Gilded NSA shill/spy calls Snowden a spy

14  2017-01-18 by [deleted]


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Not a spy, but certainly a traitor

nice bait

Ah, the neoliberals, who consider ruining their countrymen's lives to improve the economic fortunes of those in the third world to be a noble pursuit...but who calls someone who puts a few soldier's lives in danger to protect foriegn hides a traitor.

Which is it? Is it treason to toss your countrymen overboard to help other people, or not? Is Obama a traitor for pushing the TPP? Because he damned well is in my eyes. I don't really give a shit about Snowden, but I am sick and tired of cunts like you treating certain Americans as more worthy of this kind of protection than others. Obama's little toy droners need protection while they bomb weddings and murder people's kids just to lure those people to the funeralo, where they will murder more innocent people to get one goat fucker. But Me and my family didn't need a damned bit of help when the bankers broke the law and ruined their lives, white working class men didn't need any kind of protection from offshoring, and every so-called 'liberal' I know is fine with Chinee\se investment companies driving the price of real estate up until your average American can't even afford to own a home.

You don't give a shit about this country or it's people. You're pissed that Snowden embarrassed your beloved little shit-king, Obama. I guarantee that you're also pissed at the handful of decent liberals who showed what a limp, worthless dick Obama was on the economy, too, by constantly pushing for better policies.

Damn son that's a whole lot of trying way too hard for /r/drama












Chelsea Manning was man enough not to run away unlike Edward Snowden

How DARE you call Chelsea a man

That took some balls... kinda like getting a sex change, where they also take the guy's balls.

But really he went to China on the way to Ecuador lol

/u/spockspeare what's the starting rate for shilling for the US Govt? I really need the money, meth aint cheap

I don't know, but it's probably better than being a troll, so you should definitely apply.

I mean, the main difference between shilling and trollung is whether you're doing it for free

So you're trolling, not shilling.

I'm just telling the truth. Too bad for you.

I just need the money man

Little Caesar's is hiring.