TrollX makes gentle fun of dickpics. Men of the sort who unironically post in TrollX raise issue of bodyshaming.

87  2017-01-12 by YourGayOpinion


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Can we talk about how from a rhyme standpoint that poem really shouldn't have that second Hickory Dickory Dock?

Stop rhyme scheme shaming, please.

That is what jumped out at me. Should be Hickory Dickory Dee or similar, and the last line would have to be changed too. Also, they shouldn't be kink shaming those who like humiliation. It just makes them more aroused.

lol isn't this exactly like how they talk about mansplaining and then downvote womensplaining?

In this context - with a woman complaining about a dick pic, then calling it tiny - this is super goddamn obviously insulting him by calling his penis small. The users here are trying really, really hard to pretend it's not, and it's almost insulting.

How does a qausi retarded """"""""""feminist""""""""""" like you end up on this side of this crap? You're literally whining about women mocking the size of unsolicited dicks. Delete your account.


/u/takeittorcirclejerk you got a small dick? Why defend unsolicited dick-pic senders?

There once was a lawyer named Rex, Who had very small organs for sex, When faced with exposure, He would say with composure, de minimis non curate lex.

de minimis non curat lex.


How does a qausi retarded...feminist...

Feminist = small dick

Thank you for your service.

I doubt it is women making fun of fuckbois that make men paranoid about their cock size, it is likely the gargantuan amount of pornography consumed that make them worried their totally average dick isn't sufficient.

Though milfs do, in fact, like it big. Especially when it comes through a hole in a Big Johnny's Pizza box.

Slovenly women like everything large. It makes them feel dainty.

Though milfs do, in fact, like it big.

Hmmm...this is a curious thing you raised. Actually pondering what women want sexually. This is strange notion that has never occurred to me. Why would a man care about such a thing?

Well you want to know there's sausage on your pizza. Know what I mean ;).

Though milfs do, in fact, like it big. Especially when it comes through a hole in a Big Johnny's Pizza box.

I think I saw a documentary about this on the Internet.

Well at least TrollX users can now conveniently identify the men in the sub who have itty bitty penii.

P old news in regards to titrc, tho

All of them?

Probably a fair assessment.


I mean it looks like she has an itty bitty penii as well

Feminist ally = micro penis.

Hey, that's actually a harmful stereotype. Would appreciate it if you would stop.

Shut up microdick!

Username checks out.

This is why I make fun of fat girls

After this post I have doubled my fat shaming quota.

And hey it's not as bad because they can exercise to lose weight. You can't run on a treadmill for half an hour day and end up with a twelve inch walloper.

Not with that attitude

just tie a weight on it and let it dangle

you could liposuction all your gut fat into your dick if you were that way inclined

If you can't go longer, go wider.

The micro-dicks and land whales still have each other.

/u/takeittorcirclejerk would you say tone policing people's responses to unwanted dick pics is the greatest cause of our time?

Please do not ping /u/takeittorcirclejerk.

/u/takeittorcirclejerk does not like it when he gets pings.

I sexually identify as /u/takeittorcirclejerk so please stop trying to erase my identity

I'm sorry for pinging your personal sexuality which in this case is /u/takeittorcirclejerk as I understand it doesn't enjoy being pinged on reddit.

Wait, are you guys talking about the /u/takeittorcirclejerk? The one with the small penis?

Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of modding meta subreddits and tone policing arguments. People say to me that being /u/takeittorcirclejerk is impossible and I'm fucking retarded but I don't care, I'm beautiful. I'm having penis reduction surgery and getting a gender studies degree. From now on I want you guys to call me “Cuck” and respect my right to whine constantly and whine needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a body shamer and need to check your drama privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

Oh man I need a cigarette after reading that. Damn that was good.

Jesus he picked a weird hill to die on. Dude must send a ton of pics of his lil micro penis.

And he's a big hypocritical phony! I caught him dick shaming some poor downtrodden man in trolly, and when I called out this injustice the (((mods))) banned me!

Link that here

[look at the big phony go!](sometimes_you_have_a_clarifying_moment_at/dccn13h/?context=3)

Edit your link, Jumbled.

It's 2017 and there are still men out there that believe more than a fraction of women could possibly have empathy for them.


mayocide now!

I knew a girl who would return the unsolicited dick pic with a previously unsolicited dick pic. It was like White Elephant but with white wieners.

Pay It Forward

if you're so insecure about your penis size that you need to complain about body-shaming on a female-centered meme forum then you clearly have nothing going for you physically.

Well he is a SRD mod

if you're so insecure about your penis size that you need to complain about body-shaming on a female-centered meme forum then you clearly have nothing going for you physically.

False. My mummy says I'm handsome.

Female centered hate forum.

probably why someone would frequent that forum in the first place

/u/Audacia220 what kind of shit parent are you you'd scold your baby while reading dick poetry that doesn't even flow properly?

She's LatinX. I think that means she has superpowers.

What is a LatinX?

Caesar Augustus, but with super strength and healing powers.

I'm afro-latinx

Ohh that poor baby

This is probably the one thing in social justice/identity politics that genuinely annoys the fuck out of me.

So, unlike English, Spanish is a gendered language. All nouns are either masculine or feminine, and for objects this is immutable. "The house" will always be the feminine, "la casa." It's just grammar and not any sort of value judgment on the noun in question.

For nouns referring to people, you can switch between genders based on the gender of the person. El chico is the boy. La chica is the girl. Hermano/a for brother/sister etc.

In mixed gender groups, you defer to the masculine plural form of the noun. So siblings would translate to hermanos. Again, this is grammar, not misogyny.

Latinx is their way to fight the patriarchy or something since the masculine "Latino" is the gramatically correct way to refer to Latin-Americans in either a mixed gender or ambiguous setting.

It's really pedantic and has no basis in actual Spanish.

i never understood gendered languages. what's the point in them? english does fine with the one 'the'

I'd love if someone with a background in linguistics could ELI5 this, but my lame answer is that it's just the way it is and has been for centuries. I know most (all?) Romance languages have gendered nouns.


It helps, in some instances, make clear which object an article, adjective or pronoun refers to - "Did you put the key under this(male)one or under this(female)one?"

Obviously, it doesn't work in all cases and it adds some work definining genders for nouns.

This ain't nitpicking. This is calling out. This is me writing the obvious: this sub is upvoting a post that isn't about Donald Trump, and when I posted, no one here was calling it out.

I'm calling you out for your lack of agendaposting. I know that's hard for you to read, but it's goddamn true and it's sad that dtama, a generally excellent place, is not only OK with it but upvoting it.

this is obviously part of the anti small penis agenda

Incestous cock drama involving meta people and trash tier "feminism" all in one. It certainly was destined to be here.

^ this

Damn that's a sad sub

surely every post in that sub should just be "i have a small dick"

I wish i had the jawline of that woman who wrote the tweet.


/u/Dreaminbigger Small cock? Get a xir-friend with small hands.

Someone should post this to CB2 as a horrible example of bodyshaming.

fat shaming, kink shaming, body shaming etc, they only apply to the fat women that use the terms, everyone else is fair game.

You'd think people would have learned this by now.

I think it used to also be forbidden to kinkshame The Gays, back in the Before Times.

The downfall of /r/TrollXChromosomes is just another proof how needed is eradication of men.

The extermination of merely one of the 72 Genders would be a drop in the ocean. It would hardly be noticed.

Eradication of men and whites would solve every problem the world has right now.

Um, there would still be 70 other genders that aren't woman, bro.

Ugh, you win

I am assuming your gender. Pray I do not assume it further.

if a penis isnt literally as big as the person its attached to its a micropenis and they're a cuck

takeittorcirclejerk seems real concerned that someone might be making fun of tiny dicks

like really fucking concerned

I never understood this, because the only dicks I ever got were aesthetic. I guess people knew not to send me an ugly dick.

Maybe you just have really low standards