🔥🔥 /r/GalaxyNote7 explodes into drama when Verizon announces they're blacklisting all remaining phones from their network. 🔥🔥

34  2017-01-18 by phedre


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  2. Is holding onto a Note7 irresponsib... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  3. Well MINE hasn't exploded! Checkmat... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  4. Doomsday is upon us! - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  5. To spoof, or not to spoof? That is ... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  6. Surprise "It's all the liberals fau... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, ceddit.com, archive.is*

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You're being a selfish asshole for not turning in your shiny toy.

This is America



So you get new safe phone for free if you turn in your would-be-grenade, and that's somehow the problem?

u/Osensnolf, not only are you dumb enough to hold onto a phone that you know will be blacklisted, but you're also one of those retards who uses apostrophes for plural words. Let me help you:

> Liberal's

> Liberals

What's wrong with incorrectly using an apostrophe? It gives you word Natzis something to fix and feel good about.

It's just a retarded mistake. I understand confusing its/it's, and even they're/their/there, but there's no reason to ever have an apostrophe in a non-possessive plural.

Frankly, the way you write just sounds unintelligent in general, like an ignorant aunt or uncle that you ignore on facebook. My guess is that you're middle-aged and live a pretty mediocre life, so you cling to religion and holier-than-thou conservatism to make up the gap.

In the beginning God... enough said. He has always been here - that is why he is God you silly goose. I realize it is hard to understand, but if you really dig into evolution, you will have a harder time believing it as there are several different versions of it and even evolutionist cannot agree with one another.

Yep, guess I was right, there's no serious debate on whether or not evolution happened among scientists. Between the DNA evidence, morphological evidence, and fossil record, it's clear that life on this planet descended from a single source and flowered into the diversity we have now. Yes, there are squabbles about the details, and there will probably still be breakthroughs in understanding the exact mechanisms, but that's how science works. I guess I shouldn't expect you to understand that.

You spew your non-sense on every subreddit you belong to. The same comments over and over. You are like a one-way street that leads you off a cliff. You do think you are superior while online but offline, you are miserable. You spend your days working for someone else for peanuts. You try to get online and talk a good game but you cant back it up no matter how hard you try. I cannot waste any more time on you. You are a bad investment.

"Libruls commin fer my phone!!!" /u/osensnolf would you say your family's gene pool is too shallow to drown in?

/u/PCJabber I would tell you to kys, but apparently your already trying to do that

Considering how often Android users shit on people who "worship" Apple just because they like iPhones, I find this lunacy sexually pleasurable. These people are holding on to their shitty explosive phones with the same fervor as Crusaders charging into battle in the name of God.

The crusaders didn't have phones, though.

And thank goodness. Where would history be if Stephen of Blois' letters to his wife consisted of "Eyy bb, u want sum fuck?"

Except less than 1 in ten million is exploding. The attempt to force people to change phones is stupid.

Well, minus the battery issue the Note 7 was the most best phone to date.

No other phone could light a camp fire, so I'll give you that.

Considering how often Android users shit on people who "worship" Apple just because they like iPhones

I mean, numerous people literally tattooed themselves with the apple logo. You can't top that.

And lots of people get Android logo tattoos. Plenty of idiots get stupid tattoos. I've just seen Android subs circle jerk themselves raw about people even liking iPhones. So the irony of people raging about bricking a phone that's banned on planes because it blows up is hilarious.

And lots of people get Android logo tattoos.

Not nearly as many, despite Android phones being

The Liberal Gestapo is about to knocking on doors asking people to hand over their phones and guns. what is happening