Jewdank has one last meltdown

49  2017-01-14 by get_into_the_box


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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You should post to gonewild.

Snapshill is at least 10 times more x-rated than u/jewdank

delete this

This is the second time today I've cucked someone out of karma on this sub.


That remains to be seen.

Her music taste suits her well.


you want trash? i give you trash

worst porno in history, Starring /u/jewdank

The last meltdown before the next one?

"Edit: Thanks for the gold, Ashkenaziwet!


I know you're too stupid/high/insane to get that joke so I'll explain it. Your name is Jew + dank, a synonym of Ashkenazi + wet.

Ashkenazi isn't actually a synonym for Jew, it's a particular geographical category of Jews, as opposed to Sephardic. And yes, I'm a ton of fun at parties.

Yes I know but the first one I did was "Protestant" which would be even worse.


/u/Jewdank as a hot Jew, what is your opinion of the Alt-Right?

I like my Jews a little hotter than Jew dank if you know what I mean.

Extra crispy.

Usually too gassy for me, though.

epic haha



When did I piss In your cornflakes

What do you mean I was just recognising a quality post

She's not even a Jew, she's just a filthy goyim in disguise

Of all the cultures she chose to appropriate she chose that one?

That's what pissed me off. As an actual jew, seeing her make people believe she's Jewish for "marketing reasons" pissed me the fuck off.

Is that the reason she gave? It honestly just doesn't make any sense to me

No it doesn't, cause she is fucking psycho.

Compared to /r/jewishbabes, it was obvious /u/jewdank wasn't a jew. Jewesses tend to have gorgeous faces

She's not hot, and she's not Jewish, her whole life is a lie.

she's not Jewish

I guess I don't have to hate fap to her anymore. BTW since people accuse her of stealing where can I get her exclusive videos for free? The one where she was giving a bj?

Literally just google jewdank porn, the Internet's not hard and your dick won't be either after watching it

That's a lot of saliva......

This is sad now. She needs help.

Shhh no let her self destruct

Her "last meltdowns" are like the KISS "farewell" tours.

There is also the worst porno in history, Starring /u/jewdank

poor fella didn't even get to cum

she just unhinges her jaw like a boa constrictor




Yep thats a crazy person.

So the "depressive" phase is over and /u/jewdank is back to "manic" this week?

"Our 'Going Out Of Business' Sale was so successful, we're having another one!"

Wow she stilll buys gold to ger comments haha


Does she think she's cool or something? That conversation is the kind of cringe I would have when I was 13 years old over AIM.

She has no room to insult other people's ass tattoos

I started this conversation with her after her "I made it, I destroy it" comment. I was drunk and wanted to be entertained by a retard. No regrets. It was fun.

no you weren't. you were trying to get laid and it didn't work out. nice marylin manson link edge-king, i'm sure it got her all wet.

Trying to get laid by a psycho in Chicago when I live in Denver is the equivalent to your incredibly retarded response. You get an up-vote for stupidity though.

When has geographical distance ever stopped neckbeards online from trying to white knight their way into sex?

Hint: Never.

I wouldn't know. I'm not a neckbeard.

You can have an up-vote for your poor assumptions though.

>Not a neckbeard

>Posts on /r/Jewdank

Pick one.


Another up-vote for you though.

... are you denying you commented on /r/Jewdank now?

Also you come across extremely autistic when you tell people you're upvoting them.

Fair point. I did post in /r/JewDank... repeatedly... because I was drunk and wanted to have some fun with a retard. Just like I am now.

And what is this sub's obsession with calling people autistic? I'm not autistic. I just like rewarding stupidity in this sub with an up-vote. The point is to blow everything out of proportion, right? It makes the community stronger, right? We're supposed to make everything as dramatic as possible, right? That's what I got from the rules.

I'm a doctor and it seems to me that you do indeed show signs of having the tism.

That is a strong prognosis without an actual diagnosis. You sure you're a doctor and not just another /u/niggerpenis pretending to be one?


There is also the worst porno in history, Starring /u/jewdank

poor fella didn't even get to cum

she just unhinges her jaw like a boa constrictor