so why exactly is it bad that I hope the country collapses with violent revolution under Trump?

0  2017-01-17 by ZacEfronsChesthair

I know you're all fucking trolls here but go ahead and take off your troll hats for a minute and give me some legit, 100% serious reasons why America collapsing under Trump is gonna be a bad thing? It'll be the fucking ultimate I told you so, and our enemies will be crushed. What exactly is the downside? Of course you can't fucking think of one BECAUSE THERE IS NONE.


If America collapses, so will the internets. And if the internets collapses, I'll have nowhere to spend all my pent-up raw hatred over my lack of agency and direction in life.

God knows I can't take it to the streets.

I've heard there are "people" out there.

Stop trolling.

And the Sun.

In the immortal words of Beavis: The Sun sucks!

Fortunately for me, sitting here playing Puzzle And Dragons definitely helps to save the universe. Somehow. That's what I choose to believe.

because most people want to live a happy peaceful life.

Most people want to oppress others.

that just not true.

How do you know?


Um, speaking as most people, you're wrong.

who are you to speck as most people.

I am most people. i thought I made that pretty clear

alright fair enough then lol

I want to oppress you.


It would give me an erection.

Can i level with you? I'm scared, okay? I'm fucking terrified. So I'm lashing out with hate. I know it's not okay but I don't know what else to do. I just can't deal with these unknowns right now. My mother told me to read about some civil rights leaders the other day and I responded with "why, it all ended up being for nothing, anyway" and she slapped me. HARD. She still hasn't explained why what I said wasnt okay. I don't know why what I said was wrong, and I bring this anecdote up because nobody is giving me any answers. Nobody. I don't know what to do.

Did you slap the tendies out of her hand?

Please just give me something real.

Donald J. Trump is the 45th President of the United States and we are going to make our country great again.


I refuse to acknowledge Trump in any way.

Fat, gay and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

I'm not fat nor stupid. And that doesn't make me feel better.

Eat some pie. Eat until you feel better.

Then stop talking about him FFS

What do you mean? I can't just avoid him.

Y not?

Why should you deserve a peaceful life if I don't get to have one?

why can't you have one and how do you plan on stopping me from being happy lol?

I mean I don't. I would never do anything stupid. But I can't live a happy life because I'm a queer minority.

so are you saying all queer people are incapable of being happy?

True happiness? Yes.

sucks to be you i guess. what exactly is true happiness? is there fake happiness?

Honestly, at this point I've kinda forgotten what happiness is.

perhaps you should spend some time figuring that out.

I don't like thinking about it, though.

ok, then don't. its your life do what you want with it.

But I want to be happy.

what are you doing to make yourself happy

I mean, what can I do? I pretty much spend most of my time being angry at the world.

try different things to find what you enjoy doing. you could travel and see more of the world that you are angry at.

It's got to be more productive than crying on the Internet at people who don't care at all.

Holy hell. Your own mom won't make eye contact with you, will she?

For all you know, then, you're very happy and just think you're not.

And that makes you the bad guy. How dare you keep sweet, lovable you from being happy? You should leave you right now, while you still has a chance to move on without someone like you dragging you down.

Nobody is capable of living a truly happy life under capitalism unless they're like the top bourgeoisie. That's like Marxism 101.

i am truly happy

a bunch of people should die because some people don't like the fact that i'm [insert identity here]

What do you know... a post where the "I identify as an attack helicopter" actually works.

Well played, Sir!

Yes, and? What's wrong with that?

psh.....nothen personnel............kid

why should other people have things taken from them just because you were unable to get them yourself?

Because you deserve to suffer and we don't.

You are not my problem. You are your problem.

I'm definitely a helpful person, but I can't be effective help if i become needing of help myself. So Imma sit here and keap eating steak and nachos and argue with others of my kind about how to best help you guys out.

Because your side would likely lose the violent revolution.

And how do you know?

Because Hitler did nothing wrong.


Looking at your comment history I really recommend you seek professional help.


Because the military and police forces throught the nation benefit from the status quo and they have the big guns.

I remember being a teenager, too.

and our enemies will be crushed.

Someone has a very poor grasp on voting patterns when it comes to police, military, and your average gun owning US citizen. Exponentially so considering your dumb-ass considers anyone white to be the 'enemy'.

Lucky for you, you're either trolling or the classic 'I vanguard the revolution by shitposting on the internet. I've done my job' nutjob anarchist so you don't have much to worry about.

I'm confused about what you're talking about.

They're pointing out the fact that when we all line up across each other on the battlefield for one final "Us versus Them" winner-take-all battle, your side will be significantly outnumbered and outgunned.

your side will be significantly outnumbered and outgunned and limp-wristed and depressed.


On the off chance that you haven't actually been trolling: because most revolutions don't resolve themselves well. You and everyone you love (and hate) will only suffer more. A violent revolution that isn't subdued and actually succeeds will turn on itself within a few years.

Turn on itself?

You're looking at two outcomes.

1) Infighting breaks out in the revolution itself over who is in charge, whose version of socialist paradise gets instituted, etc. Do you know who leftists hate even more than their capitalist oppressors? Other leftists.

2) Whoever does finally seize power is not going to be looking to give it up. For some unfathomable reason, the person in charge isn't interested in another revolution so guess who's the first to be lined up against the wall and purged? The same groups that started the mess in the first place. Their leaders, their members, the rabble rousers (such as yourself) will all have fair trials where you'll admit to the best confession torture could buy. If you're lucky, they won't kill your family too, just you.

Just take a look at the recent /r/socialism mod fiasco. Literally the smallest amount of power anyone could ever hope to achieve, modding an anonymous internet forum (seriously, I can't think of anything else), and they've done everything they could to dig up dirt on the main petitioners so they could ban them. It's hilarious to watch.

Revolution means it comes around.

My dog has had dumps that were more intelligent than this post

this is even more retarded than agendaposting or mods circlejerking. consider deleting your account and also your life

Because there are people way more important than you who would be affected. Yes, even gay people.

In fact, I'd be willing to bet that gay folks find you more intolerable than we do. You're the Nancy who gives everyone else a bad name.

What makes you think gay people hate me?

I want to see the US split into smaller countries. Let the midwest have their Trumps, let the coasts have their Bernies and Hillarys.

I want to see AIDS make a big comeback.

It's hilarious that you think that a bunch of whiney liberals would be able to win a civil war against the US military, a bunch of armed rednecks and every other moderate person in the country who happens to own a firearm when most of you chucklefucks get scared when you see a gun

I'm just glad you stopped shitposting in /r/askgaybros

I was banned for some reason.



How is this bait so successful? I'd honestly like to know.

I'm bored and /r/drama has been kind of stale recently so I'm taking the 1% chance there's something wrong with this guy's head, not just a troll, and running with it. Can't speak for anyone else.

Same. I'm able to suspend disbelief long enough to buy into an OP who is devolving into a dumpster fire.

Sorry, under my troll hat is a raging asshole hat. I'll leave the troll hat on tyvm.

While I give civilization as we know it 100 to 500 years tops before it collapses, Donito Cheetolini isn't going to be the guy that does it.

Accelerationism is garbage

I can't help it if liberals know what's best for everyone.


I can't help it if liberals are smarter and know what's best for everyone.

If you're waiting for the revolution for your life to get better you're going to be waiting a long time.

Why not work to improve your life now? I've known plenty of queer minorities and they're all capable of a lot more than complaining on reddit.

Oh wonderful, the "gay" troll

Be fucking serious. What's wrong with liberals in charge? We know what's best for everyone and we're not fucking evil, unlike republicans.

Oh my gosh, find a new novelty account, troll accounts don't last forever, man.

Answer the fucking question

Cmon dude, I'm not falling for the act, honestly. And people are wise in up to your "personality", maybe drop this account and make a new persona?

What do you mean?

As in this troll account is dated. People aren't going to keep falling for this stuff. You need to make a new account and pick a new troll persona to hook people in with. Maybe pick like a black woman, or a disabled midget. Or make a nazi altright nutter. Or try something original. The possibilities are endless here. At any rate, oppressed gay man is a pretty worn out stereotype, so yeah. Be creative!