That time /r/hapas made a thread about me.

10  2017-01-12 by krautchanner


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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I'm so sick of /r/eurasiantiger and /r/nightfall117 and all those other insecure guys spreading their pathology around.

Well they won't breed so it died with them.


Wait a second, I replied to the wrong faggot. u/GodInASimulation


These lads need to be gassed tbh

What are you gonna do about it? Have s breakdown and rage at work or school like most hapa males wind up doing? How long is the stress going to weigh on your back before you snap?

u/80BAIT08 is still extremely butthurt for getting absolutely destroyed in r/hapas a month ago

u/PM_ME_MOD_STATUS is also extremely butthurt we described who he is [here](

What happened a month ago ?

:/ no one cares :/

I'm sorry I'm a little confused about who's the biggest degenerate here...

Obviously it's the OP, since he loves black dicks

OP likes watching black men have sex with his wife*

*in his dreams because he doesn't have a wife or a gf or anything.

May I be the first to commend you on doing your small part to bring about white genocide?

Dude you r/hapas losers got trolled hardddddd and triggered like crazy by the fine folks at r/AMAWs hahahahahahaha you even stickied the "lets go get em thread is live" borderline brigading (which, just so you know, we encourage). You got played hard fam avoid the shame and delete your account and kys.

Damn, if I had that much trouble using proper 3rd grade English punctuation I'd also kill myself.

When memeing, punctuation is for nerds fam no wonder you can't find a lady lolololololol


Hitler would be proud of you, OP.

Nigga you got blown the fuck out by a bunch of people so lame they had the time to find that obscure ass subreddit AND be active on it.

I wouldn't be proud of that.

So what Ken that place? Just like the fallout from the Vietnam war or what?

OP is

another basement sex creep in the shadows trying to justify why his hilariously stupid 'Asian chick' is with him and hasn't seppuku'ed yet out of shame

Sounds about right

OP are you supposed to come out of this not looking like an embarrassing autist? Your post history has me convinced you may have a surplus of chromosomes

You think I care how I'm perceived on Reddit? I just come here to shitpost.

Keep being you, you're beautiful in your own inbred way

Extra chromosomes means they're just more of you to love.

That's why I exclusively fuck morbidly obese downsies, so much to love for so little effort

he doesn't care folks that's why he posted to make sure we know he doesn't care!

go back to sucking your bfs black cock u fag

Besides, u/somenakedguy, were all blessed with extra chromies here man embrace the autism you ableist fuck. Also you post about legends of the storm which makes you a weeb and we all know weebs were a mistake and should be gassed.

Did you just call me a weeb for playing a western game? How dare you

Playing any vidya is boderline weeb fam.

If vidya makes you a weeb then westerners were a mistake

I also think you're a fucking idiot