Incel with anorexia looking for even more attention by threatening suicide.

28  2017-01-17 by BannedFromImzy


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Jesus Christ, why don't these people just go on a rape spree already.

ugh I wish you were the OP

Better not wish that. If he were the OP he'd be raping instead of whining online.

I doubt he has the physical prowess needed to rape someone.

As long as he's got a gun and some viagra, I fear it's possible.

You're right. He's skeletal but he has a gun (even if it was a fake, there's bound to be a woman dumb enough to assume it's real).

He's skeletal


Lol it's so annoying hearing people talk about suicide all the time and never acting upon it

Funny thing though is that he doesnt look bad at all

193cm is really fucking good too, he literally only has to eat whatever the fuck he wants and lift a bit

Anorexic is totally my type tho

/u/ForeverAlone121212, this is actually pretty damn good advice.

Stop sulking around in incels and come over to our sub. You're not a bad-looking kid and life is nowhere near set at 24. If you're miserable in your life, sign up for the military. You'll still be miserable, but at least they'll get you into shape and feed you. Plus, there's a good chance you'd get to die a totally awesome death instead of something gruesome that your parents have to discover.

Military is not a bad choice at all for him.

You know what is killing this kids? is not fucking lack of sex. Who gives a shit about being a virgin in your 20s? Is not being ugly either. Is lack of socialisation. Living more in rl and less on the internet. Is the reason why you see so little hardcore incels in Brazil or Australia, more social countries.

Best way to stop being a pussy too.

There was a wiry little guy in basic training who seemed like the incel-type. Possibly Asperger's. I don't think he'd ever done a pushup. At any rate, he broke, like everyone else, and 12 weeks did some amazing things for that kid. Eventually he wound up in Scout Sniper school. I'm sure he doesn't have many problems with the opposite sex these days.

Man I just spended 2 months losing muscle and getting fat in Brazil ( so much beer and meat ). I am skinnyfat ( more fat than skinny ) now and I have no idea if I should lose the fat and then lift or just lift and eat like crazy, get some decent muscle, and months later ( close to the summer ) cut a bit.

I always take the winter to eat like a madman with the caveat that I have to lift at least 4 times per week. I always tend to gain weight naturally over the winter anyway (Pac NW winters suck), so I just let it happen, then start running like a madman in March/April.

So I say bulk.

Do you just eat a lot of protein? I am trying to not eat sugar and things like pizza, pasta etc. So I am not sure if I should go back to eat those things or just eat a shitload of meat eggs and more healthy food in more quantity.

Yeah, I pretty much stick to proteins and try to stay away from sugars and starches. I make exceptions on holidays and stuff. Also for hamburger buns, as hamburgers are pretty much a go-to food for me for bulking.

Well thanks for the tips fam!

Out of curiosity: how big a hurdle is a documented history of mental illness (depression) and marijuana abuse in teenaged years to military service? And how common is it for someone to enlist in their mid to late 20s (25+)?

I'm pretty sure that 50% of the guys there at least had depression. I was seen for it when I was 15 - 16, and my recruiter didn't think it was a big deal. It might be a different story if you've had inpatient treatment for something severe, or are currently taking meds. My guess is that this is where they draw the line.

However, a lot of guys to pass through MCRD are from backgrounds where access to that kind of care is, at best, limited, sometimes impossible. So there are for sure some guys who slip through with some problems. A few with the bad ones wash out in basic, and others go on to be pretty good soldiers. Some struggle to finish out their 4 years though. So, basically, you have one chance of being eliminated by your recruiter (hahahaha), and then again in the first few days of basic during a "moment of truth" meeting where you can come clean on anything you've been dishonest about.

As far as marijuana, they drug test you and will roll you out if you pop positive. Didn't seem like they care much about past drug use, provided you aren't fried.

There were at least half a dozen guys in their mid-20's in my company alone. One guy was 26 or 27. He was called "Moses" on account of how long he'd been in basic (he showed up very overweight, so had to spend a decent amount of time in the Physical Conditioning Platoon.

Interesting. I'm generally unsatisfied with my life and work and idly considering the military. It's good that shit like that history and my age wouldn't really prevent that.

My real big hurdle is physical. I've shredded my lungs with cigs and sat around for a few years. On top of that I tore up my ACL, meniscus and did some other damage to my knee. I neglected a lot of the physical therapy at a crucial time which was stupid but I'm working hard to fix that now. I'm not sure if I'll ever get it well enough to enlist but I might try and find out in about a year.

I made the mistake of smoking like a chimney right up until getting on the DI bus at the airport. Lots of guys are in that position though. I guess, on the bright side, you're so exhausted and fried that you don't even notice you're going through nicotine withdrawal.

If you meet with a recruiter, just be honest about your medical stuff. They'll send you to MEPS to meet with a doctor long before they ship you out. They'll do the basic assessment, and if you need a waiver they'll issue you one if they think you still qualify for duty.

But yes, if you're considering it, I would work out and get into shape. It's impossible to describe the sleep deprivation that you are put through in the first 3 to 4 days. It's a whole lot easier if you're in reasonable shape to endure that.

Yeah they'd definitely have to take a look at my knee. Those long runs, especially the ones with equipment and shit would probably cripple me right now. I've been working out now and I wanna be able to run at least 7/8 miles again before I talk to a recruiter

Well good luck! If you're still looking at doing it down the road, feel free to shoot me a message. It's hell, but it's manageable if you keep a few rules in your head. Rule 1 is don't volunteer for anything. Ever. Keep your mouth shut and keep to yourself.

Will do, thanks

You also have the added benefit of a few years of real-world wisdom. It might be worth working your ass of to get a degree and going through officer training. It's a better path to a pretty good career.

seconded. pls just eat some protein and maybe get some therapy you'll be fine and will probably get laid after that if you stop talking about how sad you are for two seconds

He's probably a manlet.

He has no trigger discipline in that pic

How is that really a thing when you're alone and going to commit suicide?

He might injure himself such that he's in too much pain to kill himself but is found and healed by doctors who find out that he's going to kill himself

Then they will direct him to a psychiatrist who will help his mental health and everything will end on a happy note :)

So remember kids: always ignore trigger discipline.

I don't think suicidal people care.

/u/ForeverAlone121212, maybe you wouldnt be so miserable if you cleaned your fucking room, jesus christ

Think of the poor people who will have to clean up after him. Not only his rotting corpse, but also this dirty room.

its my genetics

Jesus christ these people are worse than the fat people who blame their fatness on genetics

/u/ForeverAlone121212 livestream it. This 12yo girl had the balls to do it (both hang herself and stream it).

You are disgusting. Hopefully in the next terrorist attack you get shot in the head, worthless piece of shit.

Thanks for your input. Recent terrorist attacks in my vicinity have more been truck based though.

This dude needs a suicide help line right away.

Help like : "Sir, remember it's down the road, not across the street"?

More like "What's your home address" so we can send the police.

Tell them he is agitated and has a gun.

I was expecting some sort of monster face, but he is alright looking.

Fucking eat something, get some nice clothes, clean your fucking room up, go to a night club, get pissed, hit on some of the ladies and you will pull in no time. Its really not that hard, just fucking do it instead of moaning on the internet no one will touch your cock.

Fucking eat something

He won't.

Who doesn't like food?!

Could be Darwin doing the his thing, maybe his finish line is much closer than most peoples.

Yup. Not only is /u/ForeverAlone121212 incel so he won't be able to pass down his genes, but he's probably going to die because his body is too retarded to know food should be eaten (if he doesn't kill himself straight away with his shotgun).

I think incel problem is mostly they want the model kinda looking girls and refuse the average one's

I was expecting some super uggo loser...

You are alright looking, and you are tall. Unless you have micropenis, what is the deal with not getting a lay?

People here are saying you should eat more, work out, and dress better (yes to all those things), but I think a more successful course of action would involve...oh I don't know...LEAVING THE FUCKING COMPUTER AND TALKING TO ACTUAL HUMANS IRL.

Do a public speaking course, get a job (any job), learn to arrange flowers, anything that you can to get yourself out of yourself and make yourself a more interesting and engaging person.

Look around: the world is full of ugly men sticking their dicks in chicks....where do you think all these ugly people keep coming from?

You need to ping the OP if you want him to read what you wrote.

I mean he's not really ugly with a bit meat on those bones. I don't get it

/r/incels is not about being rational and pragmatic. Think of it as the /r/conspiracy of body image and social skills.