Sorry you got butt hurt over my pointing out blacks are extreamly dumb overall....

0  2017-01-09 by Hahaindramasucks

A real man could have a discussion but haha is a huge vagina and gets butt hurt over trying to have a civil discussion...I'm sorry but if that offends you then you clearly are not made to run drama big bitch baby asparagus



Call me crazy it's a shot in the dark but is your skin pigment black?

Vantablack, actually.

You're going to trigger OP's PTSD by posting gifs with black people in them.

Lol..yeah but mostly trying to actually have a discussion!!! No one will and it's bother me...why

No one will and it's bother me...why

Because you think that you're "punching down" by citing these studies, when, in fact, based on your command of the English language, it's very likely that you would fall into the low IQ cohort.

It's always fucking hilarious when Klan types act like total idiots and then start talking about IQ.

It's a cunning rhetorical strategy /u/Prince_Kropotkin you just can't comprehend the level this ubermensch is operating on

Because you're a hypocritic titbag

Holy Jesus that is one nightmarish smorgasbord of lunacy

Imagine being this much of a loser.

How sad your life must be to spam subreddits with alt right propaganda and bitch about it when you get banned.

Lol hitching is else will dumb Niggers realize that's what they are?

You're a nigger by your own logic then.

were all niggers

On this blessed day

Easy there. We have limits in this fucking sub, and calling someone an asparagus is crossing the line. Hell, we have borderline hate crimes on a daily basis, but you just had to jump over the fucking line with that asparagus bullshit. Boo to you, OP.

ikr? I'm literally shaking right now.

Lol it'd not a threat...just saying your a bitch nigger if you can't even have a simple discussion.

your a bitch nigger

His a bitch nigger what? Ahahahaha.

nice 1 zachums thats some grade a humor right there

Thanks, I'm working on my stand up routine.

kill whitey

Is this noodles?

You know what, I think it's amazing. Every time I think I found the biggest retard on this website someone goes out of his way to prove me wrong!



I just wanted to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you.

Thanks. I pray that I'll never let you down.

RIP Lesbo Nelson.

blacks are extreamly dumb overall....

extreamly dumb



U ok

u/Hahaindramasucks I want to have a conversation too but no one will take me seriously: why is it that you klan types are always the most retarded white people?

extreamly multipul

I'm an elite Aryan, and I'm sick of sharing my race with you worthless white trash pieces of garbage. Please remove yourself from the gene pool.

Lol...what..I thought that group was for white power lol

u/ChaoticEvil look what u/wacnews_the_white has brought upon us by banning Cerkies? Smh

This is like when Hitler didn't get into art school.

Don't you put that evil on me square.