Julian Assange takes a break from allegedly raping people to not answer the hard questions

51  2017-01-10 by itisike


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Surprisingly relevant

Snapshill usually is

Like Assange literally has an army that defends him against the rapist accusations, and probably many of those are virgins

Yeah, you spelled that out real nice, gotta hand it to you.

Snapshill is the only account on this sub that says anything of value honestly.


The Ecuadorian internet connection must be mighty slow none of his replies have gotten through.

holds AMA

answers questions on twitch

fuck you too buddy, i wanna read that shit

It's also nice because the twitch video won't show the questions he chooses to ignore.

Yup, very convenient.

Only more proof that the Ecuadorians killed him because he was hogging all their internet bandwidth.

Imagine the lag when the ambassador is trying to get a round of CS:GO in and Julian is sending/receiving half of the internet at a time. I'd kill him too.

In college we used to play CS in our dorm. One guy had a pretty bad computer that would freeze whenever anyone threw smoke. He got in a fistfight with an Asian kid who kept doing it.

In college we used to play CS in our dorm. One guy had a pretty bad computer that would freeze whenever anyone threw smoke. He got in a fistfight with an Asian kid who kept doing it.

That sounds like a /r/drama self-post in the making.

Yeah, he never really adjusted to dorm life. He was quite fond of his mom.

Tell us the story in a self-post, /u/snallygaster-style.

I'll have to put some work into it to do him some justice. I'll email a few guys and get a "best of" going.


A highlight was setting up remote access for his computer so we could control it from down the hall. He wasn't much of a ladies man, but he did manage to bring a girl back to his dorm. It was exactly the moment we'd been waiting weeks for. We had done some minor things (moved around some icons, set weird screensavers, etc.). We added to the mood by playing some Aphex Twin over his winamp. Apparently "Come to Daddy" doesn't get the lady juices flowing.

Did he really whip the llamas ass?

Everyone knows ladies love Windowlicker.

Good times...

Has anyone in a political AMA ever answered hard questions?

Nope. You're supposed to answer the planted questions and one of the standard "would you molest a horse sized duck" ones, and then apologise for being out of time. So sorry! Be sure to follow us on social media!

dae remember when based obama answered some planted questions with pre-written answers?

Obviously going for the stoner vote

Holy fucking shit. Talk about low effort. "Here is a post with 10k comments! I bet there is some drama in here!"

Fuck you.

Edit: Sorry for my mean words. I am feeling a little crazy today. :(

We don't apologize in this subreddit.

delete this

Yes sir.

Fucking np too

Didn't even sort by controversial!

That was one particularly shitty AMA.

So at what point does Ecuador just get tired of hosting his ass and his smelly hair and kick him out?

So, that virtual avatar of Julian was pretty convincing. Is he now the second virtual celebrity after Miku?

No, he's the third after Tupac.

user reports:
1: white people nonsense
1: that one movie with cumberbatch is better than the actual guy

Cumberbatch has the added benefit of not knowing what Putin's dick tastes like.

anybody hear that randy newman song about Putin. It's actually pretty good.

It is pretty good, can confirm!

Bendydick Cucumbersnatch?

There are so many subs, some require np, some ban np, too hard to keep track of.

Completely useless AMA.

Isn't it cute how quickly someone goes from oppressed hero to evil and Hitler like?

Assange dared to criticize their precious Shillary.

how DARE people not put complete trust and into one guy forever???

especially when he loves daddy

Liberals (reddit's primary audience) used to love Assange because he dished on Bush and helped get Obama elected.

Now it's the opposite and they hate him.

How did he help get Obama elected? What did he dish on Bush?


In September 2008, during the 2008 United States presidential election campaigns, the contents of a Yahoo account belonging to Sarah Palin (the running mate of Republican presidential nominee John McCain) were posted on WikiLeaks after being hacked into by members of a group known as Anonymous.

sound familar?

Russians did that shit too!

I saw the Russians do it from my house!

That didn't help anyone. Lol.

The Collateral Murder video was released in 2010 and liberals have been moving away from Assange ever since the rape allegations. But by all means believe in your pretend alternative narrative.

and liberals have been moving away from Assange ever since democrats went into power

fixed that.

Remember when Trump thought Assange should be hanged for treason?

Member when this other thing happened?

I 'member.

Member when he touched Vladdy's tinkle?

I like Assange. Especially since his Wikileaks exposes the corruption of liberals favourite politician.

but for some reason lets the rights least favorite PEOTUS off the hook weird...

Considering the worst "corruption" the Democrat hacks exposed was internal politicking, it's pretty weak. You actually believe there weren't the exact same conversations happening about Trump in the Republican camp?

Unless you go full pants-on-head retard, and start worrying about references to pizza because there's literally nothing better there :^)

Pizzagate is r/conspiracy given media attention. No, i'm more concerned with the corporate, backroom secret dealings the Democrat's have committed.

You think the Republican Party is any cleaner? Lol. A Republican-flavoured Supreme Court gave you Citizens United and now Trump gets to cement that further by choosing the next Supreme Court Justice. Kek.

You want to fix backroom corporate dealings, you can only do it by wholesale electorate reform, not by voting for a Republican who puts Goldman Sachs execs in his Cabinet.

I don't have any illusions about democracy or either political party. I wonder what it would take for American's to elect socialists. If they refuse to, they deserve their prison.

Considering the worst "corruption" the Democrat hacks exposed was internal politicking, it's pretty weak.

It wasn't just internet politicking at all. The DNC email leaks proved that the DNC was conspiring with supposedly neutral major media outlets to fling mud at both Trump and Bernie Sanders, with Bernie's mudflinging being especially heinous, seeing as how the DNC is supposed to treat every party candidate equally. It showed everyone just how little credibility the DNC has. Now, I've no doubt that the GOP does the same thing, but if the only difference in political parties is red or blue, then what's the point?

Kek. That's politicking, numbnuts. Just how retarded are you?

About as retarded as a kiwi getting invested in American politics.

Until you chucklefucks stop automatically calling your President the "Leader of the Free World", I am invested.

Well, I'm sorry your third-world archipelago consisting of three people is not properly represented in international politics, but there's no need to lash out about it like an autist.

Kek. Only person I see lashing out is your retarded pet orang-utan. Are you going to take his Twitter away when you safety-proof the White House?

Why do you preface every bitter shitpost with a 'Kek'? It makes me think of an aspie kid desperately trying to hide his tears after getting bullied on a playground.

No, just the responses to pathologically retarded people.

More like the kneejerk response when your anus starts bleeding.

Again I think you're confusing me for the Orang-utan In Chief.

Meanwhile, yahoo brigades reddit, causing server overloads. Hooray.


It means he watches you touch yourself at night.
