/r/TrueChristian discusses sex and feeeeeemales

5  2017-01-17 by [deleted]



No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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almost all of these are worded so gently. i'm not sure where the drama is

u/Ziftit, one thing you could do is to find a sex act she either hasn't done before or is really uncomfotable with (preferably both tbh) and make her do it with you on your honeymoon.

This could be anal, scat play or any type of fetish really. The important thing is to use sex as a bargaining chip at the onset of your marriage. Turn the licentiousness of her past to your advantage.

Probably shouldn't marry someone if you're not comfortable with their sexual history.

/r/drama gets triggered over an everyday word.

I don't understand how you can be a "true christian" if you are not catholic.

Every other form of Christianity is a rejection of the original form of Christanity. Prodestantism is absolute degeneracy.


Is this sub for real or a joke sub?

That jpeg has been through hell

I just asked if she did anal