Berkeley corrected the pronoun of a murderous hive mind occupying a male body

111  2017-01-10 by cruelandusual




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Murder is far less significant than pronouns.

When you misgender, you are literally murdering that gender.

Imagine if Hitler would have known about this fact?!?!

If found guilty, I hope Pablo gets sentenced to death via misgendering.

Finally, a way to rid the world of men

Murder is far less significant than pronouns.

"oppression is even worse than killing"

So said the Prophet, may peace be upon them.

I know this is a joke, but seriously a murder only really effects a handful of people whereas gender and sexual discrimination affects and influences an entire culture which includes its laws and attitudes towards those affected minorities and results in a net greater suffering than just murder.

Both are bad, but tacitly supporting a structure of discrimination and colonization is far worse. And yet only one of them is against the law? Really makes you think.

GOOD point

Your bigotry doesn't change the fact that this person's gender isn't male or female.

Lol So they are a being comprised of pure energy?

I didn't find that entirely unpleasant tbh.

Its a good song!

gender overwhelming!

What gender is a tree then?

What gender is a tree then?

What gender is a Peterbilt 379? That's a completely irrelevant point. Trees are not humans.

The point being, that having a gender that is neither male nor female does not require you to be comprised of energy.


/u/dlgn13 why are you falling for a murderer's pathetic attempt at gaining sympathy from retards such as yourself?

Much like Aesop's scorpion, it is simply xyr nature.


aw, /u/Works_of_memercy got downvoted. RIP

/r/shitredditsays is almost entirely crypto-cumskins, I wouldn't expect anything better from them.

Total eradication of the white race is the only way we can prevent POC spaces to be overrun by self-hating mayonnaise, in my opinion.

that's even a generally decent SRS thread as far as they go. there's a fistful of retards in here who seem to enjoy using an incorrect pronoun for a murderer and gleefuly ejaculating from the heights of their high horses that anybody who criticizes that must think murder is less important than misgendering. it's bizarre. the comparison to calling a black murderer a nigger is apt. just kinda feels like you really wanted to use a slur.

i'd have gone in that thread, but they banned me for an SRD thread where I made some joke like "old enough for me, get in the van" and got linked to SRS. :shrug: :smug:

You heard it hear first, "he" is equivalent to "niggers".

yes, some slurs are useful to compare to other slurs even if they have vastly different origins and impacts, but similar usage and intent

GOOD point

Usage and intent isn't the same, though. If I refer to someone with a penis as "he," my intent is not to cause them emotional distress or belittle them as a person, the way "nigger" is intended and used; it's to accurately refer to them as a male.

Tl;dr: kill the mayoskins

Maybe if you stopped erasing possessive apostrophes.

Grammar is a social construct

it is

None of these people would make it at Caltech.

Since when crime is a reason to be alienated by basic human rights?

u/ignoculture, when did having one's worldview confirmed by anonymous people on the internet become a basic human right?

Freedom of Movement is a basic human right as asserted by the UDHR and depriving people of that is literally the entire point of prison.

Prison is part of a punishment decided by a fair trial. Misgendering is therefore only okay if its part of the sentence for your crimes.

When you are crushed under the boot of trump's cyber disagreement squads we'll see who was right.

Does this person know prison exists?

Ahh yes he's a suspect like those Chechen bombers were

Don't judge until convicted guise

His victim didn't get any rights to live. Why should he get rights to pronoun himself?

We had idiots like outside the courthouse in Boston during Dzhokhar's trial. People are just straight up dumb.

Maybe it is just the current gepolitical climate, but those people totally look like a squad of Ruskie agitators right now.

Fucking worthless, putrid filth. Please let there be a civil war. Please.

I'm not comfortable with how casually we're willing to dehumanize prisoners as a society

On the other hand, I can't imagine the comment section on a genderqueer murderer being the best place to argue for LGBT rights

Calling a dude a dude isn't really dehumanizing tbh

well 'degenderizing' isn't an emotionally compelling argument

What about how casually his victim died because of his insanity?

Yeah I mean, I think at that point, you just kind of expect people are going to say negative things about a cold-blooded murderer including and especially things that said murderer would find offensive.


Just because they killed someone isn't an excuse to disrespect their pronouns and erase their identity.

But in less liberal areas it would be an excuse to strap them to a table and end their life by lethal injection.

Hell, even liberal states have capital punishment. California just voted to expedite the process.

lol and yet pieces of shit like bittaker and ng will probably rot on death row

no, they just throw them off a building or bury them in the ground and chuck stones at their heads.

That's a punishment decided by a fair trial. Whereas erasing one's identity by misgendering them is an extrajudicial punishment.

It's getting old

don't care. I'm gonna keep meme posting longgggggg after it's not funny

Doesn't stop it being true.

Just to let you know, /u/trans_feminist_ally is obviously trolling in that post. Look at their post history and you will see them standing up for guns rights and what not. Very unlikely that the comment is serious, because who the fuck would ever actually say that.

I'd be inclined to agree if we weren't talking about Berkeley.

Those are some skewed fucking priorities.

They? What is he, Venom?

Nobody suspects a troll? Look at the username ffs

Drama gets rused by an obvious troll yet again smh

100% lol no one would put 'ally' in their username unironically

I love my school lmao

If it they accidentally called a guy "they" and corrected it no one would bat an eye. Instead, slap fights!

Fuck them

Hmm nope no signs of mental illness in this suddenly stabby genderqueer pansexual.

Gender is performance, and zhe performed poorly.