Brave And Noble Aryan Warrior Gets The Death Penalty, /r/altright Is Conflicted

15  2017-01-10 by fucked_my_shit_up




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Nah, way too easy.

>Dylann Roof



Lmao there's a dude in there calling him DyRo sounds like a rapper

Yes the alt right is retarded, we all know this.

This doesn't seem to be too far off the truth. Another example: the Bundys went after a rural native interpretation center instead of like, the IRS or BLM headquarters.

BLM headquarters

Is that even a thing?

Bureau of Land Management

This doesn't seem to be too far off the truth.

Well, except for the martyr part.

You forgot to mention that it was also unoccupied. Nothing says "We demand to be taken seriously" like seizing a building that's been closed up for the winter.

So many white knights in there

There was a surprisingly low amount of conflict there.

That's because most of the drama was deleted by mods

/u/bannedfromimzy won that thread.

Aryan does NOT mean white.

RIP tactical bowl cut