Criminal intentionally gets arrested for feeding the homeless without a permit/insurance for food safety to get attention. Does an AMA. Says he's carrying the torch of heroes through history. Some disagree.

44  2017-01-10 by batbutt72




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Trespassing/criminal drama

/u/rogbutter smugs it up and agrees he's a hero

1) Do you realize you're a hero? 2) What are your thoughts about the US as these sort of activities are illegal yet we read about corruption in the news everyday?

To 1), I appreciate the sentiment but I honestly wasn't even trying to do anything super courageous or noble. I saw my friends getting hauled off and knew I couldn't just sit by while it happened. I think this is a lot of people's story throughout history, and I'm honored to be carrying the torch in some small way.

As to 2), if I understand your question correctly, I think that is a result of the divide between rich and poor. The poor and working class have different laws applied to them than the rich do, or the same laws get applied to the former and not the latter. Houselessness has been criminalized since the birth of capitalism in newly industrialized England with anti-vagrancy laws, and I think this is the natural result of a class system where private property is upheld over the imperative to feed and house everyone.

More drama throughout, some getting deleted.

/u/Mr_Funnybones, your username is very misleading, as I assumed that you would be humerus pun. I demand that you delete your account and start a new one that is more accurate.


You should be de-modded for this.

Post got removed so I'm guessing this is why

When I write in my diary later I'm going to say it was because of me.

Homeless people suck and most city parks are infested with them, good on that mayor for trying to keep the city park's enjoyable.

Why doesn't this idiot donate to/volunteer at the local homeless shelter? They're always in need of more help and enabling homeless people to continue living in the streets isn't actually helping them. Get them into a shelter where they can get the help they need to stay clean and/or educate themselves, because they have a much better shot in a proper shelter than they do sitting on the street accepting handouts from naive, self-important morons.

They are part of "Food, Not Bombs."

Basically an anarchist styled vegan food delivery currently disguised as a feed-the-homeless program.

They are part of "Food, Not Bombs."

Porque no los dos?

Bomb ass food? I know right!

vegan food delivery

I don't think that's gonna help the homeless.

vegan food

contradiction of terms

Why not simply instruct the homeless to eat the park?

vegan food

Guess that's a good way to ruin a starving homeless person's appetite.

vegan food

Id rather starve tbh

This is why I don't feed the pigeons. Don't be an enabler.

if all you ever did was read threads like this i could sorta understand getting one of those negareddit delusions about evil "redditeurs"

Top controversial comment:

Why were you trespassing after you warned to stay away?

Some redditor's asinine response
