AngryDM reaches final form. Comment section descends into bravest circlejerk ever. DAE Nintendo is sexist??

90  2017-01-16 by [deleted]


Now with added Cancer!


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Dude is so deluded he thinks average redditors don't want to tax the wealthy lmao

This "Redditeur" they speak of doesn't exist. It's a projection of their own phobias, irrationality, hatreds, and insecurities.

(((Redditeurs))) are a degenerate force who try to turn back the clock on society with their ignorance and enthusiastic support of oppression. They try to arrest the development of intelligent discourse in the same way that their attachments to their mothers have arrested their development as men.

Don't tell me they don't exist, I see them and they're everywhere. They're as duplicitous as they are injurious so I don't blame you.

Share this post with 5 friends, or you're a Redditeur too.

Wow, so I'm now a Redditeur because I don't have any friends to share this with? You're kind of abusive tbh

What about the SJW?

If you circlejerk long enough without leaving the safe space you start to believe your own strawmen.

He thinks we all liked The Revenant. Who the fuck even talks about The Revenant on reddit? This is the first time I've seen it brought up in a year.

What's The Revenant?

That movie with Leonardo Dicaprio. What's funny is that it's not like Reddit has an unusual obsession with the movie, it was overall very well received and very popular everywhere. Negareddit user however don't ever leave Reddit so they think the popularity is just a Reddit thing.

Wasn't he some sort of painter?

Or, wait, he was a ninja turtle.

For a bunch of people who dislike this site they spend way too much time on it.

Some movie you'd like if you were a film critic.

Spooky agitated skeletons with rocket launchers

Well in that case the movie is amazing and anyone who dislikes it is wrong.

Whenever I hear or see The Revenant spooky agitated skeletons with rocket launchers dance into my mind

Taxing the wealthy always polls well.

The problem is, Americans are so distrustful of congress that none of us believe that they will primarily tax the wealthy. We figure that they'll raise taxes, and that the wealthy will hire lawyers and lobbyists to get out of paying their fair share, so we'll all be the ones stuck with the bill.

“Beware that, when fighting circlejerking, you yourself do not become a circlejerk... for when you gaze long into the Reddit. The Reddit gazes also into you.”

  • Uber Man

Too bad Uber Man makes less than minimum wage after calculating wear and tear on cars, but edgy redditors will defend it anyways.

German Uber Man, not Taxi Uber Man.

I've been waiting for the inevitable ghazi melt ever since I saw the newest Zelda trailer.

I didn't like the Witcher 3. Its fanclub is even worse.

The Revenant was crap. Its fanclub is even worse.

reddit likes these things?

i'm literally here constantly and i didn't even know that. what kinda circlejerk divining rod does /u/AngryDM carry around

Witcher 3 used to be talked about way more when it was first released in 2015. While I think the game has a lot of flaws, /u/AngryDM most likely dislikes it because strawmen like it.

Isn't it interesting how people talk about new and popular things when they come out? Make u think...

/r/games def jerks itself raw every time TW3 comes up

i don't read movie subreddits so i don't know about the revenant. great movie though, the story is nothing special but it's told beautifully. /u/AngryDM has shit taste

Wasn't there another game he went on a rampage against? I want to say Pokemon but I can't entirely recall.

It was Pokemon Go.

Because it's ableist?

I don't even know.

apparently "gamergate" likes it. not even kidding

Gamer hate is also big fans of breathing. Superior should tell u/AngryDM to stop that too.

It sure seems like his tastes in media are based more on if people he hates like it rather than the actual quality of the media itself.

the Witcher 3 circlejerk is annoying on subreddits like r/Games ( it has a great story and great sidequests, but the gameplay is mediocre)

(you already knew that, though)

Using the word literally the way he did relies on knowing the literal definition of literally, otherwise he would have been incapable of using it as hyperbole

TW3 is great and I mean actually great, not Girls is good great. He hates people liking things especially gamers. Although more time playing TW3 means less time raping and murdering women.

This guy jerks off to ponies and gearydigit gets hard to dragons. These are the people criticizing average males that have ever liked a thing that was popular once.

Girls is great.

So great you stopped watching.

the doctor said my dick needed six weeks rest and a healing salve. i respect professional advice.

You're going to use it as lube aren't you

me and you are done

you secretly love this


where we're going, we don't need consent

you secretly love this

The thing about The Witcher 3 and The Revenant is that they were well received in general. It's not a reddit thing--they're just good at what they do.

This is what happens when you don't get invited to birthday parties while growing up.

It's like arguing in the shower against imaginary opponents, except it's not confined to an hour a day.

Dude how long are your showers?

Depends whether I win the argument or not.

I think you just need more people in there with you.

Depends on whether I want to jack off or not.

Jacking it in the shower sucks.

lol wagecucks can't even spend all day showering. pathetic!

Lack of socialization is a big problem in today society. It produces people like him.

And dogs that bite.

Well, AngryDM certainly barks a lot.

Oh no! It appears you forgot to add the "/u/" to his username! Now he won't be able to read your comment! We would not want that to happen, so I'll fix it for you: /u/AngryDM certainly barks a lot.

he probably has these turned off

Only online

Perro ladrador ...


It's amazing how you can spend all day communicating with people around the world and still be a giant antisocial loser.

Do my parents' friends' kids' birthday parties count? Cause I was forced to go to those.

Not only I'm not offended by those statements but I find them rather amusing

You shouldn't laugh at retards.

Oh my god the dumbfuck basis his aesthetic choices on wether or not the average redditor would like it.

Also that thread has so many wrong bullshit. Amazing.


Laurie Shrage, professor of philosophy and women’s and gender studies, questions whether men should be 'penalized for being sexually active', and she puts the subject in the perspective of feminists who had to fight the same idea with different gender portent, namely that consenting to sexual intercourse isn't the same as consenting to parenthood. Furthermore, both men and children are punished, according to professor Shrage; children have to live with an absent father who never 'voluntarily' became a parent.

You dumbfuck. Dont basis your beliefs on the contrary of reddit, its stupid and annoying.

Are you, and I'm just throwing this out there, offended by something I said?

See the title of the thread?


I am shaking right now

hold me

Literally shaking? Or just figuratively

How can someone be offended by retardation? Is more of a "bless your soul" and "their poor parents" reaction

I don't know about him, but I literally slapped the plate of tendies out of my mom's hands.

No. That's literally not what the word "offended" means.

You are dumb.

No, they just disagree.

If they were offended by shit they'd be saying all this somewhere nobody can reply, like how yawl did.

normal people can disagree with something without being offended by it. tho it's telling that you can't

. Dont basis your beliefs on the contrary of reddit, its stupid and annoying

I take it that you have never heard of /r/circlebroke.

FYI the word you want is bases not basis.

delet this

got 'im

Oh my god the dumbfuck bases his aesthetic choices on wether or not the average redditor would like it.

Oh so he actually dresses well and doesn't look like the 1890s fucked the 1990s?

Funny how he's using the member berry joke. I thought South Park was (le)terally Hitler, /u/AngryDM. What happened?

These are the kind of people that made a lifestyle out of talking about the things they hate, not doing the things they love.

like me and mass effect 3?

Because then they'd have to admit they aren't really attrated to trans-womyn?

Looking through this person's post history is weird. Literally everything they say is whiny/negative. Why? Why are they doing this?

There are countless threads in here on this guy. I poked around a bit and it seems like he just has a really miserable life in general so he decided his best way of dealing with it was to be publicly miserable online.

/u/AngryDM How is it that you and the subreddit you circle-jerk in can have different opinions on Reddit and yet you still think generalizing "Redditeurs" isn't fucking retarded?

Also I like how every time you say "Redditeurs" there's a little asterisk there that means "except me lol". Makes generalizing the group you're part of easier I guess.

Nintendo is a company that peddles nostalgia and stagnant world-views to ever-aging nostalgics. It hides behind a thin veil of its self-generated game lore to excuse itself for sexist bullshit, among other things.


Apparently he has nightmares about Princess Zelda. Something to do with being upset about Link being male?

samus is trans. deal with it

Does he not realize that Link and Zelda aren't actually a couple?

Nah it's obviously because Zelda wears green and purple striped socks around the house.

Link pls, I want to see this

Link.png/revision/latest?cb=20090726014102). Upon further review I don't see how you can tell it's a male.

Nintendo committed the inexcusable gender-crime of firing a WOMAN for simply expressing her sexuality.

I mean, I can't think of a single other multi-national company, with a core demographic are families and children, that would dismiss an employee that used their company Twitter account to promote paedophilia, or run a side business of being an actual prostitute. The only reason Nintendo took acation is because that hate strong womyn.

Wait what? Who was this bitch?

Alison Rapp.

Sounds like a fag

I believe her nudes are still floating around on KF.

her escort ad belongs on /r/delusionalartists

No. That was her ex, Jake.

Jake the Snake?

I've seen Sarkeesian make the same complaint. It's basically looking at the history of their company from a modern US perspective, and ignoring the fact that they are very much a Japanese company, and come from a culture vastly different than ours.

No, all cultures must be held to the same Western Americentric version of morality and progressiveness. Especially when it comes to video games and children's cartoon shows.

But remember that criticizing Islam for throwing gays off buildings and tossing acid in women's faces is problematic and racist.

While that is true, the most famous and influential franchises they have?

Mario, Zelda, Metroid.

Western fairy tale about princess rescue x2 and western science fiction action movie badass girl romp.

What, you don't expect all your children's games about Italian plumbers jumping on turtles and walking mushroom men to be screed against the subjugation of the proletariat by the bourgeoisie and to be the final nail in the coffin for institutional sexism? There is no such thing as simple fun.

/u/AngryDM, you're fixin' for a spicy slap to the taint if you don't quit funnin' back over there. You hear me, Mr. Magoo?

I love now that we are looking at a Trump presidency, suddenly the left is pro-gun, and if you ask them they've always been pro-guns, dammit.

Yea its kinda funny. Suddenly the left figures out why the right says gun rights are important, and while all the logical arguments fell on deaf earplugs, all it took was one orange man to show them the error of their ways.

Please use his real name. He's the leader of the free world Cheeto Benito*

The left still can't figure out why other civil liberties (free speech, warrants, and due process) are important, which is hilarious (terrifying too but at least I'll get a laugh) because if Trump decides he does want to abuse his powers hes going after them first.

First against the wall when the revolution comes.

Which left are you talking about? Liberals are anti-gun but commies have pretty much always been pro-gun.

Eh, maybe it's my inner libertarian or something but I wouldn't mind a Switzerland-style armed state.

Absolutely. They have their shit sorted.

Well yeah, but that's because they're Switzerland.

America doesn't have a gun problem, it has an American problem.

Mandatory conscription is not very libertarian

Liberty is overrated. Switzerland, Israel, South Korea...mandatory military service is directly correlated with hot women.

Can't wait for those anti-war liberals to all come out of the hole they've been hiding in for the past 8 years as well.

/u/AngryDM I'm not usually a tagging guy but jeez

He won't respond unfortunately

Where is the drama, by the way? There is almost no impotent rage in that thread. I am a bit dissappointed.

Yeah, it's a real shame that /u/AngryDM has the bravery and courage to offend the imaginary Reddit user in his head but isn't brave to try it on a real one. SRS would have had more guts than that, /u/AngryDM.

What I'm saying is that you should get in here and stir up some shit for our entertainment, /u/AngryDM. You've made around 50 posts in the past 24 hours, so the least you could do is share some of your unhealthy obsession with Reddit with us, /u/AngryDM.

the smug levels are off the charts wew

Yeah this is SRS level

I don't think I've ever seen an /u/AngryDM post that didn't also include a creepy obsessive side tangent about Elon Musk.

The guy needs serious help. He's gonna go ballistic one day.

It's OK to be a "special snowflake". Diversity is good and everybody is a little different and that is OK and should be celebrated.

u/AngryDM I guess then it's fine to be a homophobic masculine Christian Republican?

The first 3 things don't hurt most people.


No, no, no. You celebrate difference by conforming. It's the only way.

In practice, they will only accept you if you subscribe to their postmodernist ideologies.

that spends millions of dollars on a wildly-successful propaganda campaign promising pixie kisses and unicorn farts to a fanatical fanclub.

Dollars to donuts this describes that brony's Google searches.

Progressive's piss and moan on the internet.

Conservative's take over the government and pass their own legislation.

Someone's priorities are off.

I actually preferred the 2016 Ghostbusters to the original.

Negareddit is an unironic version of /r/insertions with a group of assholes fucking themselves to the most obscure shit possible.

Of all the things he ever said, that's the first time i'm close to being offended by him.

I just cannot fathom how anyone could even like that piece of shit.

Women are funny, get over it

women are only funny when they're the target of slapstick pranks

Or abuse!!!!

The Editor wasn't.

Women are faggots.

With absolutely no self-awareness they unironically like everything that supports anything even remotely SJW.

/u/AngryDM I actually agree with you on this.

"Rick and Morty is pandering edgy cynical nihilistic garbage. Parts of it that aren't garbage are happily and selectively ignored by the same kind of internet denizens that believe that Tyler Durden is their lord and savior."

Am I a social JEW warrior now?

Even the tig old bitties angrydm has don't compensate for slighting Rick and Morty.


Fucking kill yourself

Just delete the NP you sillyhead

Elon Musk is a self-aggrandizing billionaire that is only a billionaire because of billions of public dollars sent his way

I thought these folks generally approved of welfare?

/u/angrydm just how autistic are you really? When is the last time you went outside?

Does he think people will be offended by just typing the opposite of their opinions? Like if someone like chocolate does he think they'll go into a frothing rage if I say chocolate tastes bad? I mean they might tell me I'm wrong or that's just my opinion, but that's not being offended.

I feel like maybe he's so entrenched in these SJ circles that he's lost the ability to parse disagreement from offense.

A lot of folks who live in the internet find it hard to see an area between devout obedience and furious hatred. So either you are in complete agreement or contemplating suicide because someone didn't like something you said.

I would be interested in sitting in his mind, I want to see what he sees in his mind when he argues with someone on the internet.

chocolate tastes bad


obviously i don't actually think that, I'm not a monster

I liked Wind Waker and felt it was refreshing in many ways, until "OMG PRINCESS ZELDA LOL TRIFORCE GUYS MEMBER THAT I MEMBER" at the turning point.

...What the fuck does this even mean?

Was that the one where Zelda was disguised as a pirate? That was a pretty awesome game.

Yeah it was. And the whole game didn't have any different plot device from any other Zelda game w/r/t what he's complaining about with it. It made it pretty clear it was about Zelda, Ganon, and the triforce from the very beginning.

If anything, it was only Majora's Mask (my own favorite) that didn't have any reference to the regular Zelda lore.

majora's mask is the goat 3D zelda

My man!

don't assume my gender pls

My comrade!

that's racist

My... friend?

i'm sure that's ableist in some way

Majora's mask fucked me as a kid

Link's Awakening is pretty different too

true... also the other best zelda too

My head actually hurts from the smug fumes coming off that circlejerk

Not offended whatsoever, right, Redditeurs?

"I want attention"

angry is 2brave


/u/militanthomofascist , I wanna fuck you in the ass right now no homo hmu

np: Is this Nazi Germany?

The fuckers at Nintendo are censoring everything that could be deemed sexist. Suck a dick treehouse.



When you look back at being molested as a kid, remember you deserved it

ITT: /u/AngryDM triggers the ever living fuck out of /r/Drama... again.

They're still angry about gamergate. Wow.

/u/AngryDM Nintendo peddles stagnant world-views

hahaha oh man

Nintendo peddles stagnant world-views


The entire thing is a shit-show circlejerk of who can virtue signal the loudest over the most things.

It's OK to be a "special snowflake"

Oh boy this is gonna be good.

Rick and Morty is pandering edgy cynical nihilistic garbage.

DAE think Rick and Morty is an gayyyyy xDDDD

Islam is no more sexist than Christianity.


Rich people should pay more taxes.

"My opinions are facts now, just deal with it sweetie"

Wow they really do have problems with people enjoying things

Rick and Morty is pandering edgy cynical nihilistic garbage.

See, this seems to imply that being a cynical edgelord is a bad thing, yet this is from the same people who are all circlejerking about how much they hate all the popular things. Nothing personnel, kid, but that sounds pretty damn edgy to me.

this is the inevitable outcome of society fetishising mental illness and parading the mentall ill around, putting them on display on reddit like animals at a zoo rather than getting them the help they need. and we encourage it by laughing at them and giving them attention, which has the result of normalising it, as though this behaviour is just the result of a unique, distinguishing personality trait.