Onision harasses and humiliates 19 yr old girl for smoking weed

413  2017-01-20 by liddylou82


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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I feel like this title is a little bit of an understatement, especially considering all he's done before...

"Onision threatens to chain teenage girl in basement" just wasn't catchy enough.

That one would have gotten this thread a looot of clicks tho. And it's not even clickbait.

He didn't threaten, he asked her if she was willing to do it. Switching the context is the definition of clickbait.

OP you should rename it that. The title gore.

There's no option to rename, but I recommend spreading the video on other relevant subreddits with a better title. Tweeting the video with a summary also works.

First time seeing anything about this guy, what's his deal? He seems like a turd sammich that somehow attracts people to him despite his shittiness which is a little unsettling.

This is horrifying

HOW can Onision not see how fucked up his behavior towards this poor girl is? This is horrifying.

definitely. She is not responsible for any of her starfucking decisions.

I'm mad at myself for this...but I watched about ~2 minutes of the catalyst video he made. Apparently, because he doesn't care about hiding anything (dramawhore), he does not see a reason for confidences or privacy to exist. And then he laughs "what is [she] going to share?...How my dick tastes?"

Pretty pretttty disgusting tbh. I feel like I need to lysol my monitor.

Yo where's the vid at?

It's the most recent video on his channel, I feel dirty linking it but here is the nasty ass bitch's whining

I'd like to say "no one wants to know how your dick tastes," but the fandom consistently proves otherwise... Lainey started as one of those girls. Ugh.

Well if this isn't abusive behavior idk what is.

Here's a link to the messages between them that billie posted on her twitter http://imgur.com/5ftUvEp

be chained to our basement wall for a week with a sign that says "I'm sorry for lying"

Doesn't this guy have a child that lives with him? How would you explain that situation to a kid? God forbid that child ever gets caught telling porkies if this is what discipline is in that house.

He has his own kid(s) as well as his child bride's 16 year old friend living with him.

What the fuck? Seriously?

The irony of him telling a girl she can't see her family because they're drug users and then seeing no problem with his own domestic situation would be hilarious if it wasn't terrifying.

His child bride that he groomed into another predator, no less.

Lainey is obviously lesbian. As far as I can tell, she's in it for the 💸💸

Lainey is a predator as much as her husband is. She is completely Stockholmed out but please don't be deluded into thinking that she's not dangerous.

She is at the root of this latest blowup. She lets her husband have his little flings and then when it gets too serious, she takes it out on the girl.

She wants her competition out of the way. Thank God Billie has a brain in her head and spoke up about the extent to which Greg and Lainey have lost their fucking minds.

Seriously, picture this. You have a toddler. You also have a 19-year-old chained to your basement wall. Because you're Onision, and you think it's hot, and no one does or says anything about it.

Greg and Lainey are both pieces of shit.

I do feel partially bad for Lainey but she's the one on Twitter who engages with these girls and brings them to Greg. She's part of the problem, big time. Also she doesn't seem to care that a lot of these girls are under 18... I don't think she realizes she's no longer a minor.

It reminds me of the Moors murderers. Myra Hindley lured in most of the kids, then Ian Brady raped/murdered them. they literally met because he was reading Mein Kampf in a park on his lunch break.

That's the point. She's the bait for these girls. She knows it and she allows herself to be used in this way. Her husband is a sick fucker, he trained her to be a sick fuck, and she's gotten very good at being a doormat for cash.

The comparison to Karla Homolka in the lolcow thread was really apt, imo. She may not be the one in charge, but she's predatory and manipulative in her own right, and she for sure was doing something behind the scenes to make Billie suffer. Plus the whole luring in teen girls thing.

Yeah. Beleive me, I do feel for the child that she once was, because she was hurt also. But she's an adult now, and her choices are her own. She consistently makes bad ones as far as her husband is concerned and she enables the fuck out of him.

Has no one reported this? The kids father needs to take them to court and get custody.

Seriously is no one doing anything?

And that changes fuck all. She is a predator just like he is.

"Be chained to our basement wall for a week"


Ya but what about 3 days????

I really worry about the implications of that. Would she literally be chained there and have to sleep there? What about bathroom? Showering? Eating? WTF IS WRONG WITH HIM. And why would he think ANY of this is hot?!

I think he saw Don't Breathe and thought "hey that's hot"

That's illegal in the UK now, shame they're across the pond

i mean theres no way that wouldnt be domestic abuse, right?

Wouldn't that also be illegal in their own country?

We only criminalised it a year ago so I don't know, America isn't very good for this sort of thing

be chained to our basement wall for a week with a sign that says "I'm sorry for lying"

Jesus christ he's a full on sociopath

The FBI should be watching his house because sooner or later he's going to kill one of these girls

How hasn't this guy been arrested yet? He's legit terrifying.

This is classic abuser stuff here. I remember in High School we had a woman who was in an abusive relationship and she told her story and how to identify and avoid people just like this. I guess this girl never did or he got to her too soon.

Good thing she is away from him now but the thing about victims of abusers is that they are often drawn back to their abuser.

We all knew Onision would be the youtuber most likely to have somebody chained in his house though, right? The guy's a creep. The most surprising thing about this is that nobody has come out and said they've seen him lingering in dark woods with a shovel.

Seriously though, this is so disturbing. I hope he leaves the poor girl alone.

Onision needs to get off the internet.

He needs to get off the planet.

Honestly I'd feel p good if someone fed him feet first intona combine harvester

Or a septic tank.

onision doesnt deserve to be an astronaut

Who said anything about a ship, or suit, or oxygen?

i still think space deserves better

when you put it that way i must concede

What else would we use to deliver him to space, a trebuchet?

That's very much along the lines of where I was going with that, yes.

don't forget her screenshots of onision's text exchange with her!


How does this psychopath even have such a big following? This isn't the first horrific thing he's been involved with (see abuse allegations, obsessive voicemails, rating preteens' bodies, aborted fetuses). He should be locked up.

Isn't this guy another youtube pedophile? Does he have a reddit account?

Also what the fuck is up with her ears?

He's THE youtube pedophile.

I get him confused with that other youtube pedophile. He was posted a few days ago I think but I can't remember his name.

You're probably thinking of Onision; I posted some screenshots of the initial fallout from lolcow. This is one of the most recent teenagers he lured into his house of horrors and the one he broke up with because she likes weed.

I'll take your word for it as you're like Dawn the Baptist.

onion is a pos and i hope people finally stop defending him

Just go into porn already.

Onision: 31 Billie: 19

There's a 12 year difference between these two. She's what, a year out of highschool? Such a great guy torturing a teenager while he's got two young kids and a non-related 16 year living in his house.

It's worse than what he did to 17 year old Shiloh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7HcGsMb5PQ I'm glad Billie got out of the house. Shiloh ended up in a women's shelter.

I will always feel so badly for Shiloh. I watched the videos back when they were together and always hoped she'd get out.

What is the thing that attracts these young women towards him? He's not very successful, attractive or mature. What's up?

Low self esteem, bad home life, and he's had years to mix just enough common sense/truth into his videos to make things sound right to those teenagers. Add in the idea of "I can change him!" or "Well he doesn't treat me that way, I'm special!" and you have the perfect target for creeps like him.

some people are very vulnerable, and people like onision learn at a very young age what the signs of this vulnerability are and how to exploit them.

Teen girls have poor decision-making skills and don't have the life experience to identify which traits are undesirable in a partner and what predatory behavior looks like, which makes them vulnerable to predators. They can't tell that he's immature because they don't fully understand what maturity looks like (and part of the appeal is probably the fact that he does the whole 'teens are adults' thing and his obsession with maturity; appealing to a teen's desire to be seen as a mature adult is a classic predatory tactic), but his '100% honesty telling it like it is' shtick is probably interpreted as wisdom and maturity (and is particularly appealing to girls who are cynical edgelords). Also, attention/popularity = successful in teen world and having a cool/trendy haircut and style = attractiveness (like teen boys will get off to anything with visible titties, i guess (?)).

In short, teen girls have shit taste in men, but he checks off all the attractiveness boxes for a certain subset of them.

I think its more manipulation, the promise of financial support, a place to stay free from parents, etc etc etc

Basically he is a predator who grooms gals who probably already have issues.

Oh yeah, that too for sure. Predators know how to detect vulnerable people, and vulnerable people are attracted to the show predators put on. The fact that their young makes them easy to lure and manipulate in and of itself, but it's no accident that almost every if not every girl Greg's gone for has been insecure, mentally unstable, from a bad home environment, obsessed with attention, etc. He knows how to pick girls who'll put up with his shit.

Crazy attracts crazy. Or at least the emotionally immature.

Man you hit a the nail on the head. Still it's hard to believe that anyone would be attracted to this cuck after seeing all the shit his pr could girlfriends have gone through. It might be the mentality of "it might've happened to her, but it won't happen to me because I'm different"

I think they kind of skip over that as well because he seems to go to great lengths to either justify his behaviour in videos by blaming it on the girl and presents himself as the reasonable one. When you're already infatuated with him I guess you just eat that shit up.

I can see it, but I'm more wondering why the fuck he isn't in jail yet. It sounds like he's been doing some seriously illegal shit.

Another big part of it is just straight up experience. A 31 year old has more life and emotional experience than a 19 year old, even if its twisted experience. He has the "advantage" needed to take advantage of them

Teen girls have poor decision-making skills

So basically 'females are a meme gender', /r9k/ was right all along.

I would argue most teens have poor decision making skills. My numerous trips to hospital as a teen can assure you boys are just as stupid, but we more so break bones and shit, we harm our bodies, girls harm their minds.

He's like a real life Dennis Reynolds that never found a gang of friends.


DENNIS IS THE GOLDEN GOD! How dare he compare this jabroni to Dennis.

This person is a bronze trinket key chain.....where as DENNIS IS A GOLDEN GOD

you think this mere mortal could understand the D.E.N.N.I.S SYSTEM let alone use it is laughable, hell the D.E.E system is still complex and she an amalgam or bird and whore


no one respects a man with a system anymore

He makes them feel special, and like they are somehow different from the rest of the people in the world. He likes to create a "them vs us" mentality as well, further pushing them into his grasp.

Most girls when they start dating will end up with normal people their own age, few odd balls here and there but they learn to spot the nutters in a safe enough environment.

You will notice its not a case of him just being a pedofuck, but he can only get young and naive girls, any woman would spend 10 minutes with him and tell him to fuck off. They have to be young and lacking experience or else it wouldn't work.

Why he is like that, thats a whole different question and one in which no one really knows, but a lot of research is still ongoing into why people are the way they are.

It was and probably still is a successful tactic from an evolutionary perspective.

Does anyone know why they r all short haired

what did he do? can't watch the video right now

In an attempt to control this girl (who smoked weed on NYE as 19-20yo's often do) accused her of breaking a "relationship contract", forbade her from seeing her family or best friend for a year, asked her to voluntarily be chained up in the basement and get a tattoo saying "I'm a liar". She left her three-way relationship with him and his wife (gross, I know) and he went ape on social media. He told the world two very personal and private things about her on twitter, all the while railing at her for being in the wrong. This video is her finally speaking up.

that's pretty classically abusive. what was the deal with the Shiloh girl? sounds like he keeps finding girls to put up with his bullshit

Ex girlfriend who was 16 when he started dating her. He more or less did the same thing to her. Filmed her having breakdowns, forced her to shave her head, kept her away from her family.

Is any of this illegal? Because it sounds like people could make a big deal of this

physically forcing someone into shaving their own hair off sounds pretty illegal.

She would have likely shaved her own head, he is an emotional manipulator, not the aggressive physical kind.

I suspect he skirts the law quite well, which is a shame because he is an abuser.

From what I remember he stopped mid-sex, forced her to go into the bathroom and shaved her head while calling her a "good bitch."

This type of emotional abuse is illegal in the UK, but it's a relatively new law and I'm not even sure if it's been widely tested in court yet. A friend of mine was looking into this following her breakup.

What were the private things? Was it that she smoked weed?

Also how does this girl Shiloh fit into it. I am very interested but also very very confused.

Told everyone she had an eating disorder that he "cured".

no that wasn't it.

I don't want to repeat them here but no, they weren't trivial things, they were personal. Go back in his twitter a day or so and you'll see them there.

I couldn't find it myself but I did see all the tweets about him talking shit about her using drugs.

I screen shotted it all so at least if he deletes it someone will have it saved.

It's a tweet where he talks about what a good boyfriend he was, with a checklist outlining two terrible things previously happened to her. I think he started on that pre- the drug rants. Ayalla was arguing with him via twitter at the time. I can't find it but if you check the lolcow Greg thread before the currently active one, it's in there as a screencap.

Using drugs. Isn't it just marijuana?

transporting her to a state where it was legal to have sex with her.

Oh, boy! That there's a felony!

They need to push this. This is serious shit. You can not cross state lines with a minor with intention of having sex with them.

This is an interstate crime and the point at which the FBI gets involved.

What the fuck?

Yes, what the fuck. He's a bad man.


Tl;dr he was with Shiloh before his current wife and filmed her having breakdowns related to his abuse, forced her to shave her head, and kept her away from her family. She was a mildly famous singer in Canada before meeting Onision.

Really? She was kinda famous and I take it he stripped that away from her?

Man, I wanna make a documentary about this guy and all the terrible things he has done.

Yep, you can find some of her music videos on youtube still. He was incredibly verbally and emotionally abusive to her. She ended up getting away, got help, now she's got a fiance (or husband? I can't remember which off the top of my head) who adores her and seems happy.

Well I am glad it worked out somewhat for her. But in all seriousness. I want to make a documentary about this guy.

Everything about this seems like it could be in an episode of forensic files.

This guy is a very typical, not uncommon, textbook abuser. There is nothing particularly extraordinary about him or his abusive behavior. Relationships like this are something a LOT of girls experience at at least one point in their lives.
Normally no one gives a shit, or believes the girl, because normally no one is recording when shit is going down, and the abuser isn't an F list internet celebrity. (at least, I think he is? Today is the first time I've heard of him)


I would say he is unique in one way, and that is that a lot of it is filmed. He manipulates it heavily, but this is something being played out to an audience.

He doesn't need that sort of attention. He'd revel in it. He's a textbook narcissistic sociopath.

Eating disorder

forbade her from seeing her family or best friend for a year, asked her to voluntarily be chained up in the basement and get a tattoo saying "I'm a liar".

jesus fucking christ

What the fuck? How is this guy not in prison yet?

Technically it's mostly legal.

He films his self like a creepy sociopath taking joy simply in the level of impact he's had on the world without caring about the quality of it; just raw "look what I did, I have power"... so not like a creepy sociopath

There's something a bit odd about having a door that triggers alarms when opened from the inside. May be just an artifact of debug code, but its a shit system.

Yeah, but he's got the mind of a 13 year old. At best.

Isnt she too old for him?

True but on the other hand some people just need to get the fuck off the internet. Trolls and trollees alike.

Wait... He has 2 kids now?

The second one was born towards the end of last year.

Billie's best friend, Ayalla, has also been caught up in this mess for trying to defend Billie. Here's her video about it.

Omg this is one is so much better too. 1:00 it gets real. I wonder how the 31-year-old subject feels, making two 19-year olds cry in 1 day!

He's probably jerking off to it tbh.

jesus christ

Oh hey Rose!

Also yeah, a pretty young girl crying about him is def his fetish. He needs to actually die.

gday mate, I finally crossed to the dark side.

I became a mod here yesterday :)

it's fate

If you want a vision of the future of reddit, imagine a big gay Scottish flamingo pecking on a human face - forever

I can't stop laughing

Ewwwwww you are ...... you are Scottish?

Fucking disgusting.

Are there any " pray the scotish away " groups close? please join one right now

I'm a quarter scottish, is that okay, or is there some kind of "pray the scot away" therapy i can do?

You leave my lovely country alone.

I don't understand why any of these people are famous. The best anyone can do for them or for the internet is to ignore them.

Greg initially because internet famous because he made a video of himself singing in a banana costume, which became a maymay. His viewership exploded as he began to pander to edgy teen girls with a prettyboy appearance (he's ugly as sin, but filters and makeup go a long way and teenagers don't have the highest standards) and 'telling it like it is' about various things of low importance. Eventually, he began admitting to and doing horrible things to animals and his string of girlfriends, and that gained him a dedicated hate-following in its own right. The girls involved in this dramu are internet famous because they're involved with him somehow; they're otherwise unremarkable.

The best anyone can do for them or for the internet is to ignore them.

nah mate greg is one of the most entertaining spectacles on the internet.

Greg initially because internet famous because he made a video of himself singing in a banana costume, which became a maymay.

Wait, so its that weirdo? The one who was on Tosh.0?

I think the only surprising thing is that hes managed to stretch that very brief 15 minutes of fame this long.

Ah, thanks for the info. He's one of those people who all I can think of -- just from looking at him -- is "this person needs to be punched in the face."

doing horrible things to animals

hey i only heard of onision today so new to all this. how does he have any following at all if he's put it on record that he's cruel to animals? that's one of the most common predictors of psychopath-type traits.

He's admitted to being responsible for a few pets' deaths through neglect at least, including a dog. Most infamous example is when he basically baked a turtle by leaving it outside in the sun in a closed container. He always has rationalizations for killing the animals, and his followers eat it up for whatever reason. Ironically he's a vegetarian and harps on about it to demonstrate what a good and righteous person he is.

man that is fucked up. thanks for the explanation!

What the fuuuuuuuuuck!

Chaining someone in a basement? For humiliation purposes? FOR A WEEK?!?! That didn't work out for Sylvia Likens and I don't see how it would work out with a sociopath like Onision.

Spread this like wildfire.

This isn't the first time Onision has tried to ruin a girlfriends life for his own pleasure: https://youtu.be/udrAX5fWSAs

What a shitbag

When a 31 year old man harasses two 19 year old girls until they're in tears, you fucking know there's something wrong here. Fucking pathetic man child.

Oh, it's far more than two. I linked you to what I consider to be one of the most disturbing accounts (the video in particular is fucking heartbreaking), but if you have even a passing interest in clicking through the site a bit, you'll see this is an established pattern with him. Harassing young women until they breakdown is kind of his thing.

Pathetic man child needs his face rearranged


why cant he just get it over with and murder-suicide already

Onision sounds to me like someone who exploits other people.

Understatement of the century! Dudes a creep!

Wtf kind of freakshow is this? Can somebody just ELI5 both of these people to us non-vlog-fans?

Onision = Predator, likes underage girls, age 31.

Lainey = His current wife, who is 22/23 now, that he groomed when he met her at age 17, they have children together.

Billie, the girl in the video = Age 19, was supposed to be Lainey's girlfriend, but Greg wanted her for himself so they were together instead, buncha drama over cheating and threesomes. What this whole freakout is about is the fact that he was SO AGAINST her smoking weed (he apparently made her agree to a contract that she wouldn't!) that he was trying to convince her to come back to him, but only if she agreed to get a tattoo that said "I'm a liar" on her ass, and be chained to a wall for a week.

They also have a 16 year old living with them.

That's all I needed to hear, this guy should be on everyone's shit/kill list. It's disgusting that people actually follow and defend this piece of shit.

So Greg = Onision?

Onision is a fucking major creep and I'm honestly surprised so many people watch his shit.

Onision is fucking disgusting and vile and I seriously hope this is the end of his "career"



Yeah, he's a creep of the highest order. Yesterday he publicly posted Billie's darkest secrets on twitter, and if you at this thread and the end of the last thread, last night he went on a weird ass vanity trip and started posting selfies with psuedopoetic and self-obsessed captions. And this happened. Those gold bars are kids toys.

This shit is too good.

holy...fucking. Jesus, take the wheel

Is it wrong that I think he needs a good old fashion ass whoopin' ? I feel like he's never had actual consequences to him being creepy as fuck.

Snalls you're a high quality poster but when you post this guys stuff I just get mad. This dude is a legit Luka Magnotta tier psychopath, he even looks kinda like him.

I really hope this guy goes down. It's extra sick that he's literally profitting off being a predator.

Hey, I didn't post him this time!

And the publicity is good in this case, the more people angry, the more pressure it will put on social media outlets to shit his accounts down. Next best thing to police intervention, which probably won't happen sadly

Onision is like a Harmony Korine film about Onision.

i could imagine a great vice documentary about him if vice was still good

Holy shit, he's already made a poll on twitter to see who would date Lainey...

This dude is literally insane and it scares me that people like him and excuse the creepy shit he does.

The poll was so predatory. I can just see him going through all the replies and creeping on these young girls' profiles. :/ Not to mention he didn't even give an option for being underage, just Yes, No, and If I was single. Gross.

It's sad he can publicly be so predatory. I feel terrible for Lainey, she's in such an abusive relationship, I hate to imagine what their children go through, and I feel so bad for Billie that she's so young and made a bad decision because she thought she loved those two. I hope the unnamed 16 year old with them now gets out.

I've been in abusive relationships and I've made bad decisions as a teenager and I really feel terrible for them. I pray that those poor children don't grow up to be like their father. The cycle of abuse is one of the worst things in house holds like this.

It makes me wonder where the parents are, or what they think. I know once your kid turns 18 they can do what they want, but Lainey and Shiloh were 17 when they fell into Onision's slimey grasp, and Sarah (the 16 year old) dropped out of high school to come live with them!! And her parents are okay with it?! It blows my mind that you can raise a child for 16 years and be okay with shipping them off to a 31 year old man you don't know. One Google search of his name would turn ANY sane parent off from him.

Honestly, and I say this HOPING I'm wrong, but it seems the parents just don't care, or Lainey, Shiloh, Billie, Sarah, they did it disregarding what their parents say. I went to school with a girl who met a dude on Myspace (I feel so old lmao) talked to him for 2 weeks, and moved states over to live with him and her mom just let her do it. Some parents just don't care, or some are so fed up with the decisions their children make that they want someone else to take them off their hands. It's sad to say. With all that's been put out on the internet about Onision, and girls STILL want to live with him...think of what their lives must be like. Abuse is probably all they know.

If I had a teenage girl and they came to me asking to move in with a 31 year old dude who has nothing but young girls living with them I would fight tooth and nail to keep her in my home.

If I had a teenage girl and they came to me asking to move in with a 31 year old dude who has nothing but young girls living with them I would fight tooth and nail to keep her in my home.

He doesn't go near anyone who has that kind of support system. He's very selective.

I just can't understand, after everything he has done publicly on Youtube, why YT just won't pull his channel. If you go on his twitter right now more underage girls are mentioning him saying they'll let him chain them up.

I know I feel bad for Lainey, but she's the one who brings these young girls into his house and then when they're old enough is when he admits to having a relationship with them. I am literally disgusted that he can continue to pull young girls into his house and his predatory behavior. He needs to be banned from Youtube, Twitter, everything that can connect him to young girls for him to groom. He needs to be on a damn watch list and a sexual offender registry.

He knows how to work in the grey areas. Technically very little he's done is illegal and what was is unprovable.

I'm actually looking at this post in another thread and someone said that since he flew one of his girls across country borders to fuck her that it could be human trafficking?

Some people say it is but there's some debate about it. Let's call it "shitty and low" for starters.

If I had a teenage girl and they came to me asking to move in with a 31 year old dude who has nothing but young girls living with them I would fight tooth and nail to keep her in my home.

If this fucker pulled that shit to my daughter I would probably be in prison for assault/attempted murder

Oh dude believe me, this dude would be murdered in the south hemisphere

I've honestly stopped feeling sorry for Lainey, at this point she's an accomplice.

Anyone over the age of 18 with his haircut is a pedo who needs to actually kill themselves.

The guy is attractive though.

What I dont understand is how those girls dont see how much of a sperg he is. He throws tantrums like a baby on twitter every fucking day, that alone should be enough for an instant loss of admiration right?

The guy is attractive though.


To be fair, he is - or at least makes an effort to appear as attractive as possible.
Why do you think his entire fanbase is teenage girls?


You are making me insecure dude

step 1 find insecure young girl step 2 appeal directly to her insecurities. really lay it on thick - only you perceive this beautiful woman's true value. only you can see how special she is. you're the only one that knows she's a mature adult capable of making adult decisions - such as, say, moving in with a hideous sociopath child idiot in his 30s step 3 just fuck her up fam. she's in deep now, you can probably get away with pretty much whatever for at least a year or so step 4 she's eventually gonna wise up to the fact that you're an abusive piece of shit, but that's okay. just get your bottom bitch child bride to scout out the next one

I want to throw up.

Of course /u/serialflamingo is the mod of the drama sub lmao

Stop that! People here think I'm nice and not very dramatic.

This sickfuck wanted to chain this girl to his basement wall. To prove her love and loyalty to him. He wanted her to shave her head, to get tatted up with bullshit like 'I'm a liar' as a tramp stamp. He said that their true love was a poly relationship with his wife, even though his wife Lainey hates this girl and sets her up for failure any time Greg begs her to come down. He gives the girl money. He promises her things like free schooling and a new car and all kinds of nice stuff.

If only she will simply do what he tells her to do.

Then he makes a bunch of videos which I'm not linking to; telling everyone this girl's most painful secrets. He tells the world.

This girl is nineteen. He's thirty-one. He's a grown man dragging two teenaged girls through the mud because they wouldn't fuck him or suck his dick right.

He has a sixteen year old girl who he's not related to in any way living in his home right now. I wonder what she's picking up on from good old Greg? I wonder if Greg, who has a history of not being able to keep his goddamned hands off of teenaged girls, has managed to keep his goddamned hands off this particular teenaged girl.

He repeats this abusive behavior and pulls the same shit with this girl's friend, whose only crime was that she wouldn't fuck him and she stuck up for her friend. He threatened her with police because they've smoked weed; hoping that this would scare the both of them enough to keep their mouths shut. https://youtu.be/AY6LLqsytWM

Years ago, he did this to a underage woman who he transported across state lines for the express purpose of fucking her in a state where it was legal. Apparently he doesn't know what the Mann Act is.

He is an abusive shit who grooms girls via his website and somehow he has been able to get away with this without anyone knowing, or caring, or calling his sick fuck ass out for a decade now.

Onision, ladies and gentlemen.

I've only been semi-aware of onision through reddit documenting his drama so I may have missed some behavior that would indicate him doing this sort of thing but holy fucking shit this is disgusting. What a terrible fucking human being.

He is. People should spread the news. Chaining women to basement walls and shaving their heads is like some shit out of a torture porn film. And he walks around thinking everything is a-ok.

It's disgusting. I feel like I'm watching a fucked up saw film where everyone likes the villain. Especially putting this shit on Twitter where his fans are ENCOURAGING it.

i cannot believe people are coming to his defense at all. then again theyre mostly young women if im gathering anything from the youtube comments. this dude has a whole army of potential victims. didnt a few of his exes start off as fans of his?

I want to build a secret shoe factory in my basement with Vietnamese slave kids. Now what?

Wait - Lainey hates Billie? This is news to me (I've been mildly staying in the loop due to CONSTANT YOUTUBE RECOMMENDATIONS). Where's this info from? Not casting doubt. I know she was upset about Billie supposedly lying to her in order to sleep with Onision, or something. If there's more to it, let me know!

Yeah. I mean, Lainey's the one who's consistently having a problem with Billie's behavior. Then Greg steps in and decides on the proper form of punishment. She is def manipulating things to her benefit and she is a sick fuck herself if she thinks it's okay to have her son wandering around a house where they're keeping a teenaged girl chained up in the basement.


Do you live close to him?

I just hope he gets murdered by one of these girls. Maybe they showed him in the mouth destroy his pretty smile and he lives

What were the secrets he was exposed? I tried to look them up out of curiousity (I'm nosey), is it just that she smoked weed? Who cares?

I can't wait until someone makes a documentary about this guy and all the terrible things he has done.

We need Leah Remini on this.

I have no idea who Onision is, but every reference I've seen to him is either really weird or stupid.

More info for context: Onision has a history of causing his ex partners mental breakdowns, his ex fiance Shiloh repeated the same words in this video as Billie "You've ruined me". Also note the shaved head. Why does this married dude have a 19 year old girlfriend anyway? Initially Grease encouraged his bisexual wife to have a girlfriend so that she could explore that side of her, then came the onslaught of people calling him a "cuck/cuckold/king of the cucks", later the three of them would partake in many threesomes aka greasesomes, with his wife consistently showing her upset and jealously over social media. Despite his wife's problems being in an extremely shakey poly relationship, he openly decided that is what they now were anyway (in Grease's words "A Perfect Trinity") and this caused a lot of upset between the three of them. It's clear he's been manipulating his wife from the start in order to have a teenage girlfriend, she started as "her girlfriend" in an act of selflessness, and now here we are again, another teenage girls life turned upside down by this 31 year old lunatic. So far we have confirmation he asked this girl to get a tattoo of a Lillie, shave her head, dye her hair green, shave off her eyebrows, get an extreme fake tan, get a tattoo saying "I'm a Liar" or be chained to their basement wall for a week, in order to prove her love to him. He is a predator, an idiot, and needs to be exposed. There is so much more, the rabbit hole is deep. They are already actively surfing for new girls to join their relationship. #istandwithbillie

That video with Shiloh is so disturbing. Gave me chills and I seriously wanted to cry.

I've been in a similar situation, nowhere near that level. I already hated Onision but i mean that just fueled the fire.

Someone is going to find and kill him at this rate

I'm trying to wrap my mind around why any people give a shit about YouGoobers or "reality tv".

Why does such a large portion of the human population that is connected to "entainment" watch/follow/give any attention to so many losers?

that I think children should not be allowed full and unlimited access too the internet.

How has this asshole not had his ass kicked by another grown man?

First world " civility "

SMH fam on my country this situation would be fixed real quick.

I'm not sure he has much contact with grown men

Ok - just looked at his youtube channel - he's a fucked up person why would anyone get involved with him?

So sick, he's so disgusting


Hello folks from lolcow!

If people following this story are interested in some legal analysis of the situation, I've posted some comments on the YouTube video itself and as a comment at /r/h3h3productions https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/5p14q2/onisions_teen_girlfriend_smokes_weed_he_tells_her/dcnqhtj/

I hope the unnamed 16 year living in his house though, right?

I mean...why are all these girls dating him if he's such an asshole?

I don't know man, can't save people from their own poor decisions.

Because he's emotionally manipulative and they we're all really young when they first started seeing him.

Billie is 19. Onision is 31.

Ask yourself again who is supposed to take the moral high ground.

He is a thirty year old man who grooms pre-teen girls via his website. He is the classic predator.

I'm completely lost

Onision is controlled by shills trying to stir up unrest within western society. I'm posting this knowing full well it won't get upvoted and that you people will consider me crazy, the point of this post is so that in the future I can say I was right and I warned you. Russia uses state sponsored shilling to game and control social media like Reddit and 4chan. They do this to try to control the political and social narrative to create a culture of unrest. They are responsible for the "SJW" authoritarian culture that the alt right complains about and they are responsible for stirring up the alt-right by exposing them to anti-white media. It's not just paid shills by Russia, the US and many other nations (UK, Germany, China, Israel, "Five-eyes", and many more), organizations (Microsoft, Apple, ISIS, Monsanto, Big Oil, etc), and individuals (trolls, idiots, crazy people). There are also some people being manipulated into believing that there is widespread hatred of white culture by non-whites and non-white culture by whites, these people further exacerbate the problem and are what's known as "useful idiots". The emergence of so called "socialist" sub-reddits is the result of anti-western forces likely being controlled by Russia to cause people to lose faith in capitalism and vote for more monolithic social programs or get rid of the American business culture altogether. There is a world wide cyber war happening right this minute as you read this, it's been ongoing for some time, and it's about to get ramped up. The goal of Russia is to de-stabilize the west and especially the US The culture has been created to turn everyone against each other and give up all of our freedoms. Likely in the coming years we will see government backdoors in all encryption as an excuse to monitor terrorism. What's really happening is that Russia has infiltrated high levels of the government and even hollywood (through black mail from information obtained through hacking). All Americans are vulnerable and we have an intelligence culture that would rather let everyone be vulnerable than let people have privacy, so celebrities and politicians will continue to be black mailed. A strange man comes up to you in a parking garage and hands whoopie goldberg a copy of her internet history, he says no one has to know as long as you say "white people need to pay more attention to the problems of black people" on "the view". Whoopie agrees so her internet history doesn't get leaked and Russia (and other states/organizations) blackmail hundreds of other celebrities and politicians and news anchors like this and create the narrative they want. They make some people sound a little bigoted against blacks and gays and some people sound a little bigoted against whites. Everyone will be made to feel like they are being targeted as domestic terrorists, and we will have systems in place that will allow us to systematically target and terminate any culture that's unwanted. We all have to start getting along and helping each other or the russians win.

ok but why am i whoopie in a parking lot?

What is this Real World with /b/?

Okay, serious question. Has anyone ever tried to bring Onision to the attention of legal authorities? Has he just managed to be the biggest example of the bystander effect ever?

Yes, the police and CPS have been contacted multiple times over the years. Nothing's ever come out of it.

He should be watching his house though, right?

/r/outoftheloop here, who are these people?

Um, what gender is that thing? I can't tell because I've come into contact with so many douchey hipster/scene fags that nowadays I find myself unable to tell who is what.

Other videos in this thread:

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My Final Cease and Desist to Onision 47 - This sickfuck wanted to chain this girl to his basement wall. To prove her love and loyalty to him. He wanted her to shave her head, to get tatted up with bullshit like 'I'm a liar' as a tramp stamp. He said that their true love was a poly relat...
ONISION'S DELETED VIDEO "THE TRUTH" 38 - It's worse than what he did to 17 year old Shiloh. I'm glad Billie got out of the house. Shiloh ended up in a women's shelter.
Onision from 2011 - 2017 24 - This isn't the first time Onision has tried to ruin a girlfriends life for his own pleasure:
(1) Banana Song (I'm A Banana) (2) EXTREME Cinnamon Challenge (OVERKILL) 1 - Ok - just looked at his youtube channel - he's a fucked up person why would anyone get involved with him? most popular video: and then look at this shit - Seems like a regular guy.

I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.

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So many people angry about text on the internet these days and yet this asshole still has his dick.

How does this Onion guy make his money? Does he have a real job? Can someone TLDR who he is for me? I'm lost.

Oh my god. His twitter feed is a trainwreck of "Yeah just try to talk shit" ... then he posts this whiny gem: "You guys really need to stop hating on the chained up thing. You freak out about it because you're just boring. Consent = let's have fun." Link

I love how many people are telling him off in the comments.

Also he doesn't realize that repeatedly badgering Billie isn't advocating for consent. Additionally numerous tweets calling her boring. Yeah he's totes thick skinned.

Holy fucking shit lol. You can tell she's a stoner just by how she looks - gross hair dye, zombie face, piercings, tats, and of course gauges.

ur 12

no u.

Holy fucking shit lol. You can tell you're a moronic idiotic asshole just by your comment.

Everyone who posts on /r/drama is a moronic idiotic asshole .

Some more than others.

We're all equal here.

But some are more equal than others.

Ouch, I feel bad for the English language.

Didn't get the reference?

Unfortunately, no.

Animal Farm, George Orwell. It's on basically every high school English student must-read list.

Not on mine. We just had To Kill A Mockingbird and some Shakespeare plays.

It's a good read!

You can tell she's a stoner just by how she looks

Except for all those stoners who don't look like that at all.

What an absolute psychopath. I feel so bad for her.

Who the fuck are these people?

What the fuck?

Blue hair
Septum piercings

yup, that's a red flag boys!

ITT: losers who can't get a woman bitching about the vagaries of someone else's obviously shitty relationship, replete with reddit bugaboos like May-June relationships and anti-weed sentiment.

This is the least of what onion boy has done. He's a psychopath with free reign on the Internet.

Can I get like.. an Onision primer or something? Maybe just starting with a pronunciation guide and moving on from there. I don't watch youtube personality shows because I don't suffer from crippling autism, but I'm enough on the spectrum that I want to know what this shit is about.

Lifeofonion is a wiki dedicated to his antics. It might be able to get you up to speed without getting too bogged down in old threads and blog posts and shit. This has gone on for so long that it would probably take like a dedicated weekend to learn the whole story.

Bless you, kind redditor. I'll send you the bill for my cancer treatment.

I use videos like this for ASMR

He seems pretty cool tbh

It's also worth mentioning that he tried to keep her from seeing her family and best friend for an entire year to, "save their relationship." Typical abuse tactics to isolate her from her real support system.

It felt wrong listening to how many problems an insanely stupid couple has. Made me feel grateful for meeting so many normal people with natural hair and no needs for metal community's attention with all the spikes, tunnels and whatnot.

Let's be real though, shit attracts flies.

Onision have been known to do shit like this for years, at this point if someone gets abused by him it's their own fault for being dumb cunts. Everyone involved deserves to suffer tbh.

Shiloh had a shaved head in that final video. Did he give her the same "contract" in which she actually did it?

Wait so this guy is a literally cuckold who dresses like an emo, has a fanbase mostly of consisted of 14 year olds, and he has the moral high ground over someone who smoked weed and denied his sexual advances?

Does anyone have links to drama from before Shiloh? This is how I learnt of this dude - he done same to his ex-wife (or long time partner but it was ages ago, not sure) and it all evolved when he got with Shiloh (and if I recall - they worked together at first, which is ... as fucked up as it sounds). He latched onto one part of people criticising him - the homophobia part and defended it with fact he is bisexual (only videos of his I seen) but his recent one (with the creepy explaining of situation, this is how I learned he still exists on the internet :|) denies that. Either way - bloke has loooooong history of being a total abusive prat, it should be available information as yes, people can change and do change but he does not.

He moved 16yo Shiloh to a state where it was legal to sleep with her, filmed and posted her breakdowns on YouTube, I myself thought she was crazy back when he was posting them but since the shit with Billie I realise it was just him being his manipulative, abusive self.

With his current wife, Taylor (aka LaineyBot), they met on Twitter and he moved to where she lived (aged 17) and she moved in with him while she finished High School (they slept together the day they met in person, I believe it was illegal in her state?) And then they moved to Washington(?) And married not long after she turned 18 in secret. Her dad was against it so he publicly slandered him for abusing his daughter.

Lainey has since become agender, polyamorous, although its most likely his influence and she admits he pressured her into getting a girlfriend (Billie). He cheated on Lainey with Billie, although Lainey only blames Billie (she refuses to blame Onision for any of it, he has that much control over her). In order for Billie to be 'allowed' to return to them, she would have to shave her head, get a tattoo 'above her butt' saying 'im a liar', be chained up in his basement for 3 days-a week, and have no contact with her family for a year. He made that last one seem less abusive by claiming they're all drug users. He's absolutely fucking crazy, he manipulates young girls, he preys on minors, his partners are banned from seeing their families, he has young children in the house, an unrelated 16yo girl is staying with them and can't see her family, he's emotionally abusive and verbally abusive, he has Lainey completely under his control and she won't blame him for anything.

Not to mention his forum, where girls as young as 9 post half naked pictures for him to rate- a lot of which make it into his videos.

He belongs in jail.