Why are blacks the most racist race? Let me list a bunch of examples!

0  2017-01-09 by Blacksareveryracist



Does it feel bad to know that a black kid with a 4th grade education can probably put together a more coherent sentence than you?

....changing the subject....a normal tactic to avoid the truth above

Because it's a silly subject, made even more silly by the egregious grammar and spelling errors.

Does mom know you're doing racist stuff on the internet again?

Lol..it would crush you if you knew how successful I was 😂👌🍗

Oh, I'm sure! Absolutely crushed.

How does that work, exactly?

It's not silly at all and I provided many valid points!

I refuse to address your points until you go back and correct your horrible spelling errors you very, very successful man. Who cannot spell "channel".

Can we please start the Mayocide soon?

I need mayo and a material degenerator to vapor. Stat!

If they had any since the word would never be used and already forgotten about over a generation ago!

Not quite on the level of "Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?", but you're getting there kid.

Lol what? I didn't even understand you.

If you didn't understand something I'm confused as to why...it all makes perfect since. If you have a question about a specific section I'll be happy to help you out!

NAACP...no other race has a group dedicated to keeping things fair for them and it should have been abolished when blacks got all the same rights as white people.

Are you sure this is true that no other race has a group advocating for them?

I'm not positive...but if they do it's not well know at all! You never hear on the news how don king is protesting with Asians of America...if I had to guess maybe native America Indians do but if they do They don't go thru half the extremes that the NAACP does..they call everything done to blacks a racial attack.

So you're unaware of the issues facing Native Americans because their advocacy groups don't use the "extreme" tactics of the NAACP? This seems like an argument for groups to model their efforts after the African-American community.

if I had to guess maybe native America Indians do but if they do They don't go thru half the extremes that the NAACP does

there was a thing called "standing rock" over the past few months. did your uber-successful lifestyle keep you from seeing that on the news?

Low-effort garbage

So right above your mother's blowjob

Fat gingers are the true untermensch
