/r/socialism thread about the importance of being allowed to criticize leadership. Mods lock it, then unlock it and make it known any criticism of the mods is to be limited to that post "to make it easier for everybody". Just like IRL socialism.

236  2017-01-14 by BannedFromImzy


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Let a thousand flowers bloom.

Yeah, really though. This reference seems way too apt.

It's a party.

Okay, time to see what the people think of my leadership...


Woah, okay, enough of that. It's cultural revolution time.

EDIT3: And it's unlocked and I am unbanned from /r/socialism. I have since been banned from /r/LateStageCapitalism and /r/FULLCOMMUNISM for this post, though.

EDIT5: I'll be unbanned from /r/FC and /r/LSC tomorrow. This has been sort of stressful for me and I apologize to the mods of all three subreddits

/u/Mysterious_Drifter why would you apologise for other people acting like small children? It's pretty sad to beg and scrape in front of petty bureaucrats, especially over something so pointless as a glorified web forum.

I don't think he is a mod m8.

U wot?

I was walking on eggshells; displaying the ut-most respect while cordially disagreeing with the mods was the only way I foresaw that I could effect change without getting banned (and re-banned) for public criticism. There are still a few mods who hate that this thread was left up and that I didn't voluntarily remove it after they threatened me.

Things are much different now than they were when this thread was made. Apologizing was to reinforce the idea that I was not trying to antagonize the mods and genuinely had the betterment of the sub at heart.

I'm still hyper-aware of everything I say because I know I am being watched and it's very disconcerting. I don't want to make enemies and my intent is to better the sub for everyone, including the mods.

/u/Mysterious_Drifter can't post here at all to respond or he will be obviously banned permanently.

He knows who his masters are.

Rare footage of a /r/socialism user observing other subs

That'd be apt were they not West Germans looking into East Germany.

In all seriousness, /u/Jackissocool why are the mods of your sub such shit?

That's how I like it

You're like one of those affirmative action businesses that only hires the retarded and disabled.

Except that implies that they are providing a service to their community. These are just mindless cult members that go around sticking their purity test where it doesn't belong and LARPing as guerilla fighters.

They are providing a service to their community. Having a sub like /r/socialism allows you to cordon off the retards and give them their own safe space so they don't come out and annoy the rest of us - just like they don't put the super retarded kids in genpop at public schools.

I enjoy the irony of socialists constantly in-fighting when they insist on referring to each other as comrades

I enjoy seeing them call anyone they don't like "liberals".

"liberals" or "fascists"

"Fascists" if the person is credibly right-wing in any way, "liberals" when they know they would look silly calling a berniebro "fascist"

Are you implying that they have a tiny bit of self awareness??

They're like goldfish. They don't have any real perception of what they look like or how the outside sees them, but if they repeat an action 3 or 4 times and they get negative feedback each time, there's a solid 20-25% chance that they'll accidentally learn something and change their behavior.

Wow, if this had a bunch of pedantic lists and bulletpoints, I'd submit it to /r/bestof.

"liberals" when they know they would look silly calling a berniebro "fascist"

Where the fuck have you been? Everyone always accuses berniebros of being far-right.

Berniebros are misogynists. It's true, the Clinton campaign said it.

"comrade" is someone you have politics in common. it doesn't necessarily mean "friend".

my definition is how it is actually used in the contemporary left.

Yes but the double meaning of the word makes it funny.

Fair enough.

i've had comrades that i personally can't stand and won't talk to outside of meetings, but i don't let personal shit interfere with getting stuff done. those people are not my friends. they're more like disliked coworkers you're being professional about.

Well the contemporary left is retarded

using "comrade" and "friend" with different meanings is actually super useful.

Calling someone "comrade" just means that when you kill them or send to "political reeducation" camps you'll pretend it was for their own good.

Like calling people citizens when their citizen rights are about to be revoked

Why are all reddit mods such power hungry retards? (except r/drama mods.. They are just retards like us)

yeah r/drama mods dont give a fuck they just want the triple brackets to their name

Can i get triple brackets to my name?

ask /r/comedicsans or some other pathetic loser

Well I'm asking you :*

Yeah but I'm no mod

Shite. Mods pls

This is pretty much every political sub with more than 10 subs.

You can put in the effort to make a sub harder to hijack in that way. There hasn't been any power tripping in the subs I mod and they're all political.

/r/Anarcho_Capitalism used to be great with this. Any criticism or question was welcome, even encouraged. Of course, you might get some retard whose ideological foundation is a couple of YouTube videos, but it's the only place I've had great discussions with everything from AnCaps to amazingly intelligent communists and syndicalists.

Of course, that openness lead to a lot of problems with Alt-righters trying to spread their racism there, and with increased popularity the quality of the discussion decreased, which is why I haven't visited the sub in two years or so. Still, it's possible to have great political subs.

/u/Jackissocool why do you deny power to the people? Some sort of tribute to Mao?

Yes exactly that

You are like the smartest kid in Special Ed.

Or at least the one the others will follow.

Why do you think Mao is so cool? Because he killed a lot of Chinamen?


That's good, cause i also hate Chinamen and love seeing em die.


It's not like there aren't too many of them. Or that we can tell them apart anyway. I could never tell if there were one million or one billion chinks remaining.



My bad. Deactivating CSS makes it tricky to know when you're in np or not.

They're probably tagging everyone who criticizes with gold stars in RES too.

I wish I could combine the RES tags from all my alts and my former accounts.

Doesn't RES store tags locally? So it's based on computer, not account.

Sorry I meant the RES tags that were attached by people to my accounts.

It's like the French Revolution all over again!

That but there's a guy with a gun behid the suggestion box.

implying mods are leaders instead of custodial workers

Make it easier = contain and isolate

r/socialism is garbage. They banned me for saying that silencing people that they don't agree with is basically Stalinism.

Or Maoism, or Leninism, or Titoism, or Chavezism, or Castroism, or Nazism, or Fascism, or Clintonism, irritatingcollegeliberalism, /r/socialism...

I love that they still don't want it to be too community run, just run by those that the mods select.

They truly represent how socialism would end up working.

Only some of them are "anarchists" too. The hardcore socialists are not fans of democracy and free speech.

This is not how socialism works. There's no hierarchy in socialism...

And /r/socialism continues to be a microcosm of what actual socialism is like

Jesus, imagine caring that much about anything on the internet

It's like watching Mao's Hundred Flowers Campaign and the aftermath play out in real time.