/r/philosophy wonders what color Santa's beard is, and whether or not he is real. 100+ posts

11  2017-01-14 by Stella_Stellar


Cool story, bro


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r/philosophy proves that you don't need to be on an nsfw subreddit to furiously masturbate while commenting.

Undergrad philosophy classes; don't miss 'em.

a n a l y t i c

p h i l o s o p h y

w a s


m i s t a k e

I can't read comments more than one line so fuck that subreddit

Saint nick was real. It's fucking documented. He was also a turkroach though so it's no wonder the holiday is shit.

He was pontic Greek there would have been no turks for a thousand years. After his death.

That's still current year Turkey, therefore turkroach.

And in an unexpected turn r/philosophy again turns into a parody of itself.