429  2017-01-17 by _Norm_




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Orange. Shit, now I'm all flustered.










less impressive since the last 4 posts are the same guy :/

My upvotes stopped at the t.

I did get a good laugh out of it though

Instead of remembering today for some black guy, let's celebrate this holiday instead!

I hope she thinks of us when she kicks the chair out

Mir and /u/Oxus007, how can you not sticky this?

I hope she thinks of us when she kicks the chair out


We did it folks!!!

i knew we could do it!

Butch owes me money

You can refer all your legal issues to /u/ComedicSans.

That will teach you not to be a white knight to camwhores

Charge back?

Truthfully, I lied on the internet here for comedic effect. But from what I gather she only accepted payment for this in nonrefundable ways.

So Bitcoin, Venmo and maybe PayPal.

I wonder how her butthole feels about this? It was really the breadwinner out of the two of them.

I predict a divorce.

What, like Olive Garden breadsticks or baguettes? Or are we talking San Francisco-style sourdough rounds?

No breadsticks can compare to Domnino's feta and spinach cheesy bread.

Fair, but a) Dominos, and b) If we're concerned with how her butthole feels, cheesybread just seems more problematic than a nice, straightforward breadstick.

(I am a pizza snob. Fair warning.)

You maniacs!
What hath we wrought?

RIP her revenue stream.

Holy hell

So which one of you nerds wants to start posting pics of your butthole to fill the void she left?

It's not a gendered position is it? /u/Wacnews_the_White says my asshole is the greatest he's ever seen, and that guy is a butthole connoisseur.




Username checks out.

/u/riemann1413 is the only drama mod stupid enough to post pics of his taint in public

What's wrong with free taint?

Free taint ain't free when there are autists who will hunt you down irl and murder-rape you to death like noodles

That's a good point. When are we setting up the /u/riemann1413 and Noodles official /r/drama fight?

Free taint? More like free it ain't am I right?

"Free taint 'taint nothin if it taint free" -- Anus Joplin

if noodles can track a man down using advanced taint analysis, he deserves the kill

Better watch it, he'll make a GUI in Visual Basic to track your IP.

Woah, don't talk about ATA, that's nothin' to fuck with you know.

tbh it would be impressive to track someone down from taint alone


I'm sure reddit will provide another maladjusted attention whore.

Would anyone be interested in looking at a hairy Indian butthole?

I mean, a little...


Well there are pics of my ass hole I've posted on reddit, but I'm too fucking lazy to go grab them


fill the void

I've got some on my phone but I'd have to download the imagur app and ask my boyfriend if I could and make a throw away because my friends know my username and it's my day off...

She won the day JD tattooed her ass.

Is there a story behind this?

Yes not happy just water marking her photos jewdank decided to water mark her ass as well. She later decided it looked trashy as fuck so she photoshopped it off her ass in pics and went back to the old watermark.

The Genius Formerly Known as JewDank. Aka Donkey Brains.

What did she tattooed in her ass?

I'd like one tattoo, in my ass, please.


You know those sports logos? She had one done like that but with a naked girl (I assume she meant it to be her) in the middle.

Here's the best picture I could find of it. NSFW obviously. She hid it/edited it out of virtually all of her posts until she was called out not too long ago, and then made a big deal about how she was strong enough to post it and haters couldn't keep her down etc etc classic Jewdank stuff. Basically, she got a trashy tattoo and realized it was trashy and hid it.

I like how you posted the same picture twice

lol I just noticed it. I guess I didn't actually copy the second link. Edited

here's another one

Oh fuck that's horrible

It really is a fucking awful tattoo.

What is it? I never saw any of the unedited pictures.

I can't find a pic while at work, but it's this horrible MLB logo thing.

It looks like the new England patriots logo

Don't worry. I gotchu

Eeeew why?

Lets meet up and fight the mayocide.

There sure is! It goes:

The Day JewDank Got a Shitty Tattoo

One day, JewDank was visiting her friend's trailer after she got out of jail passing her local tattoo place.

"Hmm," she thought, "I could use a new tattoo".

So she had her friend give her some prison ink stepping into the tattoo joint with no plan, no goals, and ended up with some weird fucking tattoo on one cheek that kinda looks like some sort of sports logo.

Unfortunately, whilst shoving her 50 Shades of Grey buttplug up her arse on camera, she noticed it looked like shit. Not wanting to spend any money fixing that shit, she used Photoshop instead, because she has maddskillzz yo.

The end.

The story of a girl whose only income was her ass.

and she couldn't even do that right.

/u/_lilpoundcake won too. and without even caring or doing anything to bring this about. unless "not being a fucking crazy person" was her mastermind plot to bring jewdank down

reminder that I'm yet to watch it

I don't click on any of her links fuck that


oldie but a goodie

Look, I dunno if you're still living up the NEET lifestyle, but you could always hawk dank custom flair.








Yeah, but now I know her weakness -- tasty goyish shekels.



RMS, POSIX be upon him, fucking died for my right to pay a Serbian NEET on a cat-image sharing website in American dollars to make proprietary flair to impress people even Dennis Ritchie would call autistic.

And I won't hear you say otherwise. Blocked.

lol cheers 🍻 guy

Why was Jewdank mad at you? (I missed most of this drama.)

I'm sure she'd give you a different reason but she just violently hates other girls

I bet she tried to sign up for The He Man Woman Haters Club too.

I had actually forgotten this. probably because it so weird and embarrassing that my brain couldn't handle the cringe

Bro she makes more money than you'll ever dream of, and knows Spanish.

Did you know she also has a ... LAWYER!?

Marketing. Genius.

Professional. Editor.

Gaping. Arsehole.

He's a real bulldog, from what I hear,

Ella sabe espaΓ±ol.


That is an excellent point. Honestly I had never considered the matter that way.

Quality, compelling discussion from /r/drama as usual boys.

Oh man I always forget about this guy and then rediscover him hsha.



trigger warning: weeb shit

I didn't click that

Off-topic but did You get that shirt yet?

actually i literally just got it today

its amazeballs

im just too sick to try it on atm

Jeez that took forever to get there. Oh well, hope you feel better soon though

last time it took 2 months, im impressed with their speed now

Dude, your post is shit. Everybody knows this is the congratulations video you're supposed to use. Like dealing with a bunch of meme handicapped preschoolers I fucking tell you.

/u/NotApostolate should add her as a mod on /r/jewdank.

Hmm, would there be a circlejerk about how much of an awful human being she is? If so, I wanna see this happen, her reaction would be golden.


Hi newfriend.


You won't get me down today, cerkies.


Normie get out

Read this for a recap:

You have found us on a truly historic day.

omg wow!

Haha neat!

Good one lol!

Nice shot!

> clicks on the Other Discussions

> lols

We did it reddit!

Goodnight, sweet princess

Thank you for your service in this long war snally.

/u/HeelTheBern weigh in please

Lol. Well I appreciate the under-handed compliment. I'll level with you. I'm pretty selfish, I have no endgame or ulterior motives with JewDank. What could she possibly give me that I can't provide for myself? Naked pictures? Affection? When I made this account and started poking around, I came across a post of hers and some trolls giving her shit, so I said something. I didn't know her history, didn't care. I did receive a wave of love from the sort of people who frequent these subs. Now that is entertaining. First, you have to understand, I hate bullies. Period. Back when I was in high school, a kid I had just met in a class blew his brains out with a shotgun after he dropped his sister off at school. Why? Because he got pulled over in front of the school and didn't want to face the consequences from the bullies. He had been bullied for years. I had no idea. Had I know, maybe I could have done something. His parents would have a son and his sister her brother. Burying him, crying with his parents, crying with his sister, listening to some of the bullies brag about the hell they put him through after a special meeting I had to talk about what happened. It has all stuck with me. So, on one hand, I enjoy being an asshole or making myself a target for people like you and your friends. You don't know me, there is nothing you can do to bother me at all. I have fun trading dumb insults or being mean. I can't be that kind of person in my professional life. On the other hand, I absolutely despise and have no respect for people like you and your friends here. You are spending time, on Thanksgiving, trying to make life worse for a real person. Maybe it is her fault for putting herself out there, putting her face on here and tying her account with the real-life her, but I have absolutely no respect and am disgusted by all of you anonymous dipshits taking shots at her from the safety of your anonymity. If you, for example, posted your little rants via a YouTube video, where you would be vulnerable to criticism on how you look, how you sound, where you live...I would have a little more respect. The example I used when I was going back and forth with Dornish on here (until someone told me I legit hurt her feelings by asking these questions and pointing this out and to lay off, which I absolutely did) among what I've already said, is what would your grandmother say if you described to her what you are doing on here? How do you reconcile how much of a vile piece of shit you are on here to a girl on the Internet with who you are in real life? Obviously, you're ashamed and would rather delete your account than have your grandmother or someone you respect. I am too. But I'm not in denial and I'm not taking aim at real people and doing real harm. So, my end game with JewDank? Nothing. Personally. I like tiny blondes with big ol' boobies who will let me hogtie and throatfuck them. What's my MO? To make a guy like you just have one second thought before you post that next hateful comment that might have a real life effect on a real person. I'll type novel after novel, get made fun of by neckbeard after neckbeard if I can shine a little light on one persons life and make just one piece of shit, like yourself, reconsider what you're doing. So, random stranger that I will never meet, that is the truth. That is me leveling with you. I truly hope you'll take a little bit of it to heart and consider the real life impact you are having on real people. I'm not too proud to beg or make myself look like a white knight douchebag. Are you too proud to admit when you're wrong and try to be a little nicer?

I only read 5% of this wall of text but it smells like pasta

It is


HeelTheBern, Jewdank's No1 'white knight'. Wherein white knight is defined as screaming abuse at people and doxxing them.

How's it feel getting suspended for doxxing btw?

Personally. I like tiny blondes with big ol' boobies who will let me hogtie and throatfuck them.

That's the best part of the pasta, coming out of FUCKING NOWHERE, and after a very maudlin story about some kid he didn't even fucking know killing himself.

That's some tasty pasta right there

Lol k.

Ignores everything hateful thing Jewdank ever said and how many life's she may have possibly ruined, but please be nicer to her.

When did he get his account suspended I missed that one.

He tried to threaten to fix Dornish in the most cringy and pathetic manner possible. Just search for it in Drama, it's not more than a few days old

no way to guess what this image could possibly be

A meme as old as time.

keith olbermann meme

Le risky click XDXD

Don't worry she'll be back shortly with a new account. r/drama can't get rid of her becaue she's not a whore she's an idea. r/drama can't kill the idea that they're a cyberbullying club that must be removed in a brutal fashion and that she's the one who won't stop reporting them to the admins until they're banned. Everyone needs to continue her good work and needs to white knight for her because r/drama keeps talking about all the things she actually did and said and they need to be stopped. r/drama has been allowed to function with impunity for far too long and I for one won't stand for it. Who will stand with me? I'll see you all very soon.


Shut it.

Nice try stops but we are never going back to SRD.

i want to go back just to shitpost and ruin grandstanding circlejerks.

it's not fair :(

stops take pity, forgive this man!

tf is grandstanding?

something that never gets enforced

I've seen plenty of grandstanding get stomped out. Think you mean "doesn't get enforced enough."

Aren't about half of us banned from there?


SRD is infested with PC police.

I'm not, stow away in my trunk and I'll smuggle you in

I'll carry you around on my shoulder and point at things I want you to downvote.

Careful, you might get people banned for joking about brigading, their kegels might get all rustled.

If you posted to KiA ever, then yes, you are.


This is a gzip sub. Get the fuck out.


is this copy pasta? it feels like it is


I'm wanking one out right now for Titty-senpai

Who's going to write the Jewdank recap?

Where would you even begin?

It all started with a butthole......

You could use the wiki page for histrionic personality disorder as an epigraph

AKSHUALLY it started with some feet

This is not a positive for anyone

Idunno man, it's been a great workout for my sides

Now that's she gone..was she really that bad?

This is the first positive thing she's done for her brand.

OMG is she finally gone.

Haha, don't be fool. She'll be back, and in greater numbers.

Sucks for the people who got robbed of their money

/>spending money on porn

Amateurs like Jewdank benefit from guys paying her, otherwise they wouldn't do it for free. I don't even think ad money would be worth it. If we're talking about big porn companies then you could make that argument. We're talking about small businesses. But there's nothing small about Jewdank's ass.

do you know what else is small?

your dick

wow, way to be problematic

Especially when she posts so much. I mean, I've been tempted to spend money on porn before, especially when it's something really hot that you can't really find anywhere, but she posts like, every day and didn't leave much to the imagination.

It's true that many posters rely on people to buy their videos or panties or whatever, but buying from someone as shitty as Jewdank? Nah.

Has there been any actual confirmation that she stole money?

I'm new to the whole jewdank drama so I have no evidence. It's not just jewdank though I just find the whole buying premium stuff to be shady. A lot of chicks on reddit will sell their premium snapchat for a "gift" they don't want to call it a payment because it will be easier to dispute. So these greedy cunts will ask for payments of gift cards etc.

Even more famous pornstars sell their premium snapchat, I currently bought one for $30 and I saw a lot of people complaining that it takes a long time for this chick to add you. I just think that if your going to be buying these premium stuff directly from the model and no third party there is a good chance you might get robbed.

Then don't buy it? I think JD was selling "lifetime" subs. Sorry, if you're stupid enough to buy a lifetime Snapchat sub, you don't deserve your money back.

And honestly, I don't find it shady at all. It's like anything else. They are providing something for money. Do your research before spending money. See what other people have to say about whether it's worth it.

If you offer me to buy your reddit account and I give you a $30 gift card and you just decide to not give it me, you don't that's shady?

If your offering a service and you intend to not give that service that shady. Yeah sure the customer might be stupid for buying it but that change the fact that, that is shady business. Honestly at this point idgaf if pornstars bitch about Tube sites. Mofos should be encouraged to pirate porn. Fuck these thieves.

What's your point though? Shady shit goes on all the time in business. It's a fact of life. That's why the buyer has a responsibility to do their research before spending their hard earned money.

And like I said, I haven't seen any actual evidence of this crazy chick scamming anyone.

Shady shit goes on all the time in business

Well then that's not being a businessperson that's being a fraud

She took money from preorders for a xmas video. She admitted to keeping the funds in the thread that caused her to delete her account. She said she was only refunding money to nice people.

She told another person to get a lawyer and sue her for their $25 back.

She also told one person she would only refund their money after wiping her ass with it first. She's a con and sassy apparently.

It's all here in the cache of her account:

Joke is on these idiots who think a homemade masturbation video requires a production budget.

/u/heelthebern on suicide watch

I felt sorry for her. But then I remember she gets paid to show people her butthole.

I'm glad mostly because I think she needs to get out and get some friends. Normal people don't conduct and invent Internet drama on a massive scale and/or rely on strangers to validate them at such an exceptional level. I know JD is hardly the only redditor guilty of doing this, but if she stays away from the Internet long enough to take care of herself and mental health I'm sure she'll see her quality of life and self esteem go up.

I think she'll remain the same shitty person only in a different venue.

I think people are capable of change. In my teen years I was a psychotic, insecure bitch. I like to think that's not who I am anymore due to growing from my expierences and some therapy. Granted, I have an actual mental illness. Either way, that's not an excuse; I know.

If I can do it with an actual medical condition, I think that everyone who needs to with or without a medical excuse also can.

You could argue it's the other way around. You had an illness, now it's being treated. For Jewdank, this is her. That is her personality.

Sometimes mental illness goes unchecked because people confuse it with "that's just how they are" and don't encourage people to seek help they most likely need and instead polarize and isolate them. I'm not saying that's the case or that anyone online owes that to a complete stranger, or anyone.

But I mean you could be right. JD could have intentionally did it all with no regard for the consequences and that's really probably the case. Either way, that's shitty and I hope whatevers driving her to feel the need to do so stops and she learns from the experience.

What you think she won't come back? She loves drama. She loves picking fights. Reddit is the perfect place for her. She's already gone through 2 other accounts, this is just another. She'll be back in not too long under a different name.

I wouldn't wish that on her "friends".

if mlk were alive today, this is what he would want

She fares off better being judged by the content of her ass than the content of her character.

Yet she never took a black dick on camera smh


Can someone make a bot to track when she comes back?

I'm fairly new here so does anyone care to explain what a jewdank is and why it matters that he/she deleted their account?

Camwhore. Because it's funny.

Gotcha. Thanks.

She was a nightmare psycho bitch who liked to show off her butthole.

So what's her alt?

There's no way in hell she's actually left the site.


Yes, play dumb as if Jew didn't set up this account for you and doesn't have access to it.

I doubt she knows the password as I said what the password should be.

Ping /u/Jewdank to pay respects

Pour out a 40 of KY while you're at it.

For those new to the whole Jewdank thing:

Joins Reddit as "GoddessJ" and posts on r/feet a lot. Gets a large following. Has an argument on r/feet with HawkGirl and gets run off the board. Comes back as "TheRealGJ" and successfully runs HawkGirl off the r/feet board. Starts posting to r/gonewild Gets a ridiculous following on r/gonewild and starts posting elsewhere instead, taking those people with her. Starts posting on drug subs, talking about taking acid/LSD and shrooms while posting the odd picture of her with a bong. Becomes mod of a few subreddits, sets up her own r/JewDank. Starts posting pictures more of her ass than anything else. Watermarking everything. Argues with u/thediggitydank - loses handily to a more attractive, more popular redditor. Small scale drama, not a major loss as Diggity takes the moral high ground and leaves it. Peak Jewdank achieved, videos, Snapchat and paid custom content was offered through her subreddit and r/asstastic, r/cumslutsgw, r/blacktears and other niche porn subreddits. A wild Whitney Wisconsin appears Reddit decides girl who takes pictures of her ass is morally superior to girl who fucks dogs. Jewdank RELENTLESS in her destruction of Whitney. Argument about money, Jewdank wins somehow. Jewdank made r/Drama mod. Jewdank invents u/misterjewdank and u/dankmate - suspicions of vote manipulation arise. Starts doing raffles and giveaways of her Steam handle to "winners" Still riding the crest of popularity, Jewdank decides to move city, do a podcast of "other redditors" and Porn Stars. Decides she is now a "brand" and "marketing genius" Slowly slipping into madness, Jewdank starts displaying signs of insanity by clipping the wings of other girls in porn subreddits such as u/Scrandle and u/teenage_waistband, deleting their posts for absolutely no reason, coming up with bullshit excuses to ban them etc. During this time, it is discovered Jewdank has a bunch of utter shit tattoos that she photoshopped out of her pictures for years. Argues about her ability on photoshop but is beat down. Scrandle and Teenage Waistband make a post raising their issues and gain the support of the mods of the subreddits who notice that without them, they'd be left with pretty much just Jewdank's ass which after 4 years has become boring and stale. They decide to fuck Jewdank off all mod teams. Jewdank bitchfits, goes full psycho and disappears for a week. Jewdank returns, still bitchfitting. Jewdank removed as mod of her own subreddit by the rightful owner. Bitchfits. Starts trying to "trash the place" and get others to unsub. Others do not unsub and just laugh at her. Posts a few shitty hip hop links in an effort to participate. Gets run off. Deletes account.

I hope she gets help now.

That's great but you missed the transition from therealgj to jewdank and how she was trolling thrdiggetydank with the name.

Edited, thanks :)

You're doing God's work, Son (or Daughter, or in-between/both/neither/attack-helicopter as the case may be).

He missed the best part of her history, where she joined CenturyClub and posted a selfie of her face covered in cum. They loved it and she became their mascot

Lol. No

What kinda name is /u/scrandle, anyhow?

it's provocative and gets the people goin

doesn't matter, her ass is fat.

Additional detail: the /u/TheRealGJ account was banned for vote manipulation.

Again, added thanks :)

Missing the /r/Drama south park post she made that was incredibly cringeworthy. It was getting mocked mercilessly for that that resulted in her leaving /r/Drama, happened way before the podcast stuff.

I'll add it in. Kinda hard to remember EVERYTHING though!

I will never forget the south park post. Never.

Do you have a link? I want to read it too.

Someone made an archive here. The original post is long gone.

There's a replica here

I knew there was somewhere but didn't know how to find it. Searching Jewdank or Jewdank South Park on reddit or google just returns a shitload of random /r/Drama posts.

Here is a word-for-word copy, complete with gifs.

Objection Your Honor!

1) The prosecution identifies that Jewdank purchases multiple sex toys. I request evidence of these other toys, and the only one I recollect is that shitty (you know that dumpster ass hoe doesn't clean out first) jeweled butt plug that's $8 on amazon.

2) It was known that she had these awful tramp stamps long before the photoshop drama. I think the assumption was that she used trick angles and clever photography to avoid having them seen. Turns out she's nowhere near that clever and just uses a blur brush (also, "amateur star" using an iPhone 5 to video? Yeah ok JD.). But it was months ago she was getting blown up for her back looking like a goddamn Nascar jacket (also that mirrored illuminati tat has to be the trashiest, most retarded thing I've ever seen in my life).

I'll add them in. This list is getting huge!!

FINALLY! I've been trying to figure out what that tattoo was supposed to say for months!

Yeah me too. I thought it said "Wehrmacht"

LOL! That would have been even funnier!

Would have been somewhat fitting

Isn't the one on her ass the logo for the cam site she started at?

A wild Whitney Wisconsin appears. Claims she earns loads of money and still fucks her dog.

I always miss the good shit.

Wow, dude. I had no idea any of these even happened, and I follow most of these users. Thank you so much, this was a great read, and you are excellent.

tips Fedora

/u/Heelthebern gave up on her before Christmas. He turned his efforts to me and /u/shitlordcaligula and then doxxed me.

I couldn't remember what set Bern off so spastically, so I went back and looked. It was a comment I made to some guy ego wandered in that I could find a better looking homeless girl within an hour.

So that's how I know it was a dankalt. Userpinging wasn't the issue, it was insulting her looks.

So was it confirmed he did the doxxing?

Rumors are already rising that she killed herself. What are the chances that's true?

Garcia, I need you to look up suicides in Chicago trailer parks in 2017 and cross reference a coroner's report of a gaping, blown out butthole or a past history of mental instability.

Low. She'll be back.

Zero, she has narcissistic personality disorder. She won't go through the self loathing people who commit suicide do.

murder suicide however...

Say what you will but she was an industrious little bitch.

She was indeed!

I will never forget this day: the day the music died I regained thirty seconds of my life which I was wasting on u/Jewdank drama every month.

Still riding the crest of popularity, Jewdank decides to move city, do a podcast of "other redditors" and Porn Stars. Decides she is now a "brand" and "marketing genius" removed as r/drama mod. Podcast never happens. Like a petulant child she decides to lash out at everyone. Stops taking medication.

You missed her business plan to sell tickets for "Jew Raves" so her followers could awkwardly gather together and "party" with her irl.

I must have missed that - or willingly blocked it out.

You missed a lot of the stuff that happened within /r/drama, e.g. the Whitney argument that spanned a billion threads, her continuous fight with Dornish that eventually got heelthebern deleted, the noodles fuckery where he imitated rierie and said he was going to rape and kill her

I know, but I'm only one mind - I can't remember everything! Where does this fit in?


o jesus

Dang they're all deleted tho

What a read.

Wasn't she DankJew before Jewdank?

Nope, Jewdank was her most recent incarnation after TherealGJ.

My memory disagrees with you but doing a Google search through reddit only gives one comment ever that agrees with my memory.

A wild Whitney Wisconsin appears. Claims she earns loads of money and still fucks her dog.

What does this part mean?

A girl called Whitney Wisconsin came onto reddit. A while back she was banned for a few things. Firstly, sticking her fingers in her pussy and making unaware guys smell them. Second openly admitting to allowing her dog to fuck her and filming it. The full story is out there I'm sure but she makes me retch so I can't help beyond this.

Firstly, sticking her fingers in her pussy and making unaware guys smell them.

Damn, where can I find videos of this stuff? So I know to avoid it?

Haha I'm not sure bro - could always have a look into her posts. Just do a search.

The argument she was having was that u/Jewdank didnt earn as much as her, but couldn't prove it.

The dogfucking videos never existed.

She used the promise of them to scam people out of money. Apparently a lot of people want to watch an unattractive 19 year old girl fuck a dog, as many started complaining about having sent her money and gotten nothing in return.

Her fingerbang "prank" videos are everywhere, you just have to google her name and wade through the shit.

That's one piece of nasty white trash gone...

...For now

I'm curious about what the 'utter shit tattoos' are, tbh.

Jesus Christ that's fucking trashy.

lol yes, yes it is

What's the blue and red one supposed to be? A highly stylized American flag, only with a scorpion stinger instead of red stripes?

It's some sort of MLG gaming tattoo, or at least an attempt at one

Botched new England patriots logo

where did this come from?

She would also occasionally ban porn stars and cam girls who've never heard of her because they actually make money showing pictures of their asses.

I had no idea her net of crazy had gone to actual porn stars....jesus

I loved that JD apparently follows that Ginger Banks on twitter because she messaged her on reddit responding to the tweet bragging about how much bigger her subreddit is.

I really kinda feel bad for JD honestly. She's really young and clearly has issues. I mean when you're telling a chick who has a booth at the biggest porn convention in the world that you're a bigger deal than her because your subreddit has more subscribers than hers, you're either insanely delusional or tragically insecure.


Stops taking medication.

does she still do drugs

She used to do drugs.

She still does, but she used to too.

During this time, it is discovered Jewdank has a bunch of utter shit tattoos that she photoshopped out of her pictures for years. Argues about her ability on photoshop but is beat down.

I never followed the Jewdank saga closely, but I'm curious about how bad her tattoos actually are. So, post pics.

That's a lot of cellulite

You forgot her pre-Reddit origins. She started off as an actual pay cam whore under the name NatiAmour (like 2011 or so "Flirt4free") and then transitioned into Reddit whoring (I assume because it payed more?).

I.....avoided this because I'm pretty sure that White Knight fag mod would say it's doxxing her.

Changes name to u/Jewdank (despite being neither Jew nor Dank)


Your inclusion of:

During this time, it is discovered Jewdank has a bunch of utter shit tattoos that she photoshopped out of her pictures for years. Argues about her ability on photoshop but is beat down.

Is way out of place. That was "discovered" atleast as far back as when she was still therealGJ

Whoa whoa you're just going to skip over the dog fucking part like it's not even a big deal? JewDank was seriously screwing her pooch?

Was she hot though? (Got here from a post on needs a mod)

6/7 out of 10

Press F

Nnnnooooooooooooooooo!!!!! D:

rip in pieces

Oh sweet mystery of life at last you've fucked off!

She'll be back with a new alt in less than a month.

Two months now.

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Honestly now where are we gonna find a camgirl to mentally break?


So why did she even go nuts? (Or more nuts than usual)

My guess is that she researched the flashlight thing, but no one wanted to help out a small timer like her and she didn't have the money to produce them herself. Rather than come back and say "hey, so the fleshlight isn't going to happen for a while" and ruin her reputation as a marketing master, she's cut and run.

Shouldn't have talked up that merch if you couldn't deliver, JD.

waitwaitwait...she seriously thought she was going to her own brand of fleshlights manufactured???

oh yeah, along with T-shirts (with no nudity!) and her PAWGcast. Since the PAWGcast clearly isn't happening, one of us should jump on that.

Still squatting those social media accounts if you want em.

Didn't go crazy like that other dude with the 40 variations, but pawgcast and thepawgcast are yours if you want em. Low low price of 0.

naw, but do you have her trashy tat pics by any chance? A few people in this thread have asked about them.

Unfortunately not, I don't want that kinda aids on my hard drive.

I'm sure they're cross posted to other subs or up on torrents if you want to do a little digging. I'm at work on mobile so I can't at the moment.

Here you go. I keep the link copied on my desktop.

Here's a few that I've been able to find:

Honestly, it's trashy, but not as trashy as her Illuminati tattoo which she didn't seem to care about hiding.

So why did she even go nuts? (Or more nuts than usual)

Shortly before she deleted the account she claimed that "thousands" of death threats drove her "batshit". Something to that effect. She always mentioned the notorious /u/kys_jewdank. Unfortunately she deleted all those comments before deleting the account.

Mission accomplished!

Where you at /u/sheepdank


But I enjoyed looking at her naked :(

there are plenty of woman im sure you would find more attractive

Ding dong the witch is dead.

It's the end of an era


I have to say this saga of drama was among the most boring.

So, has there been a picture of those tats of hers?

I learned how to filter users in RES because of her.

Thanks u/Jewdank.

Just when you think you're up on all the shit going on.

Her Instagram is still up.

Jesus Christ! After reading about all her porn activity I wasn't expecting someone that looks like my 12 year old babysitter. Are you guys sure she was even legal?

Those pics are all from her TheRealGJ days and are 2 or 3 years old. In recent posts showing her face, she had become haggard and looked in her 30s. Duno if this was because of drugs or too much sunbathing or both

she took it down, but i did notice one of her old imgur accounts was still up

We did it folks!!!

i knew we could do it!

She'll be back.

It's over

It's done

if only she would have stuck with foot sucking.. she may have avoided all this

Delet this

lol what?

What I dont get is the simultaneous worship but belittling of her. She sounds like a narcissist, is this sub not just giving her exactly the worship and controversy she wants?