Youtuber Shoe0nhead and twitch streamer Steven "Destiny" Bonnell get into it on Twitter over religion

40  2017-01-13 by marshallsbananas


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. This Post -,,,*

  2. Initial argument -,,*

  3. Shoe0nhead throwing shade -,,*

  4. Destiny throwing shade back -,,*

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/u/neodestiny 1v1 on skype, pussy

I'd actually be interested in watching this if only to see an r/drama regular's face, I imagine all of them as horrifically ugly and sluttish

One of those things makes it harder to be the other.

But not impossible

It's actually shocking how many of them are either average or above average physically and facially.

All of the "Skype debates" are voice only for the most part.

Hey! I resemble that remark!

You sound pretty mad, bro. Tagging me because you're obsessed with me? Come to a fan meet-up and I"ll sign something for you, maybe, if you ask nicely.


Would you sign my dick

You sound pretty mad, bro.

This is some top notch internet banter I must say. No wonder everyone is scared of debating you.

Come to a fan meet-up

Are you famous then?

Tagging /u/NeoDestiny coz I'm obsessed with him.

So you expected her to sit through what is essentially a 2 hour conversation with you?

No wonder she isn't interested, fucking hell. One tweet and you want to move in with her.

Are we moving on from demanding skype debates with everyone you have an internet disagreement with to demanding meetings irl now?

Jesus Chris. You sad,lonely man.

Would you sign my dick

Would you sign my dick

Would you sign my dick

Why are you harassing a woman on the internet?

You're literally a prime example of the dunning-Kruger effect.

Like watching a train wreck.

Would you sign my ass with your dick

aren't you that guy that harassed a 13 year old and told them to kill themselves?

you're sick in the head, dude.

mmm more people who are only brave enough to shit talk on Twitter Reddit, feels good man :)

Papa destiny plz to make debate with Jason unruhe? He's a very loud, outspoken Maoist, I think the debate would be interesting

The biggest joke is you having a fan meet up that is about signing things instead of you cruising for virgin tween asshole.

You fell for the retard magnet. Smh

Really makes you think huh?

Oh how the drama gods have blessed us on this fine day

You peaked at the retard magnet. Where is that destiny 😔?

Would you sign my shovel? After your tweet I decided that it was appropriate to use one to rape women.

how can ghazi like him when hes literally harassing and threatening that woman on twitter!!!!??!

She isn't liberal enough to be considered a woman to them.


i think the real issue is that she doesnt have a penis

/u/NeoDestiny do you legitimately think that duo-queueing with Kaceytron makes you enlightened about gender dynamics?

I'm not really fluent in the StreamerNerd scene, is /u/neodestiny that dude who tries to get teenage girls to participate in gangbangs?

This comment helped me a lot.

Wanna get on Skype buddy? : ^ )

Putting spaces makes it look more smug

The only winners in this is:

  • Me because drama

  • All good streamers like that swede jobel

This is actual sea lion behavior. Except in this one they will probably roll over and kill you during a physical meet up much like an actual sea lion.

/u/NeoDestiny do you realize how creepy it looks to harass young women on twitter repeatedly demanding they add you on skype? Or does you autism prevent that kind of self-awareness?

inb4 all comments critical of him here are organically downvoted into oblivion after a neutral on-stream brigade-free viewing.

>real argument about le evil funDIEs

what fucking year is it

Isn't Destiny the guy who got his followers to post their dicks in solidarity for some reason a few years ago?

/u/NeoDestiny, just a tip, using right-wing 4chan lingo like "triggered", "safe-space", and especially the smiley with the caret nose, against right-wing 4channers isn't as clever or funny as you think it is.

I want to say that this is why autists should be kept away from Twitter, but then the drama they're providing is invaluable. Actually, with Sky Williams recently sperging out recently, Twitch streamers are starting to really add to the drama game.

I mean, to be fair to the boi, shoe0nhead wants to suck redditor dick really badly Armored Skeptic even on Reddit?

My sources say no.

Bleep, Bloop, I'm a bot!

Is it worth it to identify that I go on Reddit publicly, in order to receive a mediocre blowjob?

No. No it is not.

I'm fairly certain shoe0nhead doesn't even belong in the 'mediocre' category.

It's so easy to trigger these right-leaning

Says very leftist retard ever when confronted. It's like when 6 years olds think if they get the insult in first they win and its true. So lame and desperate smh.

It's true, though. Try it some time. Here: trans women are women. which means they should be able to use the women's bathroom.

You couldn't have picked a more retarded subject to get upset about

Sh0eoni literally hold no concrete stance on anything and am the literal defenition of 'lmao dude i dont have an opinion i just say that 'y'all' are crazy' and pretend i'm above it all'

seriously, i actually don't understand what purpose she provides. I'm not big on the whole 'anti sjw' youtuber crowd but at least some of them have an actual concrete viewpoint on something. She just flip flops everywhere and engages in drama

vapid cunt

What is it that we do?

Wow dude. Calm your titggers.