Protester throws poop on Martin Shkreli during UC Davis College event.

168  2017-01-15 by A6MZer0


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What's with leftist protesters and throwing shit and piss at people? Same thing happened in Melbourne recently.

They should be thrown out of rotatory aircfrafts

This was from protest in Mexico

Stop spreading (((fake news)))


Disgusting. Gross pervert just wants an excuse to do her scat fetish in public.

Reported for sex negativity

Apparently it must be a thing. At the Republican National Convention in July they were raiding porta shitters for ammunition.

They get so outraged that their brains shut down and they revert to a primal mental state

aka chimping out

'On all levels except physical, I am chimpanzee.' -Throws Feces-

Good answer. Really thorough and insightful. Thanks for taking the time to comment, I don't know what the internet would be without people like you.

Why would you not throw shit and piss?

It's readily available. I have numerous piss bottles to fill water pistols with and my shit bins allow me to easily stock up on that too.

Never leaving your room is not good for you reddit user person

I leave it all the time, usually to ask my minder where the FUCK my tendies are

Piss guns sound like a great idea not gonna lie.

No one tell this guy about freezing piss discs

...wut? How did he even get it in the condom like that?

Most logistical challenges involved are caused by the desire to get shit into the condom without getting it all over yourself, and someone tells me that that man doesn't operate under such a constraint.

Be careful doing this to Trump tho.

I have numerous piss bottles

I used to flatshare with a guy who had 12 x 3-litre Irn Bru bottles (or was it 18 x 2-litres?) filled with piss sitting in his room. Me and my other flatmate were always talking about 'Bob and his 36 litres of piss' to anyone who would listen. Bob was a Christian, if that's relevant.

Irn Bru only doesn't come in 3 litres so must have been the 18.

Oh for sure, it's a well-known hidden commandment;

Thou shalt always keepeth the piss jar full of God's joy

Brings a tear to my eye and a dribble to my dick

/r9k/ irl

Same thing happened in Melbourne recently.

Many Australians are trained in Jarate growing up, so it's understandable there.

Where was this?

Think he means the incident where Lauren Southern had a bottle/cup of piss thrown at her as she was walking

Piss is very in right now. Just ask the people over at /r/the_donald.

Chimpping out to the next level.

Was a big punk thing (on both sides of the political spectrum) apparently in the 80s and maybe 90s so I imagine it feeds into anarchist groups and stuff that are making harry out of the 'street theatre' aspects of all this.

I bet if Shkreli had taken those few precious seconds to accept his goddamn mod invite he'd have not been in that exact spot and the poop would've missed.

Karma's a bitch, son.

Yeah, can't feel too bad about this when he's spent months disrespecting us.

That's how I deal with people saying things I don't like.



that's not ok

yes it is. That peice of shit brags on twitter about spending a million bucks on a bottle of wine while 2 billion human beings go without food each day.

Throw poop on him, cut his head off with a guillotine. I will be there supporting you.

throw poop on him

Haha yeah it's funny and harmless

cut his head off with a guillotine

Hold up fam

still pregnant.

Oh I had not known. Is your wife's child going to be a boy or a girl?!


I knocked her up proper this time.

Would be a great moment of poetic justice if he somehow got AIDS from that.

fuck what was the movie last year where trump and daniel radcliffe get aids

Finding Dory.

That's the one, thanks

I haven't seen it, but based on the title it might be the one you are asking about - Sausage Party.

Negatory, it was the same guy who did Borat

The brothers grimsby, I think. Haven't seen it but I can use google, which is apparently reaaaaaalllllllll fuckin hard for some people

Weird movie, even by cohen standards. There is a scene where he is stuck in a elephants pussy while that elephant is getting fucked. The elephant eventually climaxes and cums all over him

Are you serious? I have to see this

It's 100% legit

Brother's Grimsby.

Captain America:Civil War.

It would have been better symbolism if they threw cat feces (ed: apparently "feces" autocorrects to "FedEx") at him and gave him toxoplasmosis.

Would be a great moment of poetic justice if he somehow got AIDS from that.

He'd be better off because he raised the price to fuck insurers over, not actual AIDs sufferers.

leftists are weird

would you rather take poop to the face or a bullet to the face?

Poopa O Plomo?

id say poop and just try to imagine im someone's sub to be honest

Poopa O Plomo?

Witty, but maybe let's reign this in before the Secret Service shows up at your mother's basement.

It doesn't take a leftist to hate that... shithead.

Nah only communists hate scumbags apparently.

nah, just a bunch of people who don't know anything about drug pricing and health insurance

Yeah, just accept the 5000% price increase in life-saving medication!

Which was carried by insurance companies so that the drug could be more affordable for the uninsured.

I dunno, I never really followed it except for that one story last year, so I don't really know much about it. Anyway, he is still just another white-collar criminal that should get gassed.

I dunno, I never really followed it except for that one story last year, so I don't really know much about it.

Pretty much reddits MO; read some 5 second blurb you know shit about and pretend you're an expert. The guy's definitely insecure but his arrest was due to him cooking books to get money back to defrauded investors and nothing to do with Daraprim.

Yeah, I wasn't talking about the medication when I called him a white-collar criminal. I will totally own up to being ignorant of the situation and just following the hate train, though.

I dunno, I never really followed it except for that one story last year, so I don't really know much about it. Anyway, he is still just another white-collar criminal that should get gassed.

Sounds like about enough info to have a very strong opinion about it then


Found the special snowflake!

'On all levels except physical, I am chimpanzee.' -Throws Feces-

Well that was inappropriate.

that's ok

Triggered-Americans literally chimping out.

Liberals are disgusting.

Not as disgusting as Martin Skreli. He has poop on his face.


lol nazi flair.

People hate martin, this dislike him to his very core. They berate him in public and private. Do the haters ever truly understand why they hate him, or do they just assume everything is a black and white world? Martin doesn't deserve the shit he gets every day, in fact if people actually investigated the reasons why they hate him they might throw a parade for the guy.

Martin doesn't deserve the shit he gets every day

And yet, despite your white knighting, he still invited that on girl to the inauguration and not you. 😭😭😭

You seriously hate him dont you


He totally deserves it. And we deserve to enjoy it.


He's a total gaylord.

I mean, you're the one posting on /r/Drama

it takes one to know one! thats how i spotted you.

So you admit you're a gaylord?

Are you unable to read? Are you having a stroke?

So yes you do!

I'm glad you figured it out.

No, we're just run of the mill fags here.

Because of ridiculous cost increases to medication that means that those who need them can't even get them stocked in pharmacies, and make insurance premiums go up for everyone.

But anyone who can't afford the drug gets it for free, also he sells the drug to a government assistance program from a penny a pill.

It doesn't matter if the pharmacies themselves can't afford to stock it.

But these aren't everyday drugs you need to just pick up from the pharma...

Here is my source.

My reply still stands.

A hospital pharmacy does not equal an every day pharmacy you grab stuff off the shelf.

There is no reason why this hospital cannot have the drug in backup for when it is needed.

The free shit comes direct from the company. He has said it himself.

You're sounding less and less informed the more you whine.

Yeah I'm not so sure that's anything but backpedaling considering that wasn't what he told people when he initially jacked up the price.

in fact if people actually investigated the reasons why they hate him they might throw a parade for the guy.

Is this real life

The only reason anyone likes him is if they buy into the smirking "le master trole" image he's decided to cultivate

I have to wonder if he'll still be so flip if he's found guilty at his upcoming fraud trial

Yeah he does, hes cartoon levels of evil.

You mean by raising the price of his drug?

i don't get it - these same people were calling donald trump a poopy butt

why are they being poopy butts


For those who agree with this act, why specifically is it justified in your mind?

Because fuck him, that's why.

I doubt that any of them are here.

Becuase he hasn't accepted our mod invite yet

Damn, I guess we started the hazing a little too early then.

He got shitfaced!

I think I get it. They're throwing poop at him because they think he shits on the lower class. It's a very intriguing metaphor, a kind of ironic punishment type of thing.

Man, college students are so clever.

i thought Reddit hated Martin Shkreli what happened

Trump yards are so desperate for famous support that they take whoever they can get

turns out he is the opposite of evil, but people brainwashed by the 24/7 news cycle can't bother to check their facts, and throwing literal poop is the result of their evolutionary regression.

Yeah. He jumped the price of that toxo drug to fuck with insurance companies. Turns out if you can't afford it, he will send it to you for free

not only to fuck with the insurance companies, but to offset the cost of researching medications to treat rare diseases that other pharma companies don't find profitable

Did the guy poop angrily in the moment or conspire to bring the poop with him knowing he was going to throw it at Martin.

I'm honestly not sure which answer would show a stronger commitment to the cause.

Ikr either way it seems like the angry pooper here is the real victim.

I said "this is why Trump won" on Twitter yesterday when some liberal whackadoodle was ranting about #pissgate, treason, Putin, etc. They get REALLY angry when you remind them their own behavior is what tipped the scales in Trump's favor. Arguments stop cold and salty insults start pouring out.

I won all sorts of mutings and blocks last night. New high score for me.

No 1 curr

Nominating for Best Use of Flair of 2017 Award.

Americans should do more of this.

See a billionaire? throw shit on them.

I hope this becomes a thing and liberals are going around just slinging runny shit at people in 2020.

Dammit I thought nobody and noticed and was just about to post this with the title

unrequited Drama mod allegedly hit in the face with a samoyed scat scud after suppressed school symposium.