Orwell weeps: Stalinist /r/FULLCOMMUNISM mods blackmail innocent users to retract support for a more open /r/socialism and to raid /leftypol/

90  2017-01-15 by [deleted]



If you try to speak out, the abuse continues.

Never forget the victims of Stalinism.

This reminds me of when that guy messaged SRS users telling them to write an essay on why they don't deserve to be banned.

Isn't this actually something that can get a sub banned though?

only if reddit gets bad PR due to it, or if trump supporters do it

They've defonitely done things with no bad PR, and no Trump supporters, like LWSE.

lwse was banned for different reasons than what fullcommunism is doing. I was trying to say that this requiring your subscribers to brigade another website in order to post is not something that is a bannable offense for a subreddit - but like other things which have not been against the rules, if it generates bad public relations or if the subreddit is full of trump supporters, then they'll be punished.

Wait, so Reddit doesn't have any rules about authoritarian power abuse up to and including blackmail?

As far as I know, no. i don't think the reddit admins care at all about moderators being authoritarian unless it generates bad public relations for them.

/u/spez pls

Huh, their bullshit is surprisingly bearable if you read it on 8chan as opposed to reddit.

What kind of retard language is that reddit lay-out?


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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"Taking no chances" because anyone could be a "letypol infiltrator". That's a great way to remove anything you don't like. Just like socialist states paint anything they want to make illegal as an attempt to destabilize them from capitalist agents (like art, or gays, or free speech...).

Note how the important thing is who is what, who is a "leftypol infiltrator" and who is a "redditor", and they literally can't imagine telling them apart by, oh I don't know, things they say, or even not bothering and trying to make the best decision based on convincing arguments, not on who supports it.

I don't even really see the problem with leftypol infiltrators if it's really that hard to tell them apart. Like, as long as people don't break the rules they're fine, right? Even if you don't care about freedom or democracy or whatever, so long as people are ostensibly agreeing with you, they're only helping your subreddit, right? If you can't tell the difference between a helpful community member and a troll, then either your community members have been trolls or the trolls turned into unironic community members.

If you can't tell the difference between a helpful community member and a troll, then either your community members have been trolls or the trolls turned into real community members.

That's my point, they are thinking 100% in terms of identity politics, it doesn't matter what the person says, it only matters who they are. Like there's a profound difference between a community member and a troll saying the exact same thing, because you should agree with a community member no matter what they say and likewise shun the troll.

I don't even think it's that. Because a lot of legitimate community members seem to disagree with the mods, they're saying you need to shun trolls but also sometimes shun community members but not if they agree with the mods and it's just so many things on top of each other. If they were truly a fully corrupted Orwellian government, they'd claim anyone who disagrees with them is already a troll and permaban them for thinking out of lockstep, but they're giving people another chance.

Maybe they're worried they'll run out of community to oppress if they don't have leeway but they aren't willing to change their mind on the troll thing.

It's so nice of /r/socialism for live demonstration how socialism works in practice.

I'm convinced that this has to be the work of an FBI plant. Nobody could possibly be retarded enough to think that messaging banned users and telling them to basically grovel before the mods would ever go over well.

Did you ever consider how mere catgirls managed to disrupt a community of nearly 80 000 leftists? The only logical explanation is an advanced three-letter agency psyop.

Fascist 4D chess while these socialist plebs are playing connect 4.

10D chess

24 layer shahrazad

*PTSD intensifies*

I'm so glad they changed how Wishes work.

The only three letter group at fault here is SJW. They ruin all ideologies they touch, and they're ruining the socialist subreddits.

I assure you my version of socialism has SJWs in gulags.

I don't think social justice is inherently a bad thing to advocate for though. I think it becomes an issue when you get to the point where you aren't allowed to say the word "dumb" though.

agendaposting this hard in /r/drama

I think this is right. I don't have a side in this but I checked out this /leftypol/ thing that everyone in r/socialism is outraged about and it's actually kind of fun and entertaining with a mix of interesting and silly debates going on. No drama, and none of these authoritarian controlling tendencies I see in every lefty-sjw board on reddit that viscerally bothers me.

This is happening at the same time as the Mike Enoch doxx which just shook the Alt Right kiddies, sending their movement into chaos. It's a very strange coincidence. Wouldn't be surprised if this was cointelpro tbh

Reddit is meaningless


A Twitter shitposter is president now. Give it time and Reddit drama will make irl headlines. If you count all the shit with Coontown and FPH it already did

Did you ever consider how mere catgirls managed to disrupt a community of nearly 80 000 leftists? The only logical explanation is

Severe mental retardation of /r/socialism subscribers.

You people are idiots. Stalinists are not the same as socialists or communists. Stalinists can point to their successes.

Yrah, but then they get purged after they stop being useful.

Yeah but then some peasant boy throws them against a wall for either "not being loyal Enough" or "being elitest scum"

Isn't /leftypol/ already invaded by /pol/ on a regular basis anyway? I don't think a few redditors are going to do much to fuck them up.

No, it's just that a strong /pol/ influence rubbed off on them.

They basically just made being a cuck a requirement for access.

Ok wtf is leftypol

It's like /pol/ but with commies

Ah that's what I figured. I imagine it's on 8chan? Why do they hate it so much

Classic leftist infighting. The fewer political disagreements you have with someone, the more you hate them.

Because leftists, for some reason, can't stand each other. Most reddit's leftists despise imageboards and /pol/, so /leftypol/ gets lumped in with them. Many /leftypol/ users also think identity politics are garbage and that we should focus mainly on class and income inequality, which reddit's socialists would disagree with. Basically these minor differences in opinion make /leftypol/ almost as bad as nazis.

These are the people that shit themselves if someone uses "ableist language" such as crazy or stupid. It's not surprising that they don't jive well with the people who call each other fags and autists.

Imagine what a 4channer that happens to be a communist would be like, and that's pretty much leftypol.

They call themselves "politically incorrect", hate SJW's and identity politics, use slurs like faggot and nigger, are pretty pro free-speech and allow non-leftists to post there.

I'm sure you can see how this all conflicts with some redditors that ban people just for saying "blind".

The only thing Reddit's leftist community hates more than the alt-right is other leftists who they don't consider to be "real" leftists. There's constant infighting and squabbling over who's a real Marxist/Leninist/Maoist/whatever, and who's a phony, impostor or troll.

So it's like maxime Robespierre and the French Revolution then

Those mods really need to get laid.

Their circlejerking clearly isn't getting the job done, poor idiots

So if I were a leftypol infiltrator then what's stopping me from doing all that? Obviously, nothing. These mods just want to powertrip over pathetic retards who will beg them for mercy so they can join their circle jerk sub. Sad!

r/Socialism mods telling users to brigade another site? The admins will love to hear about that!

Socialism: Equality for thee but more for me

raiding an imageboard

Yeah, good luck with that.

you mean

This is pretty much how it went down with actual commies. The leaders of the movement advocate for vanguardism and eventually reveal how much of a control freak they really are.

The mods' delusions about how they are representatives of the actually oppressed (their rattling about queer poc whatevers, as if people like that didn't mostly avoid Reddit to begin with) and people who don't agree with them can only be quasi fascist is word for word the justification of every communist leadership when they start to have to crack down on the proles who don't much like starving and not being able to make jokes.

if there's one thing the left has right it's that leftists are its greatest enemy.

Didn't Scorsese recently make a film about this? What was it called again? Stalince, or something like that?

I wonder why they couldn't run a country...


I'm so surprised that a group of sixteen year-old shut-ins with no friends treat their retarded message board just like a fantasy high school where they sit at the cool table.

So hard to analyze and get my mind around. This is complicated stuff.