Sherlock fan's ship sinks, she takes to Facebook to blow it out of proportion

73  2017-01-18 by xjapxn


Jews did this


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This persons way to invested into a eh tv show. Op you should get her to send her fan fic to the writers, make sure to recommend flash drives with copies of her friend lecturing on YouTube.

holmes belongs to the asexual community? lol, no.

There's this idea on Tumblr and such sites, that close male friends = gay. They did it with Sherlock and John, Poe and Finn, the blind guy and the other dude from Rogue One, Bucky and Steve, and so many others. I tried explaining this the other day, but painting dudes who show emotion as gay is why dudes don't show emotion lmao.

But it is really funny to see them put every movie with two male friends under a microscope and try and find literally any evidence they can that they could be gay.

I love slash fic but I don't think it means that the characters are gay or that the authors intended them to be that way. I just think it would be cute/hot if the characters got together as a couple. Even when reading fanfic, I don't particularly like it when the character are portrayed as gay outside of having attraction to each other.

So why is this guy hating on the shows makers for not fulfilling his pervy desires?

Because they have a toxic, rigid script of gender roles where men who display emotion and self-disclose to one another just have to be gay, because straight men couldn't possibly have a close and fulfilling emotional relationship without wanting to bugger each other. They can't just be friends who feel comfortable talking about their feelings, because if you're a man and disclose your feelings to another man it means that you want their dick up your ass.

Fair enough, it makes sense, bigotry is only human nature after all.

They can't just be friends who feel comfortable talking about their feelings, because if you're a man and disclose your feelings to another man it means that you want their dick up your ass.

this is true tho

fuck tumblr

Because they have a toxic, rigid script of gender roles where men who display emotion and self-disclose to one another just have to be gay, because straight men couldn't possibly have a close and fulfilling emotional relationship without wanting to bugger each other.

turns out that painting dudes who show emotion as gay is exactly why men have trouble showing emotion. And often these are the folks that condemn gender roles and bitch about toxic masculinity

To be honest, I love ships that are never going to be canon. Its weird well people take it to a level that they get angry about that ship not sailing.

Yaoi fangirls are a cancer on the internet. At least neckbeards obsessed with lesbians have a modicum of self-awareness, they don't wrap up their fetish as being socially progressive.

Don't forget Sam and Dean.

And they're brothers.

Now I wonder about the Legion of Doom

Definitely gay lovers. It was supposed to be revealed after you beat them in WWF Wrestlefest, but the LGBT community just didn't have enough quarters to make their dream come true.

With names like Hawk and Animal, they're both obv tops.

Gay brothers, for sure. But prolly not with each other.

The supernatural fandom is batshit crazy. The actors actually have multiple restraining orders against people


There's this idea on Tumblr and such sites, that close male friends = gay.

I mean, Sherlock is pretty obviously and intentionally queerbaiting.

Sherlock because it's strictly inferior to Elementary

If this is b8, well done. Otherwise delete yourself.

Sherlock is written by Moffat. I rest my case.


Lucy Liu? You're kidding me right?

The casting grew on me.

But it is really funny to see them put every movie with two male friends under a microscope and try and find literally any evidence they can that they could be gay.

Doesn't the very first episode of Sherlock suggest quite overtly that Sherlock is gay? I get the point you're trying to make but thinking that character was gay was a pretty reasonable assumption. Watson was always straight and anything else is just retarded fanboy shit but I get where they're coming from on the Sherlock thing.

Sherlock is asexual, according to Moffatt

Also the 4 guys who look like a boyband in Final Fantasy XV. They are young, attractive and close friends, so therefore are having bum fun. Clearly.

no everyone thinks that because they got queerboi ass haircuts.

well, I mean, what kind of road trip would it be without a little butt stuff between bros?

I think that was the intended reaction to that game because it is fujoshi-bait.

Poe and Finn barely know each other lol

Much less than 10% of people are gay or seriously bisexual. It's more like 3%

/r/Drama says otherwise

Why are you pushing this factoid at us? Hiding something?


It's 4.3 according to this year's gallup

Ya the rate keeps increasing.

It's because they're reaching out to kids as young as toddlers for the demographic a la joe camel in the early 90's.

Season Wilwert

You know that life dealt you a shitty hand when your mother's name sounds like a new age hemorrhoid treatment.

Isn't it weird that the demographics that complain about representations are almost invariably overrepresented?

Oscar so white

"The young LGBT community felt betrayed" - is he a fucking ambassador or something?

Dafuq? Didn't Watson hook up with a girl in the first season of this show?

This is what happens when gay meets autism.



people who identify with the "fandom" of a piece of media have, consistently, the most retarded opinions in the world about that media and should probably all kill themselves

Two characters weren't gay on a tv show and now I have literally been erased

Shippers are scum and a cancer upon any fandom.

Damn, that guy goes to Princeton. As soon as he graduates, he'll be too busy being a millionaire investment banker to have time for this fanboi shit.

Stop treating your Yaoi fantasies real

I, for one, learned my lesson with the intense 10 years of Newman/kramer queerbait. That sausage making video tho.

When will the ten percent lie die

This is why Headcanon and reading too far in subtext that isn't there a bad thing

I've tried being gay.

Why are we not talking about this?

Being gay is obviously a choice.

Lost did the same exact thing to the Black Smoke community in their finale.

I just wanna make sure you're clear on the fact that there's more to being gay than guys having sexual with other guys.

I mean...that's like a pretty big part of it