Is there homeless people in Union Square? One guy argues against many actual new yorkers that, no there are not

20  2017-01-18 by ChipChippersonAMA


Cool story, bro


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Fawkin home run Chip


How's my mudda doin

/u/VegaThePunisher, as a Seattle-ite who has visited NYC a few times, you are so damn wrong.

About what?

the swarming hordes of homeless in Union Square

No such thing.

yes huh.

From Seattle guy who's been here a few times?

Yes, 3 times. Only one of those times I actually went to union square, but it was so full of homeless people that it counts for all 3.

So wait. You've been to New York three time, you've been to the actual park once, yet you feel you know better than people who actually live in New York City?

You clearly don't understand the amount of homeless people I saw in Union Square.

And this was when?

'87. All 3 times.

FYI /u/CallHimAR is an employee of the NYC mayor's PR department.


Sure thing. Keep trying.'re gauging your opinion on an experience from twenty years ago? That's a bit dated.

You're just playing along now.


Sure it did.

It did!!1!1


Pretty rude, tbh.

What is?


Blessed be Him.

Woah /u/Ouroboros000, someone said something bad about de Blasio. Don't let your boss /u/CallHimAR know or you'll get fired given 8 hours a day of free time .

You guys considered this drama?


And I am an actual NYer, so get the facts right, buddy.

Are not


(walks away snickering)

Least we agree

Dude, don't snicker yourself in public. Not appropriate.

Is that a different cultural reference in another country?

In that case, I snicker myself at every opportunity.

It means to wet your finger and flick it over your arsehole for sexual pleasure.

Oh, so I was being accurate and didn't even know it. Wow!

Look, everybody does it, you just don't talk about it.

OK, prove it. Give me directions from Jersey City Heights to Bayside Queens for the following situations:

  1. Rush hour
  2. Saturday night
  3. By car during a met game

Then do the same from Greenpoint.

FYI the ones from Google Maps are wrong in those situations.
