SLS poster and certified "pansexual snowflake" asks leftcoms their stance on gender, trannies, and edgy teens. Things start getting buttery.

6  2017-01-15 by NoGroidsNoJoos


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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You're pathetic and way too obsessed with me...this sub is awful btw. Just a bunch of alt-right dudes posting frog memes.

We don't really have a political affiliation. This sub is more a septic tank with different flavors of feces. You'd fit right in! We've got anarchists like Prince_Kropotkin on the one side, and then we've got Hitler worshippers and frog-cultists on the other side!

Also if you've reached a point in your life where you're seriously concerned with being biphobic, then you should really just KYS.

Just a bunch of alt-right dudes posting frog memes.

I'm baffled at your assessment.

alt-right dudes

Don't assume my gender. I'm a trans woman.

I've got a beard and dress like a man, but that doesn't matter now. You can just be any old bollocks.

My pronouns are dem/dis.

I voted for Hillary. I'm just here for the White Genocide.


Wrong, we're worse than that. We're disgusting neutrals.

Just a bunch of alt-right dudes posting frog memes.

Rude tbh