Where were you when /r/Drama became /r/MensRights?

0  2017-01-17 by [deleted]

Kill all men, but only after draining their bank accounts


Sitting on my toilet, taking a shit


Ah, so that was you who was sitting next to me.

Neat! That makes you guys shit buddies.

/u/joan_wayne_gacy what say you huehuehu

wtf bro. dont appropiate my culture bro

Think about this logically folks:

Men are all rapists. Denying this is just being willfully ignorant.

The 9/11 bombers were men.

The delivery person who forgot the sauce for my tendies was a man.

The jerk who Stacy took to prom after laughing in my face at my heartfelt invitation spelled out in daisies on the football field at halftime against Uptown Prep was a man.

Fucking men, kill em all.

I think Stacy's the bitch in that situation

Her mom has it going on tho famalam.

Stacy can't you see, all that TOXIC MASCULINITY

who Stacy took to prom

This is why feminism is fucking cancer. The MAN is supposed to take the WOMAN to prom. A reversal of this is why babies are having their dicks thrown in a meat grinder EVERY DAY.

But if it's white babies that's good right?

I can't remember which character I'm supposed to be playing, so I'll default to "yes".

Gets damn confusing, doesn't it? And we can't fall back on the "blank blank is a pedo" or "docco is skinny cerkies" jokes like in discord.

Well when all else fails... you can always have principled, cordial, devoid-of-sarcasm-and-mockery conversation with the other person, and treat them nicely?

So, how was work today?

It was good except a ghost kept trying to molest /u/thydocco because he mistook the ginger's emaciated body for that of a child.

Doesn't make sense. Why would anyone want to touch a ginger? That's a stain on one's honour that doesn't wash off.

Quit kink shaming my ginger fetish fam

Although that doesn't extend to the guys. I agree that they're gross af

Delete this

I'm trying to expose that rascally ghost. If not for you, join me for his numerous other victims

Delete this

after draining their bank accounts

only if you drain my balls first

say the word, I know you got $$$, which is literally the only good thing about any man ever

literally the only good thing about any man ever

what about the penis?

Trust me honey yours ain't nothin to brag about 💁

that's not what your mom said

get it? the joke is i fucked ur mom. next level stuff. thanks for appreciating it

Where can I send the check m8? Master classes in humor shouldn't be free.

does it vibrate? no? then who gives a shit?

Well, the ones with huge dongers might be worth keeping around for concubines, so once I'm done with your money I might not murder you.

This is how spermjacking happens.

wow how is a prominent member of the feminist cabal this sexist

i'm obtaining enthusiastic, verbal, affirmative, and continued consent from /u/DornishRedViper, what's the problem here



misogyny isn't all she's bout to internalize


This is disgusting!!

Someone ban this abuser

Implying that is enough

No contract means you are basically a rapist.

Men have to register for selective service when they turn 18. The same thing should be required of women, but in the form of a sex draft. Any man who does not have a gf should be entitled to one sex per month. Rules similar to jury duty ought be used to ensure its fair for all women. Sex costs women nothing, so there's no downside.

Sex IS a human right and men ARE entitled to sex. It's as much a biological imperitive as food or water. The only reason it's not currently required of women is because it's a mild inconvenience and our society caters to women.

It's not enslavement because food stamps and warfare in general requires that SOMEBODY at SOME point work for free to pay for it. If women want to live in a civilized country, they need to register for the sex draft. I guarantee you every single mass murder, and the majority of regilar murders, would not occur had the killers had regular sex. It really is that powerful.

Is this an r/incels copypasta or are you just a genius?

These are my true thoughts and feelings. I thought we knew each other?

My bank account is protected by a special code, one that can only be unlocked by throwing, running, and backing up into a narrow parking space without getting out to look.

so you're saying no Asians?

shamefur dishpray!

you derete this now ok?

IF anything, it's become /r/circlebroke2 in the last week or so.