/u/Nightfall117 is a sad loser.

2  2017-01-12 by GodInASimulation


I know now I'll never have any flair again and I've come to terms with that.


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/u/Nightfall117 Get a life. Stop bullying 14 Year olds on the internet.

"LOLOL XDXDXxd LmAO" what? are you 12?

Oh, do me! do me!

Yo upvote this post and my comments in this thread or ill ban you from /r/Jewskank

How do you know it'll be me who upvotes you?

Hmm, didnt think about that. Maybe u can send a screenshot?

nah i upvoted you and you'll just have to take my word for it.

Thanks, i upvoted you too 🤗 Btw did you downvote nightfall?

No, that would give me negative karma

Is this the "beef" thread? If so, I am pinging /u/combative_douche to come here and tell me why I'm banned from nega. He rarely lives up to his username tho

Yes. /u/Combative_douche please tell us why you banned this cuck from nega

Probably for posting in cringeanarchy

Da fuck...

Ya luck... xd