Woman asks advice on how to deal with her husband wanting to carry a gun at all times (when she's ok with it but only on occasion). Instead of trying /r/relationships, she takes it to /r/CCW. And then starts to argue with every mall ninja and neckbeard since none of them agree with her.

12  2017-01-16 by BannedFromImzy


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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It's the old catch 22. Leave him and get shot immediately. Keep him and get shot eventually.

Or - and this is what I advise /u/worrywart0923 - murder him preemptively. Just kidding!

Bonus pro tip: if your neckbeard boyfriend reveals that he carries the blade, ditch him before he levels up to the gun.

Anyone who relies on a knife for self defense is mentally ill IMO. Someone attacks you with a knife, and you defend yourself with a knife : most likely scenario is both people stabbin each other multiple times.

And that's why I carry a gun

And stay away from people who think a knife will ever save their day (unless it's from a reasonable distance and I can foresee something comedic in their future).

Most men I know carry some sort of pocket knife to help in cutting tape, boxes, etc.

I think the reddit perception of this being a 'neckbeard' kind of thing is because you're all school-aged children. If you work with your hands in any way, you likely carry a pocket knife.

If you work with your hands in any way, you likely carry a pocket knife.

Yes but there is a huge difference between someone seeing me with a knife while I'm wearing steel toed boots, a reflective vest, and work pants and when they see a guy in cargo shorts, and fedora carrying one with dragons on it for "protection".

As much as I have a knife on me when I work I never carry it when I'm not working because there is literally no need for it. I have a boxcutter and a folding knife I use regularly, but I don't take them everywhere because I'm not a mall ninja. Best case scenario when you use a knife in self defense is you take less slash and stab wounds than the other guy. Literally a rape whistle would make more sense.

It's called a "Catch .22lr"

I'm also fine with him occasionally bringing the gun if we are going somewhere where it is more likely that it might be needed

Now I'm really interested to hear what kinds of places she feels it might be needed

Areas with scary ethnic people, duh.

ethnic people


Current year and not using "racialized"

Wtf is wrong with you

the coloreds.


RIP Dylan Roof.

This woman needs to get woke.

If her husband is taking a gun grocery shopping then he is the crazy guy other people need to protect themselves from. I guarantee he "maintains situational awareness" AKA looks around like he is picking out targets and creeps people out.

which thread are you reading? the woman came in expecting a bunch of posts that contradict her current beliefs, and gets a bunch of them. the vast majority were polite, have facts about why, and have constructive actions to help her understand where her beliefs are irrational. I missed the post where she is fighting with anyone, and see plenty where she states she has a better understanding and is willing to try some of the suggestions.

the only drama seems to be what you are trying to stir up.