TIL Alabamans are iliterate bumpkins. Reddit argues cause, consequence, politics and race.

23  2017-01-18 by BannedFromImzy

Main post here.

As expected of anything posted here that is not a kitten picture, the conversation turns to "racial realism".

Let's start with the mandatory coincidence that a place with 25% iliteracy rate also has 25% of melanin enriched americans.

At first, smug liberals point out it's not coincidence that Trump won a state where people can't read. But horrible bigots (the worst kind, the ones with statistics) point out the most illiterate counties consistently voted for Clinton.

And of course that the Clinton voters, illiterates and blacks discussed above are the same people.

Meanwhile /r/altright is becoming /r/dataisbeautiful to correct the narrative.

But of course the /r/latestagecapitalism clowns somehow find ways to blame it on capitalism.

And those uneducated retards waste no time pointing out foreign countries have higher "literacy" rates, while missing the point that the 25% in Alabama is "functional illiteracy" vs total illiteracy. So they marvel at African countries that have 70+% literacy rates despite being blacker than Alabama.

Of course the fun part here is that /u/icantlurkanymore and /u/gigimoi are scientifically illiterate, but socialism and self awareness don't mix on reddit (plus retards never really know they're retarded). Especially since they themselves illustrate by their posts the idea of "functional illiteracy". I wonder how they even get on the short bus every day without professional help.


This is a blatant agenda post but you put effort into it so i'll let it slide

Agenda? I think I'm laughing at every side from the other side of the Atlantic ocean. Seeing americans complain about bad literacy rates, but instead of looking for solutions or being outraged at receiving a 3rd world level education, they argue about who the illiterates are voting for. All the while demonstrating what amounts to functional illiteracy themselves.

Fuck you're one of the japs aren't you

No you fucking idiot, he said Atlantic, he's obviously from Australia.

Australians don't use the internet because we own it and the conversion rate for money is too complication for them.

Did you learn geography in a Detroit public school?

the effort makes it worse tbh

How often have women told you that?


Im glad reddit hates the south tbh, I'd rather every minority in america live here than the unbearable cumskins that populate the default subreddits.

Unfortunately (or fortunately) the degenerate Yankees have almost taken over Florida.

There is hope that the strength of the Florida Man gene pool will be able to sustain the influx of faggy butt sniffers.

the panhandle is based, plus the south florida cubans put the mayoshits in their place.

The biggest problem is people fleeing high cost of living places like california for places like austin, then voting in the same policies that made california impossible to live in in the first place.

My family prays everyday for their deliverance.

Austin is fairly contained, IMO. They can really only fuck up Travis County.

  • Baptists in the north (Waco).
  • Catholics to the South (San Antonio).
  • Swamp people to the East (Houston).
  • Reavers to the West (Wastelands AKA San Angelo AKA West Texas).

You're mistaking degenerate Yankees for Jews.

The Jews took over Florida.

And were do the Jew Eggs hatch before they migrate south? New Jew City!