/r/militant (aka lwse2) user goes to /r/politics and gets a bit of karma, proceeds to edit post until banned after calling for violence against bootlickers. User returns to the /r/militant cuddle bunker to get outraged.

27  2017-01-09 by lvl99SkrubRekker


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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FYI for anyone interested the initial quote was "We should engage, but engage with a spine, engage with violence. We have the better argument, it's time to start making it."

Funny he felt the need to edit it to even try and get support from his own ilk.

I support the unedited version anyway

Well I'd assume so based on the name of your sub.

Mb Prince will wait a couple days before tattling on ya'll this time.

There's nothing to tattle about. The admins are fully aware of our sub and even though we apparently face regular reports from alt-reich shitlords they have only approached us once. If that manarchist right-deviating fuckwad wants to monitor our sub relentlessly for a sign that we're breaking reddit's rules I say he's welcome. We could always use more subscribers anyway.

You can't really rustle a non-anarchist with Franco memes

Oh sure, but i just enjoy posting it.

I mean, it's not like there aren't plenty of things to rustle with anyway.

so far you've put up a poor show so I doubt you have any material that wouldn't produce anything more than a bemused snort

Why are you making things up? That last part was how it was when it was banned, I did not add it later.

Where is the call to violence? In the final 3 words? Where else? Can you really not lose the tunnel vision already and read those same 3 words in their proper context? I literally mention it in the same paragraph as words like "narrative", "factual", "facts", "rhetoric", and mention nothing about meeting anyone in person. "Violence" was simply another of the myriad of words I picked to push the point that the left needs to stop being all hugs and flowers all the time, and it was clearly in the context of debate.

Well to myself and I assume the mods of /r/politics it seemed like a call to violence against a group of people, especially the dehumanization of your enemy bit. But if you say that you weren't going for that I can certainly see where it could be a misunderstanding. I'll just assume it was used in place of "with vehemence."

You and I mean you personally deserve the Donald trump presidency.

Ah shit yeah my sub is famous now!

Why are y'all encouraging users to encrypt calls for illegal action in the sidebar?

Because encryption is important for leftist movements, especially since now we know that the state is spying on every single person (not just leftists) and COINTELPRO is a thing.

Or maybe you don't want admins to see calls for violence?

There have been many calls for violence in the sub already, and the admins are aware of our subreddit, so no we don't really care about that.

Thanks I'll forward your comment to breitbart to discredit reddit

Alright cool. Make sure you also send the countless comments from r/uncensorednews, r/altright, and r/the_donald that call for race wars and murdering all communists.

I call em as I see em and you should too. I don't ever see any calls for violence on t_d which is the only one of those I frequent

Both of yall are trash. Then again horseshoe theory is more of a law by now

Then again horseshoe theory is more of a law by now

You're a meme

I know that looking in a mirror isn't pleasant (especially for you), but you have to come to terms with it, sooner or later.

/r/drama indeed

And ableism isn't? This is why leftist are loosing the meme wars tbqh

bad b8


On a scale from 1 to Franco taking Catalonia, how much did you melt down when that dude from /r/altright got your chromosome-enriched comrades at /r/LeftWithSharpEdge banned?

Wasn't really heated that much to be honest as I didn't frequent the sub but it certainly was a shame.


see, if you don't purge the retards from your ranks, then you're only making it easier for fascists to beat you again.

Lots of Nazis around here. Not surprising.

That flair isn't because i'm a nazi, it's because i'm a buddhist.

I do get sexually aroused from watching historic footage of Franco conquering Catalonia, though.

You're trying too hard.

At least he's trying

How can we be nazis when we support white genocide?

Anarchism is the epitome of white people nonsense, when the mayocide begins you'll be the first lot to go.

How can we be nazis when we support white genocide?

What a love hate relationship I have with this userbase now

Happened to me too

You support white genocide too?! We have so much in common!

Again? When did they beat us the first time? As I recall it was the Soviet Union that was on the winning side of WWII.

Could probably go with all of world History after 1945 then, since it can pretty much be summed up as liberals and fascists teaming up to btfo commies. With the few commie enclaves that escape destruction moving away from communism and becoming increasingly nationalistic, conservative, and fascistic regimes.

Lol fascists haven't done shit since 1945 fuck are you saying. Yelling about refugees and occasionally punching a lone antifa doesn't count as btfo.

I guess by virtue of every first world nation being liberal, and also imperialist, which is the primary cause of why socialist nations degenerate, they are the only ones who have "btfo" commies.

Haven't done shit since 1945? A fascist just got elected to the highest office in the USA, in 1973 American liberals overthrew a DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED peaceful socialist who dindu nuffin in Chile and installed a fascist dictator. /r/socialism told me so.

Oh yeah that. Yeah okay so two things happened since 1945

Gotta love the contrast between commies usual behavior of being paranoid of "fascists' to the point of calling the floor fascist when they stub their toe, spending their time organizing "anti-fascist" groups like /r/militant to stop their imminent rise, and calling everyone to the right of Lenin fascist or "proto-fascist". To then acknowledging fascism is completely dead and irrelevant whenever you make a pseudo-brag about how grand and powerful it supposedly is.

If fascism is irrelevant and powerless why is half your post history about it?

If fascism is irrelevant and powerless why is half your post history about it?

It's irrelevant partly because of organizing against it. In the 1970s and 80s, IIRC, fascist sentiments were on the rise in Britain and the punk scene there kicked the SHIT out of the fascists and btfo'd them. Just because it's currently not in power (globally) doesn't mean these sentiments can't rise given a crisis.

A few thousand autistic leftists are all that's standing in the way of the free world and global fascism, lmao. If fascism was going to take power it would do so regardless if you guys were "organizing against it" or not.

Anyway you do realize that violence against actual fascists is the main thing that's helped them rise in the past? The one time "fascist sentiments" were actually on the rise in the UK the cable street riot massively increased their numbers, popularity, and made them look sympathetic to normal people.

see, if you don't purge the retards from your ranks,

If they purge the retards there will be no one left to purge.

You should pick up a book for once and learn what reactionary actually means. Calling someone a downie doesn't have anything to do with reverting society to a previous state.

Extremely bitter about right-wing politics, mods a sub for sperg keyboard-warriors to post violent threats about people with different opinions, using "reactionary" as a buzzword for anyone that disagrees with you, 7 day old account, would you happen to be a new alt of /u/AngryDM?

That isn't the be all and end all definition of reactionary. Someone who is anti-progressive, so someone who calls people downies or retards, is a reactionary.

Are you really implying that no "progressives" use retard as an insult? You should get outside /r/Anarchism more.

Are you really implying that no "progressives" use retard as an insult?

They're not at all progressive if they do, yes. I don't use r/anarchism btw I'm a red af tankie

Well that definition of progressive does not exist outside of your autistic mind fyi.

Why would you oppose insulting tards anyway when comrade Stalin put the tards in gulags?

Well that definition of progressive does not exist outside of your autistic mind fyi.

Then simply you are not a progressive and ableism STILL isn't a dank maymay.

Why would you oppose insulting tards anyway when comrade Stalin (pbuh) put the tards in gulags?

Maybe I don't approve of everything Stalin did and we live in the 21st century now? 🤔🤔

Then simply you are not a progressive and ableism STILL isn't a dank maymay.

99% of self-identified progressives would disagree with you though, some communist reddit sperg isn't the authority that decides what the word progressive means.

Maybe I don't approve of everything Stalin did and we live in the 21st century now?

Disgusting revisionism comrade, I expected better from you, straight to the gulag you go.

99% of self-identified progressives would disagree with you though, some communist reddit sperg isn't the authority that decides what the word progressive means.

Most self-identified progressive don't go around calling people "spergs" or "retards" though and would absolutely agree using those terms are wrong fuck you saying.

Most progressives wouldn't say "ableism" or calling someone retarded disqualifies you from being progressive though, they don't care about that kind of white people nonsense.

Most progressives wouldn't say "ableism" or calling someone retarded disqualifies you from being progressive though, they don't care about that kind of white people nonsense.

yes they would lmao you really don't know what you're saying

Most progressives are normal people and not hyper-SJW's from Negareddit that get triggered by the word retard, I've said it before, but you really need to get outside far-left subreddits. I've seen progressives call Donald Trump and his supporters retards more times than I can count.

Reactionaries usually desire a return to monarchy.

This is awesome, now I know how to purge any secret leftards from my bund meetings.

If they don't call retards retards, out of the chopper!

Chopper memes are absolute trash compared to the zestyness wall or gulag memes. Come back when you've killed 100 million kulaks, fascists, and capitalist roaders.

I'm a Trumpeter, I'm applying for camp guard status.

I don't approve of everything Comrade Stalin did

haha kulaks and gulags :D

retard crazy stupid spaz nuts midget lunatic maniac idiot insane dumb daft cretin

So what do you like to do when you're not fantasizing about killing everyone who isnt on the far left?

Write my fantasies down as fanfic on deviant art

Are you a woman?

I'm anything you want me to be bby :x

Ok, be a anarcho-fascist

r/anarcho_capitalism is already a thing there's more than enough material there for you

no you fucking tard i said FASCIST not CAPITALIST, god you commies are fucking stupid

You couldn't get that simple joke?

oh you mean the shitty joke where fascism and capitalism are the same? also please dont insult my intelligence thats very ableist of you. fucking bigots like you deserve the wall xd

except that wasn't the joke.... it's that ancaps tend to be incredibly fascistic......................

xd funny joke girlfriend

ableism is fairly boring

Probably because it's a natural thing to do

Then again, i can seewhy you oppose it, since your ideology attracts all kinds of retards.


As an autist, do I have the privilege to call other people autists?

Yeah I guess so but I don't know why you'd want to stigmatize autistic people like that

I have internalised ableism :/

Honored that we're getting press coverage and that OP would designate us "lwse2". Much appreciated.

being edgy by being proud of being like lwse

Maximum edge.

It's funny that you didn't pick up on the sarcasm, since r/militant isn't trying to be LWSE2

I'm a former mod of theirs. ❤

Why did you stop? Did you finally get a job?

Haha, no, the sub got banned, remember?

Of course i do, the fallout was great here.

But i was hoping that you would take that opportunity to finally get your life together.

It's a work in progress, my man, but I'm getting there. New Year, New Me.

you need to be gassed tbh


ok <.><.>

Thanks for the shout-out! Very much appreciated.

Couldn't read, that shade of red in the banner and sidebar was too obnoxious

If you have any suggestions I'd be glad to hear them.

Glorious communist red too much for you comrade?

what is it with these dweebs trying to 'reverse safe space' the (((alt-right)))? is it literally just 'i kno u r but wat am i'?

Wow, two threads in the same day about that post. It seems I really struck a nerve there, huh? I'm glad.

You could have said "I don't like trump supporters" and ardrama would lose their fucking shit.

Anyway next time be more explicit with the calls for violence against trump supporters.

>implying r/drama doesn't suit on Trump supporters all the time

You could have said "I don't like trump supporters" and ardrama would lose their fucking shit.

The most active and upvoted thread of the last 24 hours was titled 'Donald Trump once again cries like an insecure bitchy thirteen year old girl on twitter after Meryl Streep calls him out for mocking a disabled reporter'. /r/Drama is equal opportunity in their hatred.

making fun of someone's autistic over reaction

Yes, we are definitely upset. Lol

That sub is as embarrassing as DOOS VOOLT larpers.