/r/socialism seizes the meow-ns of popcorn-making when they hiss about catgirls being meow-gynistic. Mods have a kitten and let out the claws, bans turn the sub into a kill shelter. The users let the fur fly.

180  2017-01-13 by TIP_FO_EHT_MOTTOB


Jews did this


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/r/socialism hates cats.

Hitler hated cats.

You might be onto something there, bot.

Catgirls are cancer.

Whatever excuse /r/socialism needs to stamp out this menace is fine by me

this might be the stupidest thing ive seen all week

Considering we've seen ESS and SLS fling their own shit at each other, that's saying a lot.

This is the stupidest thing I've seen socialism mods do ever.

>SRD title

kill yourself.

Shouldn't you be somewhere letting Trump watch you piss?

? I mean I voted for trump, but as far as trump fanbois go on this site Im pretty fucking far down on the list.

No, he's right.

Nah, I'll just enjoy the puns.

I'm fairly certain he lets Trump piss right into his chewing-tobacco-stained mouth. What a good boy.

its always chaw thirty

srs pls go

And for such an awesome, no, almost erotic thread, too.

Time for /r/altsocialism to rise. State funded catgirls FOR ALL!

I'm allergic to cats.

Don't worry the excellent socialist healthcare system will take care of all

Hairless cat girls as a hypoallergenic alternative?

I thought of that but if they have the same baggy wrinkly skin as the hairless cats? Sounds nightmarish

Only in the places where the hair was supposed to be (scalp, armpits, genitalia), the rest is usual girl skin, obviously. Well, maybe legs are somewhat wrinkly too.

Jesus Christ

State funded catgirls FOR ALL!

You've got my vote.

Wasn't Trump supposed to make waifus real or something?

When is that? Before or after the wall?

I think Trump's priorities are 1) Repeal Obamacare 2) Build the Wall 3) Make Waifus Real, but I might have gotten that from a disreputable source like CNN.

Damn I really want some waifus

dont we all brother

1) Repeal Obamacare

2) Use Obamacare money to put fleshlights in the wall.

That is fantastic

Associating with 8chan will result in a ban. Defending creepy objectifying anime will result in a ban. This is 100% completely uncontroversial. If you're a fan of /leftypol/ that's your prerogative. If you're a fan of creepy objectifying anime drawings, that's your prerogative. But you're not welcome to be either of those things in this sub.

Hahahaha their sub is a prime example of how socialism/communism turns nations into authoritarian dictatorship shitholes, where you're branded as an (insert buzzword here) if you go against status quo, and you must therefore be physically removed.

We need a solution to the commie problem

A final solution?


I don't get why they're so mad about anime. Most online socialists are weeb NEETs, like your average alt-righter

Anime and uselessness, where the tips of the horseshoe really collide.

if the horseshoe fits...

I told you fuckers Saber was shit. Rin a best.

Hahahaha their sub is a prime example of how socialism/communism turns nations into authoritarian dictatorship shitholes

I don't think I've ever seen a sub where the mods were so irrational, and powertippy.

Is /r/socialism officially the most oppressive sub on Reddit? I can't think of any others that are this bad.

That sounds dangerously like wrong think, comrade. Please report to the ministry of love for an education.

Take a little trip to Room 101.

read other books, my dear fellow redditor

1984 remains the most prophetic book when it comes to left wing authoritarians.

It's a really great book if you're 16. You should stop talking about it around 24 or 25, or people may suspect you haven't read anything since high school :/

woof that's bitchy

I read quite a lot since high school and i can still appreciate 1984.

TIL they ban people for using the word insane because it's a slur. Now that's just fucking retarded.

It's no big deal to a advocate murder or genocide for all those problematic untermensch because power + privilege, but don't you dare call someone a stupid-head.

Kill all men = okay

Thats crazy = Triggered

Pretty much any lefty sub. They are all moderated the same way.

And in a lot of cases by the same people.


The Don doesn't ban people for saying the wrong thing, it bans people for not saying the right thing. And the right thing is always "yummy yummy I like Trumpy cummies in my tummy".

But as far as I know they won't ban you for being a furry.

But as far as I know they won't ban you for being a furry.

Specifically for that, no. But the question asked if there were other forums that were as oppressive - I didn't realise they meant surrounding that particular area, my bad :)

/r/the_Donald was my first thought, but they just ban you for shutting on Donald, and not all this far reaching ableism/catgirls/police sympathy stuff to the point where you're just tiptoeing over all these ban words that are completely normal everywhere else.

they just ban you for shitting on Donald

I got permabanned for disagreeing with a person who said there's a difference between "gays" (who stay in the closets where they belong) and "faggots" and only the first are okay and should be allowed.

People were arguing about that very thing the other day on T_D and the pro-gay rights side had way more upvotes. There are crazies in every group (and many in that group). Maybe you ran across a crazy mod.

There are crazies in every group (and many in that group).

Stop that shit.

Just reporting what I saw. Different people go to different threads.

Hey, maybe trump supporters aren't a monolith, just like muslims?

Hey, maybe trump supporters aren't a monolith

They are certainly expected to be. You know, to prevent the cultural marxist cucks from infiltrating.

Welp I never actually posted there so maybe I'm wrong.

Yep. This has become pretty common with a lot of behaviors, "Pepe = white nationalism" being one of the more-egregious recent examples. It's basically "people I dislike tend to exhibit idiosyncratic behavior X, so if you can stop doing X and refuse to do so then it's okay for me to dislike and punish you." It can justify pretty much any sort of arbitrary tribalistic hoop-jumping.

I vote that r/drama joins the communist revolution then.

Can we be Nazi commies? Maybe it'll balance out.

You mean like some kind of National Socialist?

Nazi is short for national socialist FYI

Maybe the alt right manages to associate breathing with communism so the /r/socialism mods will order their members to stop doing it.

Most subs on reddit are like that tho. Especially if it involves politics in any way.

Really? To this level? Do they ban people for cat girls? Honestly i dont even know, i stopped browsing political subs a while back.

In my opinion it boils down to the issue that "social justice" has gone completely off the rails.

It has become a contest to find the most and newest forms off oppression, and to be the most oppressed group. So to be a leader in the SJ circles, you have to be the most proactive at pointing out oppression, and then tie that oppression to your own life.

Nevermind that women are literally possessions in countries like Qatar and Saudi Arabia,this woman is drawing women with cat ears!

If you're not proactive in your prosecution of reactionaries, you might as well be reactionary yourself.

Do they ban people for cat girls?

They should.

I just created r/LoveTheBomb as a r/drama, r/badphilosophy style free for all politics sub.

This should be archived as a microcosm for a socialist society.

Oh I think they solve themselves pretty well. No real far left movement will survive to relevance if they fracture over arguments on catgirls.

We need a solution to the commie problem before its too late tbhqw

I'm pretty sure when the roving gangs of Bolsheviks scrawny hipster kids show up to start shit I'll be able to kill at least a few of them with my bare hands no matter how old I've gotten or how far I've let myself go.

Remember that guy that got ambushed by a hundred antifa and managed to kill one of them anyway?

You have to respect a guy that keeps his K/D ratio even in a situation like that.


he didn't get killed himself

Fucking hipsters can't even commit mob violence right.

smh tbh


this is exactly why communism is bad both in theory and practice.

to be fair there's not really a way to implement a socialist system in reddit, also most Political subs usually have shitty authoritarian mods, and if they dont they have 10 subcribers, /r/socialism sucks though.

Hahahaha their sub is a prime example of how socialism/communism turns nations into authoritarian dictatorship shitholes, where you're branded as an (insert buzzword here) if you go against status quo, and you must therefore be physically removed.

How exactly does socialism foster those kind of things?

Oh no not true socialismtm , that can only possibly result in fully automated luxury utopia. I'm talking about the real life applications, and how people's opinions get marginalized in the never ending goal to have the most pure ideology, as can be seen here.

and how people's opinions get marginalized in the never ending goal to have the most pure ideology, as can be seen here.

That happens in tons of ideologies, what about socialism supposedly makes it more susceptible to that?

And let's be real whether you think catgirls are misogynistic (which is stupid), has nothing to do with how socialist you are.

That happens in tons of ideologies, what about socialism supposedly makes it more susceptible to that?

I never said its the most prone, i said that in most cases where it has been applied, this ideology devolved into authoritarianism, much like what we're seeing in the sub today.

And let's be real whether you think catgirls are misogynistic (which is stupid), has nothing to do with how socialist you are.

That's true, but I'm sure that if you ask most socialists, they'll tell you that the ideology isn't solely economic. With socialism, and especially online, everyone tries to be ultra-perfect by following the "purest" for of the ideology that they can find, so naturally this leads to purity tests, countless internal divisions, and people being locked up and in some cases killed because they are deemed to be "bad" by the system for going against whatever type of perfect socialism is running the government.

Cats were a mistake. Girls were a bigger mistake.

Cat girl misogyny.

On their sidebar

When asked whether or not we are marxists , our position is the same as that of a physicist or a biologist when asked if he is a Newtonian, or if he is a Pasteurian. There are truths so evident, so much a part of people's knowledge, that it is now useless to discuss them

Che Guevera

It's a little known fact but there's more to that quote

other things that it is useless to discuss: the fact that catgirls are misogynist, marxist ideology, anime is trash, gamers are dead

All their tryhard quotes make it even more hilarious when they're having serious arguments about the most inane shit ever.

That Che quote is also funny in retrospect, now that barely any economist still takes Marx seriously.

that doesn't even make sense, what do you mean by that or is it just something you thought would be good to say?

Che thought that Marxism would be self-evident, because its truth is so obvious. However, it is now known that Marx' economic theory's have been almost completely dismissed. You still have some, like Richard Wolff, but they're almost extinct.

no, no, you're doing it again - you've just repeated the meaningless thing again but not explained what you're trying to say - actually you've made it worse by suggesting that Richard Wolff who is a person is one of Marx's economic theories? you know that economic theories and people are different things? like really quite different...

Try and use words that make sense to express what you're trying to say...

It was pretty obvious from the get-go, and i can't be arsed to waste more time about it.

no but this is the thing it's not obvious, i mean it's obvious that you're just saying something you think is clever and cool sounding but it's totally and utter nonsense and you can't even come close to defending it or saying it in a way that makes it clear because it's clearly idiotic.

this level of reading comprehension.

ah the classic 'you don't understand but i won't tell you!' you'd be amazed how often i hear that from people who are talking absolute rubbish...

can't you just indulge me and explain it...?

i don't know if you realise this but you've linked to your own inbox with every post you've made, not sure what you're aiming for?

but yeah, why are those things confusing to you? someone said something that was objectively stupid and i pointed out it was stupid and they're just saying meaningless words, that's what happens in drama, have you ever been here before? and yes i mod over sixty subs many of them are awesome, /r/pompandpatriot for example which could do with some more songs if anyone knows some good ones...

i don't know if you realise this but you've linked to your own inbox with every post you've made, not sure what you're aiming for?

being so new you don't realize that a greentext CSS macro appears as a link in the reply inbox, but entirely different when viewd on the actual sub

Is this your first day on the internet?

someone said something that was objectively stupid


Objectively: in a way that is not influenced by personal feelings or opinions.

Sounded a bit more subjective tbhqw.

no it's objectively stupid, it's totally absurd from a factual basis which is why not a single person here can say anything beside empty words that translate to 'you're wrong but i won't tell you why...'

no it's objectively stupid

Prove it. Right now you're just using empty words.

prove what? That people still take Marx seriously? that's like proving air still exists, you just need to look anywhere and it's obvious - heh, China for a start...

The school system is another good start, Karl Marx is the most assigned economist in U.S. college classes

To say Marx's theories are debunked is like saying Newtonian Physics is debunked - yes they've evolved a lot in the last hundred and fifty years of course they have, they're as fundamental to the modern perspective as Adam Smith or to use an example people are more familiar with Darwin - saying that Marx is discredited is like saying Darwin is discredited and trying to use it to prove creationism because if Darwin didn't get it perfect then we don't need to think about all the actual meat and potatoes of the issue we can just close our eyes and wish it away...

like proving air still exists

More empty words.

China for a start.

What about China. Just saying "Look at China" proves nothing and is just empty words.

most assigned economist in U.S. college classes

Yeah. To educate people on historical theories that have since been debunked. If the hostory of a flat earth is taught in college, that doesn't mean flat earth theroies have weight.

You've used an awful lot of words to prove and say nothing.

look at china, i.e. someone said Marxism isn't prominent in the world yet the richest and most powerful country in the world's government is based on his theories - i mean what more could you possibly ask for?

and yes i know who Deng Xiaoping is, do you?

If the history of a flat earth is taught in college,

which of course it isn't because things don't work like that, you really think that in college they spend the most time teaching you stuff that's considered wrong? wild stab in the dark here, but never went to college did you? did you even finish school?

just stomping you feet and saying you're very smart isn't going to wash, i've clearly demonstrated the original assertion is false so either come with something sensible or give up.

i mean what more could you possibly ask for?

Proof. You're just saying things and not backing them up with actual evidence.

which of course it isn't because things don't work like that, you really think that in college they spend the most time teaching you stuff that's considered wrong?

Your right, when they teach Newtonian Physics they never go into what was believed beforehand or what they disproved. They just say "Newton said this, we decided he was right and you should to. I mean, proving Newtonian Physics is like proving air exists."

Which brings us to our next point: Your claiming that Marxist Economics are a self-evident truth. Is it just you saying this? Who else is saying these things? Can you cite sources besides "No, China tho"? All these U.S colleges studying Socialist market economy must have some papers on the subject you can link to? Quote even?

Better still, the existence of self-evident truth is debatable at best. Even the existence of oxygen isn't self-evident, there's proof.

but never went to college did you?

Yeah. I did. Both in my home country and here. Have you? Did you get a Associate, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate degree? Are you in your first year? Or did you study Econ 101 in your first semester, around the same time you became a Che fanboy and started listening to Rage Against the Machine and just latched on to Marxism without any actual thought, but just because you thought it seemed cool?

just stomping you feet and saying you're very smart

saying /r/iamverysmart is a jab aimed at you, not a compliment aimed towards myself.

i've clearly demonstrated the original assertion is false

No, you haven't. You made claims, said "It's sooooo obvious" haven't linked to any proof and then said "I win."

Your claiming that Marxist Economics are a self-evident truth.

yeah, i mean do you even know what you're talking about here? viewing things in terms of labour rather than simply capital is, since Marx, a fundamental and basic understanding which is present in every single economic theory from Keynes to Sweezy - to deny this is like denying genetics -- the entire rest of biology relies upon it, you can't just cut it out because you're scared of the word.

saying /r/iamverysmart is a jab aimed at you, not a compliment aimed towards myself.

yes, i understand this and what you're saying with it is that i only think i'm smart but you actually are very smart, see how it works? you're trying to put yourself as some form of expert or exceptional mind but actually you've not offered anything at all to prove you understand a single thing about this - actually from your total lack of background knowledge you've made it very obvious you know nothing at all about any of this and are only saying what you want to be true or think should be true based on opinions you already hold, no doubt absurd right-wing fear-mongering about how any attempt to make a better world is actually evil and only by letting the corporations control our lives like a new feudalism will we ever be happy...

if you want to learn economics then lean economics, but expecting me to produce endless amounts of evidence for you to ignore is just stupid - as stated the very existence of China alone is enough to totally rubbish the claim made, and isn't it interesting you're keen to accept that claim with absolutely no evidence...

why are you willing to believe his empty claim that all of marx has been debunked without any evidence but are demanding such high levels of evidence from me? you've already got such things as it being an important part of all economics courses in the US, china existing, and the first paragraph of the wikipedia article on Marx which states 'His work has since influenced subsequent intellectual, economic, and political history.' now you want me to go and find you academic papers that say 'the sky is blue and water is wet' if you want to know if marx is still influential then why not learn about what he actually said and why his ideas were, and still are, so important?

Hey, yeah, so until I see links to papers, or names of people advocating Marxist economics, all of this is just a whole lot of empty bullshit being said by a nobody on the internet, so...


Dude. I said credible.

haha oh you! you're the cutest kind of idiot.

Also, did you get an Associate, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate degree? In what? Are you in your first year? Or did you study Econ 101 in your first semester, around the same time you became a Che fanboy and started listening to Rage Against the Machine and just latched on to Marxism without any actual thought, but just because you thought it seemed cool?

Also, did you get an Associate, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate degree? In what? Are you in your first year? Or did you study Econ 101 in your first semester, around the same time you became a Che fanboy and started listening to Rage Against the Machine and just latched on to Marxism without any actual thought, but just because you thought it seemed cool?

Also, did you get an Associate, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate degree? In what? Are you in your first year? Or did you study Econ 101 in your first semester, around the same time you became a Che fanboy and started listening to Rage Against the Machine and just latched on to Marxism without any actual thought, but just because you thought it seemed cool?

Also, did you get an Associate, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate degree? In what? Are you in your first year? Or did you study Econ 101 in your first semester, around the same time you became a Che fanboy and started listening to Rage Against the Machine and just latched on to Marxism without any actual thought, but just because you thought it seemed cool?

Also, did you get an Associate, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate degree? In what? Are you in your first year? Or did you study Econ 101 in your first semester, around the same time you became a Che fanboy and started listening to Rage Against the Machine and just latched on to Marxism without any actual thought, but just because you thought it seemed cool?

Also, did you get an Associate, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate degree? In what? Are you in your first year? Or did you study Econ 101 in your first semester, around the same time you became a Che fanboy and started listening to Rage Against the Machine and just latched on to Marxism without any actual thought, but just because you thought it seemed cool?

haha sorry kid you've had your fun, i'm talking to real people now. When the best you could do was call Nature, the bbc, the economist, standford uni, and many leading scholars uncredible you lost the game. there's no point me continuing talking to you, anyone seeing this is now 100% certain you're both an idiot and a ideologue.

i'm talking to real people now.

On reddit.

Also, did you get an Associate, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate degree? In what? Are you in your first year? Or did you study Econ 101 in your first semester, around the same time you became a Che fanboy and started listening to Rage Against the Machine and just latched on to Marxism without any actual thought, but just because you thought it seemed cool?

stop trying

stop crying

Wait, nvm, you're just a Russell Brand fanboy. It all makes sense now.

you're an idiot, you delete your comments because if people could see your comments it'd be really obvious you're an idiot - i'm not wasting my time on an idiot, sorry kid you had your chance you really did but you're just not worth anything beside mockery.

you're an idiot, you delete your comments because

Because I delete ALL my comments. Check my post history. You aren't special.

i'm not wasting my time on an idiot

Yet here you are.

Also, did you get an Associate, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate degree? In what? Are you in your first year? Or did you study Econ 101 in your first semester, around the same time you became a Che fanboy and started listening to Rage Against the Machine and just latched on to Marxism without any actual thought, but just because you thought it seemed cool?

I believe the article you linked states while Marx is the most assigned economist he's not assigned in economic classes.

me? i'm just sitting here enjoying that all these downvoters and angry postsrs can't articulate what they want people to believe using actual words because they've not got a fucking clue what they're talking about...

it's fun.

what are you doing with yourself these days?

i'm just sitting here enjoying that all these downvoters

I suppose you need to do something while you wait for middle school to start back up.

ah yes, i'm educated so i must be in school - i guess you don't see many educated people round your parts, all the smart ones move away, right?

ah yes, i'm educated so i must be in school

No, you must be in child because you talk, type and act like a child.

all the smart ones move away, right?

Actually, I moved away and came here.

self evident truth

Newtonian physics


I love that "we are so right by default that it's not even up for debate" is literally a written-in part of the ideology.

What the fuck?

equating catgirls and furries

absolutely unacceptable

So the difference between them is... what? They have only the ears but still act like cats?

catgirls are just girls with cat ears that sometimes add "nya" at the end of sentences

Here is a handy chart

All I see is degenaracy.

Grey shades dude. Grey shades.

So the difference between them is... what?

They are the same kind of degeneracy, but furries embrace the dark side while catgirls don't have the balls to do that.

Kinda like those people that suck dicks but say "no homo" because they don't want to admit to themselves how much of a faggot they are

When someone is an actual extremist they will find a way to bring their politics into literally anything.

and thats exactly the sort of comment I would expect from PEOPLE LIKE YOU

Hey u/atrix89, I will how much of a misogynistic asshole I am the next time my gf begs me to fuck her in a cat girl costume.

your waifu pillow doesn't count as a girlfriend

Frist of allll, how dare u

Everything neckbeards like is obviously misogynistic. What is so hard to understand about this?


dude, if your college classmates where smugglypuff looking feminists you would jack off to cartoons.

Honestly, cartoons are 100x less dangerous than these weirdos.

Yo mods, what if I only draw catgirls based on big wild cats, like lions, cheetahs, or tigers? Or are all furries just outright banned?

Am I a misogynist if I, a woman, want to (if ever possible) modify my body to have certain features based on those of cats?

Hah, didn't think about the furries, did you! Where's your god now?

"sjw" is a hard slur

this cucked

They were talking about "insane", not "SJW". Which makes this even funnier.

Downvoted for the title.

Fuck off back to srd

Upkittened solely to spite you


So does that mean Loveless is trash misogyny cuz of cat ears?

This is the weirdest reason to ban someone. Also, isn't snooping into someone's private life / art to ban them for not conforming to your ideals pretty much a mcarthyism? Is socialism just a cesspool of hypocrisy? More at 11.

Stalin patented that shit way before McCarthy tried his hand at it.

Whenever i see leftypol, i can't help but smh at how inferior it is to regular pol

They may take our means of production, but they will never take OUR WAIFUS!

https://www.reddit.com/r/globalistshills/ This new edgy subreddit makes ancaps look sane.

A choice snippet from there:

Of course democracy is good but there have to be limits on democracy. The ideal shouldn't be direct democracy or even representative democracy (once you spend five minutes talking to the average Trump/Sanders voter you start to wonder what about them is worth representing) but rather managed democracy. I'm okay with giving people some input but there have to be adults in the room so things don't get out of hand.

Dude are you just shitposting about your grudges in irrelevant threads now?

If there's one thing fuckboys who are upset with Hillary are right about, it's that ANIME BELONGS IN THE TRASH

I don't even know what to say. But this is honestly the dumbest shit ever and left sub reddits seem to be run by absolute idiots

Strangely enough, years ago, in the London-based anarchist newspaper "Freedom", there was a female cartoon cat called "Wildcat".

The anarchists then didn't seem to have a problem with a female cat personification.

This is the shark-jumping moment for /r/socialism. I would suggest a mass unsubscribing from the sub and a move to one of the alternative left subs. The mods are either agents provocateurs or trolls at this point.

i do kinda agree that the mods of /r/socialism and many other leftist groups are very clearly agent provocateurs or idiots who make the whole movement look bad, also most the Clinton staffers i've interacted with are actively trying to make the left look elitist and stuck in the past, the berniebros are trying to make everyone look like petulant children. the guardian is run by crypto-corporatists, etc, etc...

However they're not as quite as good at making ourselves look stupid as the_don or Donald himself. or the Bush administration, the Gop, fox, breitbart and etc...

Really you kinda just gotta wonder if it's not actually just humanity that sucks rather than one or other of the major political schema...

but if you can't see the difference between Wildcat and the hyper sexualised and infantised depictions of 'cat girls' then you're literally thinker than all over the above.

hyper sexualised and infantised

I looked at the "political ideology cats" or whatever it was called. This is not how it seemed to me.

Also, what is up with the weird puritanism and dislike of sex on the American left?

ok i have to agree that this is on the safe side - certainly the artist [though i don't entirely agree with her politics entirely] clearly isn't producing them to make bank by demeaning women but is creating fun, educational and socially responsible artworks for the benefit of the ideological cause she believes in.

I really do dislike the mods of /r/socialism and every time they ban me we have the same conversation about how quickly they race towards the most extreme and powerful tool in their arsenal which in this case is banning but were they to wield real power it'd be secret police and gulangs... I quote people like Huxley, Hesse, Hugo they quote, oh no wai- they don't have any arguments so they just block me or use infantile insults to try and demean me from their ivory towers...

but i digress, your question which really interested me was the sexual phobia of the american left, as a European it's strikingly obvious to me firstly that this isn't just the american left it's every possible strand of american culture especially the movies and porn industry - a sex phobic porn industry? yes. Obviously as a Brit i'm from an even more reserved culture yet one which by-and-large is much more relaxed about sexuality and sex than america is by-and-large...

I think one of the key issues in america is that culturally it's a very insecure country, everyone on the planet knows that America's culture is acultural especially Americans and I think this is why they're either very nervous or pompous around the subject -

So what i'm getting at is that the left are quick to hate anything they associate with the right, anything that might look like america is a 'right wing country' while the right is deranged in that it's opposed to anything that might make it look like a left wing nation - they're trying to force their view of the world onto the world, thus otherwise nice people who vote right will angrily attack noble organisations doing important work like Planned Parenthood simply because it smells a bit too leftwing for them and they want to live in somewhere that's rightwing while the left will stomp on the faces of retards for calling someone stupid because it doesn't matter who gets hurt it only matters that our flag is more prominent than theres....

ugh and now i've mentioned it i have to say that /r/socialisms abalist policy is fucking stupid it really is - which section of society is most likely to have limited vocabularies? which portion of society is least skilled at policing their emotions and and expressions? which portion of society is lest able to argue in their defence when accused? to express themselves and their intent using the new and artificial set of words? RETARDS. If your cognitive skills, educational development or social abilities are retarded then you're more likely to be excluded by these rules... I personally have been banned from /r/socialism because i got carried away and expressed myself too clearly, they didn't care about me as a person and when i tried to talk to them they even mocked my 'disability' [in speech marks because it's obvious to everyone my disability has resulted in me being smarter than most people] - it's not about the people, not about the ideals it's about making it seem like your team is top of the pole, about saying whatever it takes to win the round...

i mean another strong example is pizzagate, they were all saying things like 'it's so disgusting he would make a hashtag killoom joke about a wipe clean freezer room! he must be some form of degenerate freak!' then thirty seconds later they're in /r/pics making dead baby rape jokes or shitposting goroporn all over /b/ -- they don't actually believe what they're saying they're just playing their part...

What i'm saying is that political ideology in america is largely farce, it's a form of status signalling rather than ideological drive - i'll return to your poets to conclude my statement for me;

COME, I will make the continent indissoluble;
I will make the most splendid race the sun ever yet shone upon;
I will make divine magnetic lands,
With the love of comrades,
With the life-long love of comrades.

I will plant companionship thick as trees along all the rivers of
America, and along the shores of the great lakes, and all over the prairies;
I will make inseparable cities, with their arms about each other's necks;
By the love of comrades,
By the manly love of comrades.

For you these, from me, O Democracy, to serve you, ma femme!
For you! for you, I am trilling these songs,
In the love of comrades,
In the high-towering love of comrades.

So did you just write a highschool-length essay about some anime cat girls?

na brews, i went to school outside America, in our schools 2500 words was the question not the essay...

haha no i went to british comp, we didn't get question we got beaten down and shoved towards factory and service jobs lol.

I guess what i'm saying is that you don't have to be who you were born to be, you can be the person you make yourself and if you want to write long shitposts about american politics and pornography is degenerate corners of the internet then do it and do it one handed while jerking over your own verbosity if it pleases you for it's impossible to make the whole universe happy and hard enough just to make a tiny speck of it feel joy, if you can take pleasure in yourself then at least the little bit of the universe that knows you best loves you and really what else matters?

reminder: come back and read this rant when I'm sober

I think the rise of the alt-right in a way is an escape from that. It's like a child learning to use a toy for the first time, people are going - wait we can just say the thing we believe? And things will actually change? We don't have to spend all our time sniping for "hypocrisy" or watching out for people doing these historically cliche "ultimate evils"? A lot of new terminology being spawned on the right in the same way. I cringe when I see socialists calling each other "comrades" like they're already so defeated they need to roleplay as a historical fantasy like their politics is an elite club of friends.

ugh and now i've mentioned it i have to say that /r/socialisms [sic] abalist policy is fucking stupid it really is

Jeez yes the announcement thread on that reads like a parody. And then you get to watch groups argue, mainly for their own intellectual pleasure, over insignificant possibilities of hurt feelings. Meanwhile there's a 50 ton nazi train steaming down the lines at them. They need some kind of massive shock to the system and it's mind boggling to me that BREXIT/Trump etc hasn't been enough.

> title full of puns


Upkittened solely to spite you





r/socialism is just privledged white kids playing at socialism, thinking Communism is a fun idea. If they ever came to Europe, they'd be laughed at. The anarchists here Do. Not. Fuck. Around. They do not play at all.

Associating with 8chan will result in a ban.

lol ... what a sensitive little babby.

Also, A+ title OP, would read again!

Yo mods, what if I only draw catgirls based on big wild cats, like lions, cheetahs, or tigers? Or are all furries just outright banned?

Am I a misogynist if I, a woman, want to (if ever possible) modify my body to have certain features based on those of cats?

No u/ellenok, you're just mentally ill.

If I were a bigger dick than I already am, I'd get a bunch of women with cat ears drawings and post 'em all over there.

weebs, gamers, and memers need to be purged

For once I agree with /r/socialism. Weebs must be excluded from every community. Even their own.

The catgirls made by that poster isn't that animesque. Reminds me more of Barbara Canepa's art.

Still degenerate art.

Someone explain to me what the fuck socialism even is. I always thought it was just about stuff like free healthcare but apparantly it's on one side about sjw garbage and on the other side only two steps away from having gulags.

"socialism is an intrinsically inclusive system and we believe all people are born equal and deserve equal voices in society."

"Associating with 8chan will result in a ban. Defending creepy objectifying anime will result in a ban."

"....this is what men of principle and systematic planners can't help doing. A principle is, by definition, #right#; a plan #for the good of the people# . Axioms for which it logically follows that those who disagree with you and won't help to realize your plan are enemies of goodness and humanity. No longer men and women, but personifications of evil, fiends incarnate. Killing men and women is wrong; but killing fiends is a duty." -Aldous Huxley -Eyeless in Gaza (1936)

lel, socialism doesn't even work in internet communities

Chairman Meow Zedong would be pleased.

First of all: http://www.politicalideologycatgirls.com/

Second of all, what is actually allowed on /r/socialism?

your vanguards have failed you again

TIL /r/socialism mods are furphobic.

Reasons why the left will never win. :)

A mod just created a thread where he confirms that he has no idea why people are upset and doubling down on the same excuses. The mods are seriously detached from reality.

lol that sub is going to singlehandedly prevent true socialism from ever being a reality

Left with self destructive, combustible, C4 embedded in the handle, ultra sharp edge.

I want these people to eat themselves alive.

I wonder how Lenin would react if he found out that not only would communism collapse, but that the communists of the future would be busy fighting each other over pictures of cat girls.