92yo WWII veteran (american, not a nazi for once) does an AMA. Redditors really want someone who was alive at the same time as Hitler to tell them how he totally compares to Trump. Gets whiny when the old timer refuses to discuss politics with millenials.

157  2017-01-15 by BannedFromImzy




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You don't need a ww2 vet to tell you Trump isn't Hitler. Hitler makes Trump look like a hippie.

For starters, despite having one ball, he knew how to please women

That's impressive considering the micropenis

all in the hands, baby. all in the hands.

You don't need a ww2 vet to tell you Trump isn't Hitler

No, but I want it. I think Trump is Hitler and having someone tell me that I'm right is very important. If this ((((vet)))) isn't willing to play ball, then I think it's pretty clear which arm he uses to heil with.

In Hitler's defense he wasn't as bad as some of the people around him.

They could be asking this guy all those questions they never got round to asking your grandparents (or more likely great grandparents, for some of these kiddies) and they want to talk politics. How fucking boring.

Remind me to not do any shit like this when I'm old.

when I'm old.

U ain't gonna make it tbh boi

Would you want to if these were the type of people you dealt with on a daily basis?


That's why we have to die for our memes.

Noone here is okay, but i'll say it anyway:

You shouldn't go anywhere tomorrow. The day of kekoning is coming.

This hurts to read please stop

I plan to die at 34

I'm finna get my dick sucked at least once by that age for sure at least I hope so

me too, thanks

Why does everyone want another Hitler so bad.

Because you missed the deadline to be born in the memeist generation. Which means you probably bathe in crude oil and got a medal for excellence in baby bayonetting.

Liberals want another world war. Sand wars are boring. They want to fight in trenches like they see in all the cool Brad Pitt movies.

Noo, they don't want to fight in the trenches personally.

they do until they don't

"I'm a consientious objector!!!!"

Wait, do we hate them or the chickenhawks more?

You're a vet? What should I do about my dog's wyrms

Hire a dragoon mercenary.

That sounds kind of expensive. Do you think homeopathy would work?

If it's good enough for Steve Jobs I'm sure it's good enough for your dog.

I hope his dog doesn't end up like Steveo

My dog only uses Gentoo. Will it still work.

Your dog deserves the wyrms

Hit up the Dragonborn.

Because they want to "Fight the good fight" and be heroes. Their life is shitty and boring and they can't handle that.

Not really fight though. Just post on Facebook with a false sense of superiority and victimhood.

To them words are violence, so to them it is just as good.

They're all shortsighted little retards who didn't get institutionalized because they're parents did the "He's not retarded, he's special!" shpeal.

My life is boring. I just jerk off to feel better.

I just jerk off to feel better.

Too simple for their desperate brains to handle.

Why does everyone want another Hitler so bad.

I think it's more that they want to stop what they perceive as a new Hitler rising before it gets to a dangerous point. They don't want a Hitler in the sense that they want to exploit the situation but to prevent it which is a bit of a nuance.

The problem is everyone they disagree with is perceived as a new Hitler.

Sorta loses its mustard after a while.

They want to be able to say "We suffered through a second Holocaust uprising" for the sake of victimhood, they hear about all the struggles that happened during World War II, and instead of acknowledging it as a very important piece of history to remember, they want to be able to claim that they lived through a similar tragedy. Victimhood is huge nowadays.

So what is your opinion on trump?

I like him.

What do you think the odds on Hitler v Stalin 1v1 death match c.1930 is?

Why does nobody ask for my opinion on Hitler?

On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you love Hitler?

I'm a trump supporter so obviously it's over 9,000.

How do you feel about Hitler, baby killer?

Because another Hitler would (((prove))) that they are right

My grandfather is a 92 year old ww2 vet. Voted Trump.

ww2 vet. Voted Trump.

Now the SJWs will assume he was fighting for Germany.

Marine in Iwo. He's still not fond of the Japanese.

Imagine how some career soldiers who went through WW2, Korea and Vietnam feel about asians.

reads first comment

"lmao liberals btfo"

realizes he is racist

"really makes u think"

Well, to be fair, Asians during those wars were kind of brutal.

I can understand why vets of WWII/Kor/Nam would hate Jap/Kor/Viets after seeing their friend skinned alive, or beheaded, or tortured.

I tend to be a bit more forgiving towards racist vets from Asian wars. Not saying it's okay. Just that they have some more mitigating circumstances.

yea the pacific harbors a lot of hatred among those who remember the war, not uncommon for animosity from koreans towards the japanese, or from chinese towards the japanese... absolutely justified considering the atrocities they commited. no1s gonna let that go in a 100 years, and if you were in their shoes ud feel the same way

My next door neighbor drove landing crafts at Iwo Jima.

Which surprisingly turned out to be the safer job there.

When somebody old and white doesn't want to talk about politics, they are Republican. Which is hilarious because he fought against Hitler and Trump has very similar policies.

/u/anonymity_is_cancer - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Socialist_Program#The_25-point_Program_of_the_NSDAP here's the NSDAP program. Name 3 points there that match Trump's policies.

Overall it reads like what Bernie Sanders wanted (free college, sharing wealth, redistributing passive incomes...).

Those points ressembles something that Trump would endorse :

5 . Whoever has no citizenship is to be able to live in Germany only as a guest, and must be under the authority of legislation for foreigners.

6 .The right to determine matters concerning administration and law belongs only to the citizen. Therefore, we demand that every public office, of any sort whatsoever, whether in the Reich, the county or municipality, be filled only by citizens. We combat the corrupting parliamentary economy, office-holding only according to party inclinations without consideration of character or abilities.

7 . We demand that the state be charged first with providing the opportunity for a livelihood and way of life for the citizens. If it is impossible to sustain the total population of the State, then the members of foreign nations (non-citizens) are to be expelled from the Reich.

8 . Any further immigration of non-citizens is to be prevented. We demand that all non-Germans, who have immigrated to Germany since 2 August 1914, be forced immediately to leave the Reich.

For point #5, a main difference is also that the NSDAP also said that only ethnic Germans could be citizens. It's essentially creating two separate legal codes based on race, which is not part of Trump's campaign.

i get the feeling that germany did this because they wanted socialism, but they didn't want people coming to germany for the free stuff. AFAIK, trump isn't advocating for socialism at all.

It was more due to prevailing attitudes in their party leadership that Germans were superior to other races of people.

well sure, and still if you think the majority of the people in your country are superior to other people, you don't exactly want leeches immigrating to take advantage of the free stuff you hand out.

Sure but his legislation also affected people who were previously German citizens. I guess I just see a difference from an ethical standpoint between a country that has restricted immigration because they want to help their own citizens first and a country that says some of its own citizens are no longer citizens in order to deny them civil and voting rights.

yeah, I guess my perception of these is that the points enumerated above would be useful from a pragmatic standpoint of a socialist government to keep outsiders from leeching off of the ostensibly superior hardworking aryan citizens - and the consequence of 'othering' the jews and gypsies who have been living there for however many generations into non-citizens is sort of an added benefit for those who see those groups as leeches already. I'm not a scholar of history or anything, just a layman - i could be completely wrong.

Well that may be one fact behind their reasoning. But in multiple speeches Hitler said they would not "waste time" or "expend resources" for foreigners, or some other euphemism for using State resources to assist others. So really it could be a mix; they believe themselves superior and do not want inferior foreigners using their socialist privileges. Communism on steroids

i get the feeling that germany did this because they wanted socialism, but they didn't want people coming to germany for the free stuff

So basically socialism, but only for their nation. There should be a name for that.

obviously it's conservatism/republican.

I'm not going to answer much about politics because it doesn't need to be here. If you want politics go to r/politics

Well the top post of politics is about a SNL skit mocking Trump so I think they've dropped the facade.

it's another episode of autists with no reading comprehension strawman a political post.

i mean sure hitler gassed the jews, but trump hurt my feelings. it's a touch call

Why oh why do 20 year olds think anyone else wants to hear from them about politics? Seriously, YOU'RE FUCKING IDIOTS WITH NO LIFE EXPERIENCE, no one cares what you think.

If you weren't even paying attention to politics prior to the Obama administration, you literally have no clue what you're talking about and should wait about eight years before you open your gingivitis flaps.

Actually I'm pretty sure the grandson doesn't want to ask about politics not that the grandpa wants to answer it.

What old person doesn't have a thousand opinions on politics, and won't spontaneously utter them all at any given occasion?

Probably an old dude who has seen men die at his bed/table after giving their all to save them? He probably doesn't care who wins are long as they are trying to avoid war.

I feel like if we could teach really old people to use the internet, /pol/ would start to seem liberal really quickly.

One day we will have 92 year old millennials doing AMAs about the great internet culture wars of current year where they bravely fought the nazis who disagreed with their identity politics.