Angrydm being angrydm

28  2017-01-13 by ChipChippersonAMA


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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apologist bootlicking diarrhea all over the sub for your homeboys Bill Gates and Elon Musk.

I'm confused what world DM wants to live in? One completely devoid of technology?

They're doing better than him, and therefore must be evil.

I think DM is an anarcho primitivist.

Which makes me wonder why he makes these long rants, since language is also a human construct. The tribe should beat him to death imho.

He has no ideology or knowledge about politics.

He has no ideology or knowledge about politics.

He just needs a different hobby. Having political viewpoints is one thing, you can even be passionate about them, however his use of this site just seems unhealthy and delusional

"I can't show any actual evidence that modern capitalism is as bad as Nazism; but, unless we sacrifice our liberty to stamp it out and establish a system that has failed 100% of the times it's been tried, then we'll never truly be free of the oppression that socks impose on women."

He feels like technology is only for rich white people, and is bitter about being disabled, so he hates "techbros" even though they contribute more to society than he ever will.

Didn't he just recently go on a rant about luddites, though?

The dude has serious mental problems and those are fun to laugh at

One where he gets laid.

Even by his standards this was a massive child-like tantrum.

Yo /u/AngryDM why do you dislike Musk and Gates so much?

Ah, then you're just bitter about women

a bit hypocritical coming from a guy who controls his imaginary girlfriend's wardrobe

He's not a hypocrite, he has a feminine penis.

When is he going to transition???

reading angrydm posts mostly makes me sad instead of funny nowadays

i mean he's an exceptionally bitter, extremely depressing NEET who couldn't even hold to his promise to quit reddit for his writing career. he's genuinely just some dude who sits at home all day posting on negareddit subs, complaining about the RODDITORS, attacking other people and posturing aggressively so it makes him feel better about his miserable life and absolute lack of prospects

it's just sad now

If you can't draw amusement from AngryDM himself, maybe you can draw amusement from contemplating the subreddits that enable his behaviour by upvoting him?

Only negareddit nowadays, some badX subs too sadly.

Maybe srs? though I think he is too much of an asshole even for them.

/u/angrydm and incels are truly two sides of the same coin in this respect.

they are the same coin theyre just angry about different aspects of the same shit


Its always tough to look in the mirror riebae 😔😟😦


no not untru

is big if tru

4 u

complaining about the RODDITORS

ahem, redditeurs.

roddit is the hot new SRS term dude get with the times

Is it? Shit, is there a newsletter so that we can stay hip with the new terms?

ugh, elderly tbh

That's actually an ancient term. It's a good idea not to get memes from the stalest possible source on metareddit. Be more careful next time breh

Are you the guy that dissed rie's shitposting?

No, I don't diss people.

ok jw

i'm p sure this guy is a *arbarosmo alt but i have no evidence for that

It maybe new for SRS, but anyone who circlejerked in the Atheism Era has been using it since then. Try not to be such an obvious newfriend.

oh wow u sure showed me

fuggin rekt m8 delet ur account

hes a typical internet sjw dude, theyre a dime a dozen and you shouldnt feel bad for him specifically

pretty much everyone that posts in negareddit/cb2/etc etc is a carbon copy of him, they just dont spaz out as much

the irony of you posting this is hilarious

lol not really, i know you guys like to imagine me as all sorts of things but you dont really have a clue

its cool though i still love you guys

all sorts of things

really just the one lame NEET w/ a learning disorder thing

i crave the attention tbh

fyi its hilariously easy to recognise when youre legit angry at something as opposed to your usual irony, might want to practice

Shit, for a minute there I thought you were talking about /u/unwordableweirdness.

dude, delete your fucking account. cancel your internet service

you literally spend all your time posting bullying demonstrably unwell vegan. he's fucking crazy man, we get it. he's disabled. you're like a bully who picked a disabled kid to make fun of because you knew he couldn't tell his parents properly and get you in trouble


Difference between you and me is I get paid for this shit.

oh man, you harass the disabled during work hours? that makes this so much better.

I act like this is my job because it is my job. Make meat eaters look bad, promote veganism through a false flag account. Jokes on you, I was acting retarded.

lmao /u/CarcosianKing deleted his comments because he's such an unlovable loser. dude, if you know you're so pathetic that you can't even stand by these comments, why even make them? you're right back to crying about vegans already XD XD XD


Shh, the mentally stable adults who don't need to be told that doxxing people and following them to bars is creepy and wrong are talking.

Breh, I delete EVERY comment I make after less than a day. Get that dank karma, delete. Sitting on 4,077 after 2 months and getting paid $9/hour to run this account. But I got weirdo vegans archiving everything I post anyway. Figure I might as well burn any credibility this account has to then ground and, by extension, the credibility of vegans STEM-lords like /u/Titiartichaud who repost all my sarcastic comments like they're gospel or serious in any way.

I'm paid to keep this account running and make omnis look bad, not to keep it credible, lel.

stop trying

Ain't no effort being made here , breddah.

stop trying

stop crying

Think about it.

It's been over a year since I told a previous-year Thanksgiving anecdote that upset you and your /r/drama peers.

And there's been a roughly-weekly obsessive hate-thread and harassment campaign ever since then, on /r/drama, continuing into the present.

Think about how sad that is. And here you are, begging for more internet bullies to join your little war-dance.

/u/angrydm why don't you go out and try to improve your life you lazy, worthless little worm? Whining about people who are much smarter and successful than you is very unbecoming. It's hilarious that all these so called "socialists" are just bitter little losers who are too dysfunctional to do anything in their lives. "We must seize the means of productions! Cause i'm too useless to produce anything on my own!" Also how is your fake GF doing? Hopefully she's not wearing purple socks anymore you inbred chucklefuck!

Keep being lonely, bitter, and praying for billionaires to rescue you from your problems.

Keep rejecting any information that doesn't fit your ideology because it'd be scary to be wrong.

My apologies /u/AngryDM, I always thought of you as a huge fucking moron. Now I realize you are a very dedicated and genius troll.

I applaud your work.

Keep being lonely, bitter, and praying for billionaires to rescue you from your problems.

Keep rejecting any information that doesn't fit your ideology because it'd be scary to be wrong.

This is 99 percent projection lol

SurfaceProne uses Dictionary Assault.

It's not very effective.

wait I thought maymays were tools of the alt-right tho

Being abrasive and flying off the handle is pretty over pretty much nothing is normally a guaranteed way to get downvoted in negareddit, but not when it comes to AngryDM.

I really have to wonder who upvotes AngryDM's sometimes incoherent ranting.

His five alts and his imaginary girlfriends

He really hates Elon Musk. A person mentions Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, so he responds with 3 links to stuff critical of Musk.

i like angrydm because when he talks shit a lot of sjws realise that theyve got a little bit of him in themselves and quieten down for a while lest they end up the same