Delusional Baby Thief

20  2017-01-17 by YellowFlySwat

My good friend Tom* is a single dad. Last year he started dating this girl, and he got a job that required him to work late nights. His new gf was really great with his daughter Kate*, so he asked his gf to watch Kate.

Things were going alright, that is until the gf wouldn't bring Kate back. She always made these excuses why she couldn't bring Kate back home. Tom finally got Kate back, and broke up with the girl.

Fast forward to last week. Tom needs a babysitter for Kate, and the only person that was available was crazy ex. Tom decides that everything will be okay so long as he stipulates that she is to stay at his house to babysit Kate. Ten minutes after Tom leaves for work the crazy ex hauls ass with Kate to her house. Again she refuses to bring Kate home, and my friend asks me to go pick up Kate.

I go to this woman's house, and she stays so far back in the woods I think I'm in the movie Cabin Fever or Wrong Turn. I make it to the house, and I tell them Tom asked me to pick up Kate. They asked me no questions, and just gave her to me. They didn't even call Tom to ask if he sent me.

The next day I'm getting curious about this person Tom is trusting Kate with, and I search her on fb. This woman is is on fb posting pics of her and Kate, and passing Kate off as her own daughter. This woman convinced her family last year that she was fostering Kate because her parents died in a wreck, then said she was adopting Kate. This psycho forged fostering and adoption paperwork to make her family believe Kate was her child. When Tom got Kate back from her, she told her family that the father that died was her step father, but the biological father protested the adoption, and Kate was given back to him.

Last week she kidnapped Kate, when she was supposed to be babysitting Kate at Tom's house. Psycho told her family that the biological father made an agreement with her to have time with Kate. After it came out that all of her story was a fabrication she said she ran with Kate and was hiding her cause Kate's fsther was abusing her (which is very far from the truth).

This psycho's family has fell for her stories hook, line, and sinker. When I blow all this out the water I'm deemed the trouble maker. I'm a liar, I'm trying to start problems, and trying to run psycho's family name into the ground.

Most people outside that family know I'm being honest about the situation.

Psycho's family were telling people that I broke into their house and abducted Kate. They were gonna press charges against me for that, but the sheriff's office told them if they did it would prove Tom's story that Kate was kidnapped, and get them in much more trouble.

Edit: a word


Any screenshots or anything?

I do, but I don't use the app, and the mobile version won't allow me to add photos.

I'm not defending the girl but why in the actual fuck would this guy let her babysit his daughter again after the first situation?

Stupidity and desperation

Ya, that's weapons grade stupid.

Tom is an idiot. He needs a new brain. Or as Germans say: Herr lass Hirn regnen (Lords let it rain brains) , oder Steine, hauptsache du triffst (or stones just make sure you hit home).