of the easily-fooled ones, how deep do you think the conspiracy goes? I'm a graduate student and I've done some work with people in aero/astro. Those people have worked at the JPL and other companies working on functioning satellite, were they in in the conspiracy? Were just their bosses in on it? Do the elders wait until a student finishes their PhD to take them into a dark room and explain the FE truth? I haven't even mentioned pilots, nor any of the MANY amateur hobbies that involve repeated observations of the obvious roundness of the globe (e.g. Space photography), are they all in on it too?

You have to realize that the level of conspiracy required in order to keep this a secret is absurd (and the FE arguments you guys bring out don't even make sense) so why does Occam's razor lead you to FE? I think there's a simpler explanation: you're a pretty mediocre guy with a pretty mediocre life, and FE makes you feel better about yourself since you see past the "lies" that everyone else has fallen for. Now you're in too deep and you can never admit to yourself that you were stupid enough to fall for the FE hoax, even though the globe arguments obviously make more sense. You didn't even deny the horizon ship-mast argument (seriously, bring a telescope to the ocean sometime, no one is stopping you).

I know I'm mocking you, but I really do hope you pull your head out of your ass one day, it makes me sad seeing how many people fall for this retarded shit.

I was going to call them out but then I realized it was an account someone made just for that thread, they probably didn't want to hurt their main idiotic conspiracy account's karma.

But main point being it's unlikely they'll check the account again.

Probably for the best, looking back my rant was pretty autistic

I guess Terry Pratchett was right, the world is a disc floating on the backs of 4 elephants.