Altright "pundit" gets doxxed. Turns out his wife is a jewish SJW. /r/altright discusses how hard they should be gassed, and whether it was smart to use your real voice in a podcast while trying to stay anonymous.

69  2017-01-15 by BannedFromImzy


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Like when the other AltRight guy got doxxed and it turned out he was literally living a NEET life. Aside from actually having a degree his abuse of bennies and nocturnal lifestyle screams NEET.

Like when the other AltRight guy got doxxed and it turned out he was literally living a NEET life.

Joshua Goldberg?

No the guy from Scotland.

I missed that. Do you have a link to that maybe?

RemindMe!1 4 hours

I'm on mobile now so I can't search it but I'll look it up later

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His neetdom was well known since forever. It was pretty obvious from the videos and a meme in itself on /brit/pol.

Yeah, I recall he himself said he didn't have a job a few times.

He was the last person the lefties should have doxed if they knew what was good for them.


Those are still a thing?

The abuse of bennies so not limited to the dependapotomous, the NEET also draws upon them.

When the horse shoe bends around to form a heart

It's easier to bend a horseshoe into a heart than into a swastika or a star of David.

Really makes you think....

I dunno, after some of the swastikas we've been seeing lately it seems that they might have tried.

This is what happens when the special ed class has to do a book report on the Turner Diaries.

Looks more like a butt tbh.

I knew there was something really off about this guy.

That he's an obese neckbeard with an Jewish SJW wife isn't really surprising to me.

He was running classic cult leader tactics on the altright.

This sounds incredibly familiar...... How big are his wife's tits?

Wtf is with all these hardcore anti-SJW's having exactly what they proclaim to hate as wives and girlfriends?

Bill Burr's black wife believes in almost all the exact opposite things he yells about in his routine too.

This goes for SJW's too. They'll be really passionate about hating straight white cis men and whoops! Turns out they either are themselves straight white cis men or have straight white male husbands.

I'm beginning to think all the online social justice arguments ever are just one giant stupid psyop. Jesus.

How many guys complain about fat women and have a fat wife? How many women complain about lazy men and have a lazy husband at home?

I bet some of the fire that makes these people so hardcore on the internet is because it let's the complain about there SO and they channel anger at the SO into general anger the internet audience can relate too.

Imagine going on youtube and bitching about your wife for an hour and having an audience eat your every word

Or go on Tumblr and see all the supportive comments about how awful men like your husband are and feel vindicated in your personal life.

This is incredibly insightful.

I guess you complain most about what you know best. Like if you live with a jew, you probably know all the reasons why they should be hated. Anyway it's a catch 22 : complain about a minority you have no contact with, and you're called ignorant, complain about a minority you intimately know, be called a race traitor.

I'm certain /u/Augustus45 is just jealous that this enoch fellow has a qt3.14 jew waifu and that he doesn't 😤

TFW nobody to start the oven for me.

Yeah, it's a total catch 22 how there's no socially acceptable way to be a racist.

Crazy, right?

Wtf is with all these hardcore anti-SJW's having exactly what they proclaim to hate as wives and girlfriends?

It's almost as if adults irl don't base all of their relationships on identity politics! Amazing!

Bill Burr's black wife believes in almost all the exact opposite things he yells about in his routine too.

As a die hard ole Billy Blue Balls fan, he's not some card carrying anti-sjw like so many seem to think. And neither is his wife. They both have varying opinions on things and are open minded like adults. Also, HE'S A FUCKING COMEDIAN AND DOESN'T MEAN EVERY GODDAMN THING HE SAYS FOR LAUGHS.

I never miss a podcast and then I see these fucking yokels posting clips out of context on youtube to support their stupid ass ideologies. Idiots.

This goes for SJW's too. They'll be really passionate about hating straight white cis men and whoops! Turns out they either are themselves straight white cis men or have straight white male husbands.

^ See point one above.

I'm beginning to turn into a conspiratard and am starting to think all the online social justice arguments ever are just one giant stupid psyop. Jesus.

The real world isn't reddit. Jesus fuck, go outside once in awhile.

when you hear 'SJW' enter real world political lexicon, America is dead

lol america died in 1971

>implying it wasn't dead on dec 23rd 1913

The real world isn't reddit. Jesus fuck, go outside once in awhile.

mfw I acted too dramatic even for /r/drama sadpepe.jpg

You aren't allowed to bring drama into drama. I got drama-shamed for doing that (because it was "autistic"). At least twice.

To be fair, he's not wrong. I don't go outside enough.

Just looking out for ya, fam!

ty, fam <3

Also, Bill still says that getting married is stupid and he's an idiot for doing it.

Pay no attention to the corporate man behind the curtain! It's the Mexican's fault! No wait it's the woman's fault! No hold on it's SJW'S and the international order of werewolves! It's just false antagonisms being fed to us so we fight amusing ourselves instead of address the real antagonisms in this world.

instead of address the real antagonisms in this world

Like the Illuminati. Those guys need to go.

Bill Burr's black wife believes in almost all the exact opposite things he yells about in his routine too.

Except Philadelphia being literal garbage

That's fact though. Even Philadelphia agreed during that act.

Is this another rallying cry for white genocide worldwide?

Mmmm purity tests are so delicious.

it's just the usual cycle, right gets the upperhand, ruins its appeal and infighting takes over, left gets the upperhand, ruins its appeal and infighting takes over

Personally, while being well-versed on the JQ and the subversive behavior of Jews throughout history, I still keep a reasonable position to individual Jews-if they are not subversive individually.

Oh thank god, for a second there I thought they were all a bunch of bigots

I still keep a reasonable position to individual Jews

Like "kill them painlessly"?

Even the actual Nazis had their "good Jews" they wanted to save. Hitler himself intervened to keep an old friend of his in the SS..

Without a doubt, they probably feel quite righteous and enlightened for even considering that individual Jews MIGHT just not be the devil.

good Jews

Like kapos. They kept things running smoothly. And it was efficient since they were aware of their own people's usual tricks.

The white Clayton Bigsby.

Left his wife because she's a honky lover.

Maybe they are just really, really into angry sex.

If they married each other given all their opinions about the other being a despicable subhuman, the sex must be awesome.