I would like to discuss blacks and how they have become racist in a double standard system.

0  2017-01-10 by Blacksareveryracist



you dun it!

Apparently ...Man , murder is their first go to instead of a conversation on the topic..talk about uncivilized.


There should be like a purge type thing where once a year/season you can buy a license to bag a specific amount of white people, no questions asked.

Really...I ask a simple question and you prove me right by saying let's kill white people...wow!

white lives don't matter

Wow...you do realize your more than proving my point for me...every life matters! Black, white, Asia, etc....to say otherwise is as racist as it gets!

No live matter, the universe does not give a shit about any of us

Delete this. 2017 is the year of white genocide, honky. Buckle up.

What...that's fucked up...not to mention more racist then all listed above...your going Hitler on whites...that's as racist as it gets!

Mugabe did nothing wrong.

Who's Mugabe?

Oh just the guy who Made Zimbabwe Great Again by kicking out all the cumskins.

Really...so your suggesting to make America great again all the blacks need to go back home?

Made Zimbabwe Great Again

You are staggeringly stupid

Lol...yeah I doubt all blacks are going to commit a genocide! Much less that you would have this information lol

Wasnt there already a white genocide?

Zero Effort. kys you are not good at the drama.