/r/Toronto is triggered about drink coasters or something.

35  2017-01-10 by zahlman


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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I thank my lord and savior I will never be in a bar that has drink coasters advocating gender fluidity

Fun fact: the "gender fluid" may actually be in the drink.

Gender fluid is semen.

It's starts off tasting like dick but finishes with a distinctive vaginal note.

Fun fact: the "gender fluid" may actually be in the drink.

Is that yellow one on the right what a gender-fluid individual looks like?

No no no, you misunderstood the one on the left. Gender is fluid, and therefore all individuals are gender-fluid.

But there's still a highly gendered patriarchy, because reasons.

Eventually buzzwords start to say less about their target and more about the people that use them.

They already do

This is what happens when you let women on the internet.

What's next, letting them vote?

The House of Saud does it right.

Feminists are such abject pieces of shit.

Considering that men are sexually victimized at equal rates and feminists have endeavored to suppress this information for decades, this is just a continuation of that suppression and to further reinforce negative stereotypes of men.

The coasters boast garbage messages that only a woman's consent matters. That men, who are already viewed as the least trustworthy and dangerous gender, are personified lies. Just look at the picture of those four smug bird turds proud they came up with this bigoted bile. White women are intellectual poison.

Men, you don't owe women shit. Right now men care about the well being of women much more than women care about the well being of men. That alone makes men as a gender better than women. Be proud.


Is this fresh?

Fresh but not sincere. Doesn't mean it isn't good.

Oh my, Toronto is so toxic.

97% of men agree that "men can personally make a difference in promoting healthy, respectful non-violent relationships".

MEN ARE ALL LIES (because less than 97% of relationships are non-violent)

This is so fucking stupid. It's beyond words.

Coasters like "are you a man? go die, lol" are on the way.

Well if the floor of the restaurant was covered in sexual abuse and men constantly trying to take advantage of women who wanted to go out for a couple drinks - yeah, it has made the place cleaner.

:D :D :D That was pure!

The art on those is fuck ugly tbh

Toronto sounds exhausting and boring