Top minds uncover a shocking revelation: Senator John McCain has been compromised by ISIS.

43  2017-01-13 by IAmAN00bie




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I love that while posting a dumbfuck conspiracy theory these mentalists come up with an even stupider one. Top comment;

Is this sub awake yet to the fact that ISIS are our pawns and we control what they do? Like wake the fuck up.

Beyond parody.

I think even if Obama personally came to you and said, hey, look, we kind of do control them because for a while we let Saudis and Turkey feed them, train them and give them weapons they bought for us and we even sent McCain to meet them on the ground and now that the shit hit the fan everyone’s just making sure their hands are clean… you’d probably think he was drugged or something.

This is like Autism Speaks explains the complicated recent history of armed groups in Syria.

Oh, yes, sure... it's all so complicated... we have t go back to Adam and Eve and then... after 6 years of study...

That's Autism confirmed.

Oh, yes, sure... it's all so complicated... we have t go back to Adam and Eve and then... after 6 years of study...

That's Autism confirmed.

did you read this before you hit save or did you just close your eyes and scour the most retarded corners of your brain

I’m tired of brainwashed retards repeating CNN spoon fed bullshit ad nauseam. At this point… typing with my toes because the rest of me just doesn’t give a fuck anymore.

the idea that you think CNN is the reason people find it unlikely that John McCain was sent to meet ISIS leaders on the ground because the US government is in personal control of the organization is hilarious

Your framing is brilliant.

what do you mean?

Get ready for wall of text - lol

I don’t know how old you are but I still recall in the years between 2005 and 2010, CNN among others would regularly publish a news given to them by State Department whereby an audio tape that was provided to them has a voice of Bin Laden in which, God knows what time already, he makes threats of impending doom upon America and the usual tripe.

There was NEVER a confirmation that on those tapes it is indeed Bin Laden, even the news articles would contain qualifiers like, “unconfirmed” or “unverified”, and the “news” still went out creating necessary umbrella of fear in which our everyday life was impacted to degree it’s not even measurable anymore.

CNN people knew what they’re doing and they still went ahead and published the news.

Only now, -- in the current context of elevated understating how media actually works – people stop for a second and think.

We’ve been fucked over so many times that the best strategy is to shit all over these people first and then ask questions later. Anyone – at least for me – who even slightly appears as to believe anything published in the media as God given truth upon which to build more shit is a fool and a retard and a person that has 0 value to me.

l m a o

Dude why do you even bother with these probable inbreds?

shitz + gigglez

I inbred with yer nan m8....

... yeah I'll still go with that.

in the current context of elevated understanding how media actually works

"the jews are trying to control me" is not an elevated understanding of anything

>Effort posting in a riemann thread.

>Being this retarded


Shit hurts m8, stop it.

you can't stop the signal

There was NEVER a confirmation that on those tapes it is indeed Bin Laden,

Yes there was. Every time. And it was always reported on Al Jazeera first before any other news site.

CNN people knew what they’re doing and they still went ahead and published the news.

CNN always placed "allegedly" in their story if the audio source had not been confirmed by intelligence analysts. And if CNN didn't report it, you could have found the same news on BBC News, Fox News, MSNBC, Reuters, Associated Press, The New York Times, etc.

Random Google search of CNN article about the topic:

CIA official believes an audiotapes message threatening the United States is from al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden

CIA intelligence officials who analyzed the recording, which was aired Thursday on Arabic-language network Al-Jazeera, said they believe the voice on the poor-quality audiotape is that of bin Laden.

CNN's senior editor for Arab affairs, Octavia Nasr, also said it sounded like the al Qaeda leader, and added that its tone sounded calm and composed, not like a man who is desperate or sick.

It's not known exactly when the tape was recorded, but U.S. counterterrorism officials believe it may have been made sometime in December.

If the CIA voice analysis proves correct, it would be the first message from bin Laden since he released two audiotapes messages in December 2004.

You dumb lying bitch!

Citing the CIA believing the audio tapes to be true is lying?

You dumb lying bitch!

Calm down a bit there. Wouldn't want you to kill yourself.

Citing the CIA believing the audio tapes to be true is lying?

It's not the truth. Lying is absence of truth. If you are publishing what is known not to be the truth, then you are lying. There's no middle.

Calm down a bit there. Wouldn't want you to kill yourself.

There was no need for you to reply with such a stupidity.

I just wanted to illustrate level of discourse you're instigating.

Reporting on a source's belief isn't lying. Attempting to compare lying to this is disingenuous or it shows you really are a retard.

m8, ya need ta stop watchin' me shag yer nan, its makin' ya stupid.

big if true

McCain never met Abu Mosa nor Abu Bakr


5000 upvotes and counting. I want all the resident TD posters here to not prove they aren't incurably, catastrophically and dangerously retarded to the extreme detriment of American society.

I think they've anyway proved that they are, though. I can only think of like two or three, actually?

So... We really arm/support terrorists who wrest control of US business interests from poor Middle Easterners, so we don't have to do it ourselves. The Islamists do it under the false guise of insane religious zeal, so that it doesn't look like it's motivated by profit... And then we make business deals with these terrorists in order to get the assets that they stole for us?

This is US ME policy in a nutshell.

What? ISIS are (formerly) poor Middle Easterners wresting control of resources from the US, from groups that would otherwise be selling their resources to the west (yes this includes Assad). If this was all about profit, we'd be offering unconditional support to Assad (who until now was very western friendly) and carpet bomb all the rebels. Nobody is making business deals with ISIS, we don't bomb them and take back the fields they control if we're making 'business dealings' with them.

TD posters thinks that if they construe some shitty Tom Clancy-esque story about the ME that makes them 'woke'.

ISIS are (formerly) poor Middle Easterners who wrest control of resources from the US,

Thanks for the laugh.

"we need to stop super bad guy, let's destablize the region"

Proceed to pretty much bungle and fuck up everything. Some airstrikes do "okay" but most of the trained rebels disappear after a few months.

Region devolves into civil war, radical Islam takes over, US posts "Mission accomplished" banner

Literally what the US did to Iraq, Syria, and Iran and anyone else they convinced to let them in.

Iraq sure, Syria was already collapsed into civil war. Anyway this is a very different claim to John McCain negotiating secret business dealings directly with ISIS.

Syria was already collapsed into civil war.

We had been smuggling weapons there and training rebels since the outburst in 2011. We made it a bit worse by giving guns and training to jihadists


Mccain is a traitor and part of the rebel alliance. We all where he stands on the issue of Dungeons and Dragons and it's not good.

We had been smuggling weapons there and training rebels since the outburst in 2011.

The U.S. started providing weapons in 2013, not 2011.

You know al-Assad sent jihadists over the border to kill Americans, and a Lebanese prime minister assassinated, right?

The notion that all these Middle Eastern countries are innocent victims of US imperialism is patently absurd. Try not being an incompetent tyrant, and you'll get left well alone by the United States.

Try not being an incompetent tyrant, and you'll get left well alone by the United States.

Yeah 14 years in Iraq. One day we'll fix it right up!

Defending a D&D hater is absurd though. At least Trump rollplays a low-intelligence barbarian.

fucking lol america isnt going to support assad, he wants russia to build their pipeline

why do you think you guys keep arming rebels to fuck his shit up and keep regurgitating anti russia propaganda

americans are so easily manipulated to believe whatever i swear

americans are so easily manipulated to believe whatever i swear

Yes, as evidenced by >5000 people thinking John fucking McCain is meeting with ISIS to discuss secret business deals, my fucking sides.

he certainly met with syrian rebels with ties to dodgy groups, just like he met with that neo nazi guy in ukraine

he doesnt really research the groups he does photo ops with, but thats pretty much american policy in a nutshell

Hahaha "business deals" with Daesh.

Both sides on reddit are acting like this right now. "McCain is an ISIS sympathizer", "Trump is Putin's puppet". Luckily, everyone in real life seems to be acting normal, so I think we're gonna be ok.

one of those things has a lot more credibility to it.

I doubt Trump is a Putin puppet, but he likes Russia ** a lot**

Right before the RNC, the only change to the Republican platform Trump wanted to make was condemning Russia for its support of rebels in Ukraine.


Trump likes Russia like a warm glass of piss. But there are conflicting reports on whether Trump enjoys piss or not.

He likes being peed on.

As confirmed by Buzzfeed, remarked upon by CNN, by a report handed to Mccain supposedly, by a British intelligence officer possibly.

It's big league true if it's chew.

one of those things has a lot more credibility to it.

According to no one but CNN and Buzzfeed.

New York Times



Notice how all of those reports have "unsubstantiated" or "unverified" right in the title. That doesn't exactly scream credible to me.


NBC's version pretty much calls bullshit on the whole thing, saying that not only was the dossier never presented to Trump, but that the only reason it was even included in the first place was as an example of disinformation.

Washington Post

As far as I can tell, the Washington Post never even ran their own version of the story. They waited until they could talk about Trump's reaction to get involved. Here's the part where they actually mention the original CNN story itself:

BuzzFeed's decision to publish a dossier full of unverified and sometimes over-the-top salacious claims commissioned by Trump's political opponents has proven a controversial one, allowing Trump to credibly claim persecution by the media.

I don't know about you, but I don't normally refer to credible allegations as "unverified" or "over-the-top salacious claims". In fact, the only time they mention the word credible is to say that the allegations allow "Trump to credibly claim persecution by the media".

Huffington Post

At least Huffington Post will have CNN's back, right? They literally put an editor's note at end of every Trump story throughout the entire election calling him a xenophobic, racist, misogynistic serial liar who incites political violence. Let's look at their response.

But these claims have been reported before, they aren’t independently verified, and even the man who originally broke the story has warned readers to treat them cautiously.

But there’s still no compelling public evidence that the claims are true. We haven’t seen how much of this information the intelligence community thought was worth mentioning or was able to find some verification for in the two-page document they presented to Obama and Trump. And the president-elect has, in his own way, already denied the claims.

As The Daily Beast’s Noah Shachtman noted, the memos had been circulating in newsrooms for months. Multiple media outlets investigated. A Politico writer tweeted Tuesday night that his publication had probed some of the allegations but hadn’t been able to confirm them. Nor had anyone else.

But the timing is especially interesting. Trump has been criticizing the intelligence community’s work on Russian interference in last year’s election. “My take is that this is the IC trolling Trump,” one former top intel official who works on Russia issues speculated. “Because Trump stupidly picked a fight with the IC, they’re just releasing stuff to generate bad headlines.”

“I didn’t publish all of the memos because the allegations in them couldn’t be confirmed, and I couldn’t confirm the FBI was mounting a thorough investigation of these allegations,” David Corn, my ex-boss and the author of the piece, told me Tuesday. “So I thought it was responsible to note the memos’ existence and characterize the information within them without providing all the details. Even Donald Trump deserves fairness.”

Nope. Not even Huffington Post is willing to stoop to CNN's level. All CNN managed to do is prove that no one has a monopoly on being pizzagate levels of retarded.The rest of the journalism industry knows this, and practically pleading with their readers to not be retarded. Unfortunately, the headline that everyone else went with ("A document full of bullshit accusations against Trump exists") doesn't quite get upvoted on reddit the way that CNN and Buzzfeed's version did.

posting this seriously in /r/drama

Everyone posts seriously on drama. "Shitpost" is just shorthand for "plausible deniability that I'm actually this autistic".

as true as that is, I'm not reading any of that shit

it doesn't even seem related to the point i made

Fair enough. Most of it is just quotes from the articles, the actual part I wrote is short. The gist is that pretty much every other news agency, up to and including Huffington Post, are treating these allegations as bullshit. There is nothing credible about Trump being a Putin puppet.

but i was saying that thinking trump is a puppet of russia has evidence outside of the most recent allegations

"Putin wanted Trump to win because he hated Clinton/thought Trump would be better for Russian interests"? Yeah, sure. "Trump is literally taking orders from Putin"? No, that's even dumber than "Obama was born in Kenya".

But Trump thought Obama was born in Kenya until like a year ago

No shit. Trump's an idiot.

tru dat boi

I seriously shagged yer nan m8


Thanks m8

And several intelligence agencies. But no, just keep on cherrypicking.

Great point.

Director of National Intelligence

I expressed my profound dismay at the leaks that have been appearing in the press, and we both agreed that they are extremely corrosive and damaging to our national security.

The IC has not made any judgment that the information in this document is reliable

Wow, so credible.

But no, just keep on cherrypicking.

That was not a request.

You know what? I don't even care. If you want to keep believing that Trump is a russian mole, go right ahead. Just don't be surprised when in a couple years nobody has any respect for you as a person because you decided to be the next decade's version of birther (only somehow even more retarded). Just do me a favor, and say it out loud. "Trump is Putin's puppet". Listen to how stupid you sound. Now keep saying it. I hope you're telling everyone you know in real life, so for the rest of your life anytime you try to have an opinion people just laugh and say, "Didn't you believe that Trump worked for Russia?"

getting this worked up about /r/drama

Actually, I just have nothing better to do with my life than watch Galaxy Quest and make fun of people online for the thinking our president elect is a russian spy. It's the little joys.

Whatever you tell yourself

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

What have you done lately?

Yer nan m8

Eat my anus

Not gonna lie, that is pretty dramatic.

one of those things has a lot more credibility to it.

LOL this is what americans actually believe

I am surprised non Americans know who John McCain is...

is our empire so badass that people in other nations know the names of our senators from fucking Arizona


he kind of ran for president not sure if you remember

is our empire so badass

no just fucks up big enough and often enough that people take notice

I assure you I dont know the name of whoever lost your shithole country's last election.

assuming you even have elections.

I assure you I dont know the name of whoever lost your shithole country's last election.

trust an american to boast about their ignorance lol

trust a non American to think it matters even a little bit.

what you know doesn't mean shit. It's about who has the fucking money. Vote Trump.

I feel like I may have lost the thread somewhere along the line here.

trust a non American to think it matters even a little bit.

were as important to you as you are to everyone else, it is what it is

im not particularly worried who cares about our elections, i barely even vote

I feel like I may have lost the thread somewhere along the line here.

what was this about again

were as important

let me stop you there.


lol the self importance

what im saying is that people here care just as little about you and your countries affairs as you do about ours

knowing the name of the clowns in charge doesnt change that, it just means im more informed than you

you cared about our policy when we were fucking your shit up/developing your economy/taking your oil/saving you from communism and/or fascism.

depending on where you live

you cared about our policy when we were fucking your shit up/developing your economy/taking your oil/saving you from communism and/or fascism.

this is what americans literally believe happens



were as important

If your country isn't a part of the G8 or China, then it is unimportant.

what was this about again

You sperging out over Russia's involvement in the DNC hacks.

lol ok if thats how you want to pretend it is

No need to pretend. You're all over these comments denying and peppering your replies with plenty of "lol"s to mask your sperging.

americans going crazy is legitimately funny dude


fucking lol

im going to ride this into the ground until you all deny you believed it in a few years

rest assured i know for a fact nothing is going to happen

tbh you seem far more invested in this than most Americans

look it might not seem this way from inside the clusterfuck but for a lot of people this shit is basically reality tv

i havent seen americans go this collectively crazy since 2001, and they go crazy at nearly everything

its highly entertaining waking up every morning to plethoras of "HERES WHY TRUMP IS HITLER AND RUSSIAN" from supposedly respected outlets and reddit shitting its pants in response, and i dont see it slowing down after his inauguration

i feel like in the near future when you all realise how fake and ridiculous a lot of the shit thats happening is, youll all deny you ever believed it

I don't watch television so I wouldn't know what it looks like from the outside or the inside. You do seem to have a weird hard-on for the U.S. compared to most non-Americans, though.

meh i read a lot of shit because i have a lot of downtime and sitting at computer bored time

it may come as a surprise but i used to be one of those far left "reality has a liberal bias lol fox news" guys so a lot of the stuff i was interested in back then came from america

meh i read a lot of shit because i have a lot of downtime and sitting at computer bored time

You should get a hobby, and I don't mean that as an insult. The internet (Reddit especially) is stupid and worthless.

hah i dont mean reading reddit dont worry

It's all shit. I say this as someone who spends too much time on the internet.

False equivalency is the hallmark of a fucking retard.

One of these things has four independent intelligence sources and the journalistic backing of the BBC.

The other accusation has the spit-flecked lunatic ravings of a bunch of hunchbacked, slackjawed stooge fuckwits behind it. That's it, nothing more. Also, the accusers cannot identify one brown person from another, which hurts their already non-existent 'credibility.'

False equivalency is the hallmark of a fucking retard.

no u em

One of these things has four independent intelligence sources and the journalistic backing of the BBC.

Only retards believe this. Boom! Roasted!

Seriously though, if you were in a position to see anything other than your own colon right now, you'd know that the articles posted by every other major news outlet in response had "unsubstantiated" plastered all over them. Or how a bunch of other journalists tweeted that they'd seen the dossier months ago but never published it because it's 100% unverifiable and they have standards. Or about the NBC article clarifying that the dossier was included in the intelligence brief as an example of "disinformation". Or that the Director of National Intelligence put out a statement smacking down the story, literally calling the published leaks a matter of national security. Not the allegations themselves. The leaking and publishing of a dossier that, according to NBC, was presented in an intelligence brief as an example of how damaging straight up bullshit can be when the world is full retards who believe it. I'm talking about you, btw. You're a retard. Boom! That's another one!

One of those has proof

Let me tell you about my friend Johnny Podesta and his sex slave Madeline McCann

I could not believe that wasn't a joke. I literally couldn't even imagine how someone could be dumb enough to believe that John Podesta killed Madeline McCann...based on a rough drawing of a suspect.

I had to double check that I wasn't on /r/Conspiracy. What a joke.


i consciously voted for trump and i can't say i never didn't enjoy the memes in T_D but this is a disaster. this is worse than that one subreddit that thinks people are stalking them and attacking them with microwaves.

I read an article about the gang stalking thing one time. Those people have a serous mental disorder. It's not even funny, just sad.

Gang stalking is one of those things where as soon as someone says they're being stalked like that there's no "well let's hear it out, maybe they are being stalked," like there is with regular stalking claims. It is always a serious form of delusion.

Though if anyone knows of any actual proven cases of gang stalking I'd be really interested to read about it.

more evidence for this than russian involvement in the election tbh

Dems don't care.

The poster /u/Agent_Kujan has a USMC flair as well.

You know, I hadnt been to T_D in a long time, I was a big fan during the primaries but then started visiting less and less, hadnt been there once since November, then I see this and just

Oh God what have we done

  1. Definitely not Abu Mosa. They don't look alike.

  2. No way in hell that Abu Bakr al Baghdadi would be anywhere near McCain.

i mean, much like the clinton/byrd pic they spammed for months, they don't really care about things being true. it's just a huge circlejerk.

...are you implying Byrd and Clinton never met?

i am stating directly that the constantly reposted picture of clinton hugging byrd and byrd in full klan gear are taken completely out of context in the case of the former, and digitally altered in the case of the latter. what they were implying with those images was completely untrue

...that Clinton was close to Byrd, who had Klan ties? Both of these things are true.

yes, but you'd have to have a crippling case of retardation to think that saying those two things together with zero isn't misleading. there's a pretty big difference between an active klan member and someone who has disavowed the organization and their mistakes years after leaving. the NAACP even praised Byrd for his civil rights advocacy.

it's not quite so inflammatory when you include that context, which was conveniently left out lol. not to mention that picture of him in klan robes is faked. the dude left the organization 70 years before his death iirc

the dude left the organization 70 years before his death iirc


The Great Meme War was hard by both sides, but its over. Time to move on kiddo.

dude, consult a professional. you may be actually retarded. all i did was point out that a thing was bullshit, and your reaction seems to have been to feebly defend it and then say "Oh yeah well other things happened SO THERE" when you found out you were wrong. none of those other things were being talked about, or are even vaguely relevant lmao. sit down. delete your account

when you found out you were wrong

You were the one arguing it was true but taken out of context slim. I was explaining thats the point of political memery. KYS faggot.

this is why I'm glad hillary clinton is going to rape your kids

she cant now she didnt get elected

her pedo ring doesn't and never had depended upon her being president, she's part of the cabal anayway

kids are little balls of energy i doubt she could keep up tbh

they could easily run or whatever

didn't you see the picture of the kid taped down >=)

ah yeah that makes more sense now

like a reserved sign at a restaurant


Seems a little disengenious to refer to 2009 as the late 80s. I mean technically it's correct I guess?

What is it like being this cripplingly retarded? Do you have interpretor parse your idiotic ramblings into reddit comments? Or do you just bang your tard fists on the keyboard until something semi legible comes out?

Salt prices are at all time lows thanks to record-breaking production.

So the banging on the keyboard thing then?

I'd say more like banging your wife, but internet people are all virgins.'re internet people.

lol I'm really a dog


> implying they can tell brown people apart

wow Al-Baghdadi and Abu Rosa clean up nicely! they actually look fuckable in this one

The stupidity in that sub is at a stage where George Washington is rolling in his grave screaming at Trump's twitter feed.

That sub will be the thing that will convince the aliens to obliterate the planet.

Hopefully they get to it sooner rather than later.

Seconded, if only so we don't have to hear from that sub anymore

Oh boy not this again. I could write up a huge rant because /r/The_Donald are a bunch of morons, but it's not worth it. This shit has been explained thoroughly years ago when it was pushed by the likes of Alex Jones and /r/conspiracy. It originated from pro-Assad twitter accounts (yes /r/The_Donald you're parroting a dictator's bullshit, you fucks). Basically the people that believe this think all brown people look the same and think an Arab owning a watch is out of the ordinary.

God they're so fucking dumb

but did you hear about the totally true not ridiculous conspiracy about russia? thats much more realistic

You are really sperging out over this.

The one that was reported in a blog a month before 4chan said they did?

i dont really think you know as many details as you think you do

you really genuinely believe the propaganda dont you? holy shit

Your gun flair is facing the opposite way.

to what

4d chess

america loves supporting beardy middle eastern rebels that end up cutting heads off and 911ing them 20 years later

So all brown people with beards are members of ISIS now?

The Donald was kinda fun during and shortly after the election. Nowadays they've just completely devolved into max retardation.