"...often what Reddit would now call "incels", people who have a very toxic view of women". Guess the subreddit.

52  2017-01-13 by zahlman


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Yes, i was correct!

Yeah, it says right there, but you know what the point was, c'mon.

I like to be a killjoy

Because Trump is bad at math?

I think Nate Bronze is the one who is bad at math

Leave it to math nerds to have an unironic conversation about incels. When I am king all math, physics, and CS majors will be the first to go.

I went with /r/Negareddit, should've known it'd be a tricky one.

You should have included what the person was referring to:

math-enthusiasts are often what Reddit would now call "incels", people who have a very toxic view of women

Almost as good as that time someone said engineers support fascism.

TBH, when I was doing my undergrad at an engineering school, dumbass far-right philosophies (ancaps, neoreactionaries, etc) were somewhat overrepresented

I think that was probably just because they were stupid college kids though, kinda like how liberal arts schools tend to have a few self-declared communists running around

Ancaps aren't far right

idk what their classification is then, I just figured that self-described leftists don't usually jabber on and on about how great free markets and the gold standard are

Oh they're right wing, but not far right.

im pretty sure they are actually far right

Yeah, they're far wrong

I did my undergrad in engineering too. Most the people I knew were just plain ol' boring neoliberals who voted for Obama and/or maybe one of the bushes. Then again, this was in a state that was as republican as you can get so I don't know if it really means anything.

If you make a spectrum of state intervention to free markets that puts ancaps on the far right, fascism would be left wing.

You're equating two types of political spectrum fallaciously which is a dumb thing people do to call libertarians neo-nazis


Found the ancap.

I'm actually an orange booker without the love of the EU, I laugh at ancucks

Libertarianism and fascism do not simultaneously occupy extremes on a given spectrum so I assume you made that comment because you're retarded

Individual freedom and domination of national interests over individual are pretty much opposite extremes IMO.

Not on the political spectrum because it's too narrow. Horseshoe theory refers to far-right and far-left ideals being pushed in a way that causes totalitarianism and ends up in planned economies. Learn your politics fam

Oh, the horseshoe is much more widely applicable than that, it's a rather general observation that utopias built by the people Who Know What's Right tend to end up pretty similar shade of grayish-brown streaked with red.

For example, both unrestricted libertarianism and fascism are going to end up in the same sort of planned economy and dictatorship, the only difference is that in the first case it would be a charismatic entrepreneur and not a charismatic army spook who takes over the country and rules it as his feud.

Another similarity is that both fascism and libertarianism deny the need to help the disadvantaged and subscribe to a sort of social darwinism, that puts both on the right side of the spectrum maybe, despite them being totally opposite in other respects.

By the way! Another example of the horseshoe theory in action is the way the people who REEEEEEE at its very mention and the people who swear by it are much more similar to each other than to us in the middle of that spectrum.

I'm not a libertarian as such but libertarianism won't end up in a planned economy, that's ridiculous. It also doesn't subscribe to social darwinism; if it did it would forbid private individuals from giving to charity.

I'm not a libertarian as such but libertarianism won't end up in a planned economy, that's ridiculous.

Sure will, due to the way fixed and variable costs work, any totally free market will end being a monopoly. And the corporation enjoying that monopoly would run on planned economy internally, as most corporations do. So.

It also doesn't subscribe to social darwinism; if it did it would forbid private individuals from giving to charity.

It subscribes to social darwinism precisely as far as needed -- just let the evolution do its thing. Fascism (that you had in mind here) goes further, "that which is falling should also be pushed", speeding the evolution up.

But that's not necessary for an ideology to qualify as employing social darwinism, the policy of inaction is enough.

a few communists


Mathematics is anti-feminist though. Ever notice how few women there are in academic maths? Or blacks? Or other visible (not Asian or Jewish, they don't count) minorities?

It's because mathematics is unfairly biased towards cishet white men.

Consider that mathematics is a purely human invention and since the primary developers in the European and American system have been cishet white men, therefore their biases and opinions are intrinsic to the field and render it incompatible with anyone who does not submit to its rules. I don't think I need to explain why this is oppressive, it speaks for itself.

Further evidence is in totalitarian and fascist government's heavy use of mathematics to justify their atrocities.

Chem engineer here, I heil Hitler every night before I go to bed.

Fuckin' math enthusiasts, man.

Hell I thought I was weird because I find physiology fascinating, but these guys take the cake.

Again, NOT saying "men are smarter than women" and I am quite convinced that other sources of the 92% very likely include a bias against women which is damaging to the (or any) field.

/u/tpn86 you pussied out at the end. I'd expect someone in /r/math to be honest with the math. Men are smarter than women where it counts, the top end. This also doesn't even touch the non-ironic use of autism, where people who excel in math and engineering are far more likely to produce autistic children. Autism seems to be when what makes them good at that sort of thing goes to far, and men are far more likely to be effected.

people who excel in math and engineering are far more likely to produce autistic children.

Got a citation for that?

"Autism" doesn't exist.

You must be new here.

Then how did you type this?

this is a high quality comment right here

Explain Sonic the Hedgehog

I stand by every word of what I wrote and none of it was written because of some fear of being called a chauvenist.

/u/tpn86 you pussied out at the end.

You just equated the female sex organ with cowardism on the other hand.

Cowardice, you semi-literate.

a person displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism.

It's best to minimize one's social interactions with STEMtards.

Too late motherfucker, i'm here now and you can't stop my comments

Username checks out

Jfc /u/spez why are you not working on this?

Chem engineer here, I heil Hitler every night before I go to bed.

/u/OldWolf2 I missed that. I'd like to hear your ideas about toxic mathculinity.

Yeah, /u/OldWolf2 I'm curious too

Being the editor of an academic journal doesn't make you smart tbh.

No, but there's definitely a correlation.

Not really. You might be surprised how far hard work can take you

Sounds like math incel talk.

Correlation doesn't imply causation.

That's exactly what I said.

Correlation is correlated with causation.

My wife had an "I <heart> Calculus" shirt she got in High school.

I still make fun of her for it.

I mean, rie rie likes math, right?

Didn't he name himself after a famous mather?

can math guys really not get laid?

Those fields are like 10:1 dudes to women and a lot of the guys are probably autists who don't socialize otherwise. The odds are not in their favor

jesus christ it's a pool of 13,000 people who reach maybe 15,000 others, who gave enough of a shit to tally this

"This just in - .0005% of American citizens are a group, and 92% of that group has an approximately similar genetic makeup"

Well, they are maths nerds.

It's not exactly like people who think women should be enslaved in sex camps go out and voice these beliefs in public.

Au contraire, once you've reached that level of autism you probably do.

Wait, so you think that's a bad idea?

A quick look at you and chicups history and I see you are both just here from Drama to act out. Go do something worthwhile somewhere else instead.

Aren't we all?


an attitude of superiority toward members of the opposite sex