FuckFace Von Clownstick (Donald Trump) is melting down on live tv right now

0  2017-01-11 by DonaldBlythe

I'll try to find a video but Trump is having a major breakdown in his press conference and he's even yelled at the BBC the refused to take questions from CNN while defending his nazi comparison.

Edit: OMG he just ended the conference and ran away when asked about Russian contacts.



Don't make a thread unless you had a link. ETS is That way faggot.

I'll post a link as soon as a non stream is added to youtube.

Trump showers a CNN reporter with harsh invectives after leaked fake news story becomes national headline, but is the new President-elect just pissing into the wind?


Tune in to find out the shocking conclusion on this week's riveting episode of Holy Shit, Americans actually elected this person to lead them!


It's fascinating. My dog is more presidential, and he occasionally surprises himself by spontaneously pooping in the middle of a walk.

Welp, Americans did almost get a bitch elected, so they're on the right track.

Welp, Americans did almost get a bitch elected

Welp, Americans did almost get a bitch cunt elected

Trump's a usually buffoon but he actually roasted buzzfeed pretty good there tbh

Link to time pls?


It's fucking hilarious, he just shits all over CNN and buzzfeed

Man, he actually started out okay. We got like 5 minutes of semi-presidential rhetoric.

Then, he attacked the media, the pharmaceutical companies, and the media again while conveniently dodging questions about whether or not he accepts that Russia was trying to influence the election.

OMG he just ended the conference and ran away when asked about Russian contacts.


If you're going to agenda post at least agenda post with something with a little meat.

"Sir you did not answer whether your associates are in contact with Russia"


I agenda post then editorialize things to try and make drama

Good attempt but it's just not there. If you want to hatejerk at Trump there's plenty of subs for that. Otherwise just wait til Trump actually does something crazy, like everyone else.

donald i was going to ignore this because i thought you were being a fucking retard on purpose but i realize now youre just an actual retard

No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  2. Video - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is*

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wait did he refuse to take questions from CNN? from what i saw he just refused questions from buzzfeed

Man we just had our President Elect address on live TV that no he did not get golden showers from prostitutes because he's a germaphobe. We did it guys! The bar got pushed lower!

There is no bar anymore.

We need James Cameron to go back to Mariana's trench and raise it again.

damn donald i see you also get your humor from cnn

I'm surprised you can see anything at all with Trumps cum all over your face.

his cum is delicious you homophobe nigger


why would you go and publicly confirm your severe autism like this /u/JumbledFun

Misdirection. Donito Cheetolini is smart enough to know that urine is sterile.

Lol, he called CNN (or was it buzzfeed) fake news and the whole room applauded.



Tryhard agendaposting. He didn't even include a link at first.

BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump continues to act like a retard, people overreact or continue circlejerking around him. In other news, the grass is still green and the sky is still blue.

More at 11.

You should watch the press conference it was a particular low point for him because his Russian golden showers gave them ammo. He even attacked the BBC.

Nigga I ain't watchin' that shit, I got better things to do with my time. Like watching this.

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WATCH LIVE: Donald Trump's first press conference in six months 1 - OMG he just ended the conference and ran away when asked about Russian contacts. ??? If you're going to agenda post at least agenda post with something with a little meat.
President Donald Trump Slams Reporter You Are Fake News! 1 - MR. PRESIDENT ELECT THAT'S NOT APPROPRIATE :( :( :( :( !!!!
Bolbi Stroganovsky Slapping and Clapping for 10 hours 1 - Nigga I ain't watchin' that shit, I got better things to do with my time. Like watching this.

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You have to be the biggest tryhard on reddit.