/r/socialism gets very conflicted on if they should oppose the death penalty as normal, or have it be okay when it's used against ideological opponents (aka communism101). The usual liberal pussy vs radical comrade hooting breaks out.

42  2017-01-11 by lvl99SkrubRekker


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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If bullets aren't flying, we're doing something wrong.

Far too much edge for a Tuesday morning, son.

lol, that was possibly the best way to tell me that.

Was going to post a different part from that but you've done it already.

Fuk u

Boo, your agenda posts are usually better

Trying to be a bit more subtle fam : /

Your profile name is an agenda post in itself.

Yer mom's an agenda post in itself

Got em

A very loose agenda post at that.

Is Dylan even an "ideological opponent"? He doesn't seem to have much of an actual ideology, he just hates black people.

Considering everyone that disagrees with them from Hitler to the average cop to conservatives to Roof is considered a fascist, it makes more sense when you think about it that way.

How do you go through life with so little awareness that you think everyone that doesn't agree with you 100% is evil?


I knew there would be idiocy in the thread, but it still exceeded my expectations

Yeah, I especially liked how they're all "we only oppose Death Penalty because the State is illegitimate, but if it were legitimate, oh boy how we'd ..."

Yeah, I especially liked how they're all "we only oppose Death Penalty because the State is illegitimate, but if it were legitimate, oh boy how we'd ..."

/u/BabyEngels, /u/celtic_thistle, /u/arg6442 -- you're all bloodthirsty maniacs and the reason your movement will never win until it purges you.

You just don't understand. A socialist or communist government would be impervious to killing innocent people.


They think that if they were in charge no innocents would die when they decide to indiscriminately shoot people that look like "bourgeousie"

How can you be that delusional?

The Rabbit Hole goes far deeper than any of us can fathom...

When you define anyone you want to murder as "guilty" there can be no killing of the innocent, comrade.

Is it that hard to disagree with "I oppose the death penalty but this guy got what was coming to him"? I don't think so. Step up your shitty agenda posting game OP.

Thats not really what is happening here though, people that dont support the death penalty are getting told "PACISTFIST LIBERALS REEEEEE" lol

As someone that dosent give two fucks less about the death penalty, I think it is funny.

Mocking socialists is only funny when they do something embarrassing. You can't just post every thread you come across, that's being a tryhard failure.

I get bored during the day. Also legend has it that if I domt shit post once a day I will die. Truth.

sounds like it