Obama signs orwellian law in his last days. Enlightened redditors don't care and still take time to remind us that Trump is going to be worse anyway because reasons.

51  2017-01-15 by BannedFromImzy


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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I really hate this way of thinking on Reddit regarding politicians: "The elites are evil, greedy, power-hungry tyrants and WE, the unfairly oppresed commoners, are good!" Just another overly simplistic narrative. They don't appear out of thin air. They are people, just like you and me. And someone had to elect them.

And someone had to elect them.

And then not put any pressure on them to not do this kind of shit.


I wouldn't make that much fun of the Obama voters if they ever called him out on the same things they hated Bush for (especially in some instances where he "improved" on his predecessor).

Just another example of partisanship destroying political discussion.

Because most people don't care about foreigners and innocents being killed abroad as long as there are no boots on the ground.

And the president is friends with Jay-z and has a D after his name.

The economic fortunes of the average American has given all of us plenty of reason to regard the elite as evil. Things keep getting worse because of the deliberate decisions of the political class, who simply flat-out do not give a shit about any of us.

They are real people, true. Shitty people. And because the parties have a strangelhold on the nominating process, we are never given the option to vote for anyone who is not evil.

Pretty amazing how they ignore us bombing 7 nations, distabalizing 2 others because the guy has a D next to his name. If he had an R they would flip their shit

Or maybe they're critical of both.

Life isn't as black and white as you seem to think it is.

Have you been to r/politics

Why are you using r/politics as the standard for rational discourse.

Because he has no argument except for Hillary is literally Satan

This isn't "using r/politics as the standard for rational discourse"; it's "using r/politics as an illustration of how the 'they' in the claim 'they ignore us bombing 7 nations, destabilizing 2 others because the guy has a D next to his name' actually think".

Or maybe they're critical of both.


I'm sure some people are but there are plenty of people in the thread defending Obama's decision.

I mean:

But at the same time I believe Obama at least in part did this to check Trump.

Wtf does this even mean?

There should be an "in or out" policy. We shouldn't even have single bullet fired unless we are ready to go 100% all in to a war.

That's completely retarded tbh

True, but it would probably keep us out of a war in the short term.

Doubtful. We're never gonna stop meddling and it would just force us into an all out war when we inevitably get caught. I'll take what we're doing now over boots on the ground every time anyway.

Meh, just dropping bombs is not a good way to handle it either.

we have the option of the current plan, which is not great.

and your idea, which is flat out fucking stupid.

-the 2016 election

And you get to join all wars later than the rest and still claim to have carried the war. Like you did the previous two world wars.

I'd really like to hear the argument that WWII would have been won without the US coming in.

Not my point.

You guys jumped in halfway trough both times.

Can't wait for America to jump into Syria after ISIS owns two hamlets in half a year and then claim that they won the war.

We should just occupy the rest of the world and get into it over with, tbqh.



That's because we trust Obama to investigate each case and make sure that no innocents are killed. Trump wants to deport all immigrants instead without any review.

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

Gr8 meme fam

They want the (D), obviously.

Trump is pro surveillance too.

So you're just going to ignore the law that this thread is about?

I think the point they were trying to make is that people shouldn't expect a radical change under Trump.

Ofc not. But this was true for every candidate, except maybe Rand Paul.

the governments been spying on us for a long while under obama anyway how is this at all shocking/appalling over the republicans killing the ACA. if big brother is gonna be watching me im fine with that as long as i don't have to sell my left kidney in order to afford medication.

Maybe evolution is trying to tell you something...

sure, but despite having too many chromosomes you're still breathing. kys, tho

That was a horrible retort.

sorry i hit a nerve. just because you're a failed abortion doesn't mean you gotta take it out on me

You didn't hit a nerve, you didn't even hit the ocean. Just repeating the joke I made isn't really a joke, it's just sad.

There were so many possible retorts you could have made; riff on my lack of empathy for your medical dependencies, call me a racist because I want to deny you publicly funded healthcare, etc.

Any of the standard internet quips relevant to the current political climate would have been better than simply saying i'm rubber you're glue.

Unless you're not of legal age... which appears to be the case.

i'm sure if you pay her enough some hooker will finally fuck you. then you can die without any regrets! especially none about the longass time you spent trying to conduct this message i didn't read

Well clearly you're mad now so I'll let you have the last post, it's my privilege.

You're both trying so hard to convince us all that you don't care

we're tsundere for each other

I'm rooting for you, have a nice day

thx, you too

You know the ACA is not tied to the NSA having to snoop on you. Only your doctor and your significant other should ever be allowed to shove a camera up your ass.

no shit sherlock what i mean is i'd rather have to watch your colonoscopy video broadcasted on national television every day during breakfast as enforced by our morbidly obese sjw femnazi overlords than pay out the ass for chemo or whatever

A lot of countries have universal healthcare AND are not a surveillance state. Those things are independent.

if you think lizard people arent always watching us and reporting us to the one world government youre wrong

Lizard people are a worldwide issue. We really need to elect people who will face that problem head on or we're doomed.

ur not wrong

Total idiots went equally crazy bout Obama in 2008.

IMO there really isn't any good reason for all this data collection. After every terrorist attack you hear the same "The suspect was known to police", we don't need more surveillance, we need better laws to kick these people out of lock them up. Watching terrorist videos on how the West needs to be destroyed and how all non-Muslims need to die is not valid free expression. If it's wrong for white supremacists to want to kill all blacks it's wrong for a religious group to teach that all non-believers need to die. Obviously not every Muslim is out to commit mayocide but you can't just ignore the ones that want to because others don't.

EDIT: changed idiots to guys. Trying to be more civil.
