/r/worldnews talks conspiracies

11  2017-01-14 by Famguyb


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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wew I'm triggered right now

So much shit going on it would take years to sort through it

It is disheartening to see so many people shit on the Electoral College. Its entire purpose is to keep shit holes like NYC and LA from running the country. And these kids are ready and willing to move to that sort of a system all while arguing about ma minorities.

It's gotta be weird living your life with your head jammed up your asshole.

I love how they all claim to be so intelligent while circlejerking over something that has less evidence then pizzagate. I mean in the document there is reference to trump eating chicken tenders and yelling at someone. To much of a coincidence to not be a spin on the Bernie sanders chicken tenders meme

Except the electoral college doesn't guarantee a geography diverse vote. You can win with the least amount of states and with the least amount of the voters.

One of the core reasons (if not main reason) the EC was made is to subvert democracy so that the electors can can choose a different president if they don't like who was elected.

If you are okay with the electoral college then you are okay with democracy being able to be subverted and you are okay with a president bring able to win with the least amount of states.

The electoral college was not designed to "guarantee a geography diverse vote".

The core reason was not to subvert democracy.

It's directly spelled out by Hamilton in the Federalist Papers that one of the main purposes of the Electoral College is to prevent unqualified people who manage to get public support from getting the Presidency. AKA subverting democracy.

Sorry typo. I mean 'geographically diverse' vote. You can still win with the least amount of states.

The core reason is because slave states were whinny little bitches and demanded they get special treatment for their racism.

These people will spend the next 8 years thinking that Trump is about to be kicked out of office.